Medicine 2024, October

Functions, scheme, tasks and structure of the children's clinic

Functions, scheme, tasks and structure of the children's clinic

Parents often have to deal with various diseases in their baby, which, alas, accompany him during the entire period of growing up, and therefore visiting doctors at a children's clinic is an inevitable and frequent event for them. The structure and organizational system of this institution, however, is not transparent and understandable for everyone, and therefore in today's article we will look into this issue

TB dispensary: functions and tasks of the institution

TB dispensary: functions and tasks of the institution

Tuberculosis dispensary - an official state institution for the fight against all forms of tuberculosis, which has a general and day hospital, and also has departments for children and adults

NII OMM, Yekaterinburg: description, features, services, specialists, reviews

NII OMM, Yekaterinburg: description, features, services, specialists, reviews

The Ural Research Institute for Maternal and Infancy Protection was established on the initiative of employees of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation. The clinic is one of the oldest institutions in the country providing assistance during pregnancy and childbirth

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics: job description

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics: job description

The position of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics can be occupied by a person who has a higher education in the field of medicine, as well as a post-graduate training or specialization in the relevant speci alty

Are flies in the eyes a sign of a serious disorder?

Are flies in the eyes a sign of a serious disorder?

Everyone has experienced more than once a feeling called the appearance of "flies" in the eyes. Sometimes it can seem like evidence of some sinister eye disease. But still, in most cases, "flies" in the eyes appear for completely harmless reasons and are not a sign of pathology. However, it also happens when black "flies" before the eyes mean that peripheral vision has been impaired. And that's already a problem

Pneumonia on a fluorography picture: a description of what it looks like

Pneumonia on a fluorography picture: a description of what it looks like

The method is based on the property of an x-ray beam to pass through opaque things, while maintaining its activity. This also applies to fluorography of the chest, x-rays, fluoroscopy and other ultrasound examinations. Methods differ only in the dose of radiation and the way the image is obtained

Skin analyzer: structure, functions and meaning. Skin anatomy

Skin analyzer: structure, functions and meaning. Skin anatomy

Not all people have come across such a concept as a “skin analyzer”. Most are accustomed to calling it a shortened, more familiar term. That is, skin. But, in fact, both concepts denote a complex organ, which is our outer cover

Revaccination - what is it? We find out together

Revaccination - what is it? We find out together

Revaccination - what is it? Before answering the question asked, it is necessary to give an exact definition of the forming word of this medical term

Proliferative inflammation: concept, types, characteristics

Proliferative inflammation: concept, types, characteristics

Productive (or proliferative) inflammation is a reaction of the body, during which the proliferative phase predominates. That is, in this case, the proliferation of cells of histiogenic and hematogenous origin predominates. The main cell in the area of productive inflammation is considered to be a monocyte that enters the tissue directly from the bloodstream; in the tissues, the monocyte transforms into a macrophage

Albumin is lowered: blood sampling, interpretation of the results of the analysis, causes of the decrease, possible consequences, treatment and consultations of doctors

Albumin is lowered: blood sampling, interpretation of the results of the analysis, causes of the decrease, possible consequences, treatment and consultations of doctors

Albumin is the body's main protein. Albumin is a kind of indicator of diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is its decrease that is primarily noticeable in a blood test. In this article, we will find out what diseases are hidden behind the phrase "albumin is lowered", as well as how to deal with them

Why take throat swabs?

Why take throat swabs?

If a person regularly suffers from inflammation in the throat and a runny nose, then it will not be superfluous for him to take swabs from the pharynx. This analysis allows doctors to determine which pathogens are inoculating the nasopharyngeal mucosa. By identifying the exact causative agent of an infectious disease, further treatment can be developed based on the results obtained

What happens if air gets into a vein? What are the consequences of air entering a vein?

What happens if air gets into a vein? What are the consequences of air entering a vein?

What happens if air gets into a vein? This question often arises among those who have been injected incorrectly. And this is no accident. Indeed, in many films and detective novels, this method is often used by ruthless killers in relation to their victims

Daily diuresis, or How to collect daily urine

Daily diuresis, or How to collect daily urine

Daily urinalysis is a simple but very informative diagnostic method. It helps to identify many pathological changes in the human body. But in order for the results to be as accurate as possible, the patient must know how to collect daily urine

Palpation of the spleen: algorithm and technique

Palpation of the spleen: algorithm and technique

Palpation and percussion of the spleen are highly informative techniques that allow you to assess the degree of damage to the organ, its size, consistency and, based on the data obtained, establish a preliminary diagnosis

Bilirubin is elevated in the blood: what does it mean, causes

Bilirubin is elevated in the blood: what does it mean, causes

Modern analyzes make it possible to determine whether certain organs and systems work correctly, as well as to identify pathologies at an early stage of development. When diagnosing, the level of bilirubin in the blood can be studied. The deviation of this indicator from the norm indicates the development of various pathologies

Liver transplant operation: indications, life prognosis

Liver transplant operation: indications, life prognosis

If not so long ago the news about organ transplantation was perceived as something fantastic, today this method of surgical treatment is spoken of as one of the most effective, giving hopeless patients a chance. Meanwhile, it is important for the patient and his relatives to be aware of the danger of such an intervention, the importance of careful preparation for it, and the importance of changing lifestyle in the future. Liver transplant is a drastic treatment for deadly diseases

Glycated hemoglobin is a mandatory test for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and assessing the level of its compensation

Glycated hemoglobin is a mandatory test for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and assessing the level of its compensation

In medical practice, there are often cases when it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment in patients with diabetes mellitus. Then the analysis for glycated hemoglobin comes to the aid of the doctor

Alkaline phosphatase increased: symptoms, causes and norms

Alkaline phosphatase increased: symptoms, causes and norms

In the human body, alkaline phosphatase is responsible for transporting phosphorus to all cells and tissues. Its rate is more or less constant. If alkaline phosphatase is elevated, this indicates a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which, in turn, indicates that a pathological process is developing in the body

Beetle medicine man - an unconventional method of treating serious diseases or a trick of charlatans?

Beetle medicine man - an unconventional method of treating serious diseases or a trick of charlatans?

The medicine beetle has recently been featured as a new safe treatment for malignant tumors. What is the secret of its medicinal properties? Patient reviews

ICB - what is it? Abbreviation decoding

ICB - what is it? Abbreviation decoding

ICD is an international classification of diseases. Thanks to this document, doctors around the world use a unified encoding, which greatly simplifies the process of information exchange. The 10th revision of the ICD is currently in use

Preparing for a biochemical blood test: rules and tips

Preparing for a biochemical blood test: rules and tips

Conscientious preparation for donating blood for biochemical analysis is an opportunity to get the most reliable result. There are no contraindications for this type of study

Blood sodium: norm, analysis, increase and main indicators

Blood sodium: norm, analysis, increase and main indicators

Since ancient times, everyone has known about the benefits of s alt for the body. The component is present on every table, and no one is able to do without it. The significance of this element cannot be disputed in any way, because it affects the general condition of a person

Increased blood protein: causes. Blood chemistry. total protein

Increased blood protein: causes. Blood chemistry. total protein

If a person has elevated protein in the blood, then this is serious. First, this is extremely rare. More often the protein is low. And in this case, everything is much easier to fix. But when it is elevated, it can lead to bad consequences. So, this topic is very serious and important, so you should talk about it in more detail

Purkinje fibers in the heart

Purkinje fibers in the heart

Our heart is a muscle that has a completely unique contraction mechanism. Inside it is a complex system of specific cells (pacemakers), which has a multi-level system for monitoring work. It also includes Purkinje fibers. They are located in the myocardium of the ventricles and are responsible for their synchronous contraction

The belt muscle of the head: symptoms, treatment and prevention of diseases

The belt muscle of the head: symptoms, treatment and prevention of diseases

Like all organs in the human body, muscles are susceptible to disease and damage. A person has painful and unpleasant symptoms when the belt muscle of the head is affected. The upper parietal region hurts, the pain is localized inside the skull behind the eyeball

Anatomy of the muscles of the head and neck. Variety and characteristics

Anatomy of the muscles of the head and neck. Variety and characteristics

By studying the anatomy of the muscles of the head and neck, we will learn what causes head movements, the processes of pronouncing sounds and swallowing. This is a special group of muscles in the human body. The muscles of the head and neck in anatomy are of key importance, thanks to which we know so much about facial expressions

Euromedclinic in Novosibirsk: address, phone, reviews

Euromedclinic in Novosibirsk: address, phone, reviews

Choosing a place for examination and treatment is not so easy. Very often you have to study numerous opinions and reviews about a particular medical center. What can you say about EuroMedClinic in Novosibirsk? Are visitors satisfied with this organization?

Hemoglobin content in erythrocytes: blood sampling algorithm, analysis, interpretation of the result, hemoglobin norm and doctor's consultation

Hemoglobin content in erythrocytes: blood sampling algorithm, analysis, interpretation of the result, hemoglobin norm and doctor's consultation

Blood test results tell a lot about a person's overall he alth. In this case, the correct interpretation of the result obtained is extremely important. A deviation from the norm indicates the presence of various kinds of diseases in the body, while if the average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte is reduced, then this is not considered an exception

Digestive glands: structure and functions

Digestive glands: structure and functions

Can you complete this task: list the human digestive glands. If you doubt the exact answer, then our article is exactly for you

Resuscitation of newborns: indications, types, stages, medicines

Resuscitation of newborns: indications, types, stages, medicines

The high level of training of medical personnel allows you to increase the chances of life and reduce the possible development of complications. Adequate and timely resuscitation of newborns is the first step to reduce the number of deaths and the development of diseases

Endometrial thickness: norm and value

Endometrial thickness: norm and value

Endometrium can change throughout a woman's life, and these changes can be both pathological and physiological. With changes in the endometrium, the norm is determined based on certain conditions

Parasitic infections: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, treatment and prevention

Parasitic infections: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, treatment and prevention

Parasitic infections are widespread throughout the world. In some cases, they cause serious he alth problems, and sometimes they can cause death. In order to avoid such consequences, it is very important to follow preventive measures. And if the disease has already begun, then it is necessary to diagnose the presence of infection in a timely manner and begin appropriate treatment

Conclusion of the DNA examination. Conducting DNA analysis to establish paternity. genetic expertise

Conclusion of the DNA examination. Conducting DNA analysis to establish paternity. genetic expertise

Surely every person knows what unites and makes so different all living on Earth. We owe our commonality and uniqueness to the ordinary molecule. We don't even realize how much DNA evidence can tell us. Let's try to understand the great secrets that are stored in the human genetic program

Physical qualities of a person and their development

Physical qualities of a person and their development

The physical qualities of a person need to be intensively developed from an early age. Only then will they remain at an optimal level into adulthood

Disposable speculums, sizes and uses

Disposable speculums, sizes and uses

Every woman sooner or later turns to a gynecologist. Some representatives of the weaker sex have complaints and ask for treatment. Others come to the doctor in order to register for pregnancy. Still others do need a routine medical examination to pass the commission. One way or another, a female doctor has to examine her patients and take elementary tests. One of the common tools used by such doctors are speculums

The structure of the human lungs

The structure of the human lungs

The human lungs are one of the most important organs, without which its existence is impossible. Breathing seems so natural to us, but in fact, during it, complex processes take place in our body that ensure our vital activity. To better understand them, you need to know the structure of the lungs

Antitoxic immunity: concept, mechanisms of production, features and methods of exposure

Antitoxic immunity: concept, mechanisms of production, features and methods of exposure

The article gives a general concept of immunity, highlights its types. This type of immunity is defined as toxic, the mechanism of its production by the body is considered, as well as the method of exposure to antitoxic immunity to a number of infectious diseases

How to treat cough in adults?

How to treat cough in adults?

Soviet power is long gone, but we continue to live in the "country of the Soviets". Even a child seems to know how to treat cough in adults today. Do not rush to take the advice of friends. Think carefully about the consequences of self-medication

Rehabilitation potential and its components

Rehabilitation potential and its components

The rehabilitation potential of a disabled person is a characteristic of the biological, energy state of the body, from which it follows how effectively various organs and systems function, which are important in the rehabilitation process

Blood pressure monitor: how to choose the right one?

Blood pressure monitor: how to choose the right one?

Blood pressure is a very important indicator of a person's he alth. To measure this value, a device called a tonometer is used. There are several types of this device. Read about them and decide which type of tonometer is right for you