As you know, paraffin creates a greenhouse effect on human skin - a specific film that does not allow ambient air to penetrate into the tissues. As a result of this, there is an increased absorption of nutrients by the skin - a regenerative process begins, in which cellulite is gradually eliminated, the amount of fat deposits decreases, and the skin acquires a beautiful and he althy appearance. Paraffin wrap will be more effective if you add special anti-cellulite components to the main composition, which will be discussed below.
What is parafango?

More recently, the parafango procedure was carried out exclusively in elite beauty salons, but over time, special formulations and devices for heating paraffin appeared on the free market, which made it possible to do a paraffin wrap at home. In most cases, the composition of parafango contains sea mud,algae, s alts, minerals and vitamin preparations. During the treatment procedure, a healing mixture of paraffin and various active substances is applied to problematic skin, as a result of which metabolic processes begin to activate, which contributes to the rapid dissolution of cellulite formations. It should be noted that in terms of its effectiveness, parafango can compete with the latest hardware methods for eliminating unwanted fat deposits.
Salon Parafango

How is a paraffin wrap carried out in a specialized beauty salon? Before applying the composition to the skin, it is necessarily treated with a scrub to eliminate all impurities, after which anti-cellulite serum is rubbed, which helps to increase blood circulation and activates the removal of excess fluid from the tissues. And only after such preparatory measures have been taken, a special paraffin composition is applied to the problem areas, after which the body is wrapped in a thermal blanket or thermal film. The correct combination of these conditions leads to the active burning of excess fat and the rapid restoration of the tissue structure. In addition, paraffin wrapping is an excellent prevention of vasoconstriction and varicose veins. After the procedure, the cosmetologist removes wax residues from the skin, and also massages with anti-cellulite cream.
Home paraffin treatment

In order to avoid adverse reactions of the body, carry outparaffin wrapping at home is possible only subject to certain rules. First of all, when purchasing a ready-made medicinal composition in a pharmacy, you should carefully read the instructions. Next, you need to thoroughly clean the skin with a scrub, apply a healing composition to it, wrap yourself in thermal film and wrap yourself in a blanket. After an hour, you need to carefully remove the paraffin film, rub the skin with a massage brush and apply an anti-cellulite cream. Paraffin wrap, reviews of which indicate its high efficiency, begins to act from the first procedure, the total number of which should be at least ten.
Use of paraffin for children
For children, they make something like boots from the foot to the knee out of heated paraffin. This procedure is prescribed for the treatment of hypertonicity of the muscles of the lower extremities, neuralgia, as well as acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Paraffin wrap for children is often combined with electrophoresis, therapeutic massage and medication. Contraindications for paraffin treatment are heart and inflammatory diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus.