What does an MRI of the intestine show? Methods for examining the intestine

What does an MRI of the intestine show? Methods for examining the intestine
What does an MRI of the intestine show? Methods for examining the intestine

Various bowel diseases are increasingly affecting the human body. The reason for this is hereditary predisposition, malnutrition, violation of a he althy lifestyle, and so on. It is worth noting that some pathologies of this organ do not manifest themselves in any way until the very last moment. That is why it is so important to regularly analyze the intestines. Medicine has come a long way in recent years. A wide variety of methods for examining the intestines are now known. It is about them that you will learn from the article. It is also worth mentioning separately about the procedure called MRI of the intestine.

mri of the celiac
mri of the celiac

How can I examine the digestive organs?

Research of these departments can be done in several ways. All of them require preliminary preparation in the form of diet and bowel cleansing. Diagnostic methods differ in the duration of the manipulation, the cost of the procedure, the methods of intervention, and so on. Consider the main methods of conductingbowel examination.

mri intestine price
mri intestine price

Capsule method

This method is quite new and is practically not used in Russia. For diagnostics, the patient is asked to use a small capsule, inside of which there is a chip with a camera.

Getting into the intestines, this device allows you to assess its patency and possible neoplasms. Approximately two days after the study, the capsule dissolves, and the chip is excreted from the body along with feces.


This manipulation allows a good examination of the digestive organs and upper intestines. It is produced exclusively on an empty stomach. The patient must swallow a special device with a tube, which subsequently enters the intestine and shows the existing pathologies.

Manipulation is rarely used due to the possibility of using more advanced methods that cause less discomfort.

do an MRI of the intestines
do an MRI of the intestines


This method of research is used quite often. During the manipulation, the doctor can not only examine the walls of the intestine, but also remove small neoplasms.

Diagnosis is carried out by inserting a camera with a tube into the anus. After that, the organ is inflated with air, and the apparatus moves forward. The examination does not require anesthesia and may cause only mild discomfort to the patient.


This manipulation involves the use of X-rayequipment. The method is completely painless and quite informative.

Before the examination, the patient must use a contrast agent that descends along the walls of the intestine. At this time, an X-ray machine is aimed at his abdominal cavity. The resulting images are evaluated by a doctor.

methods of examination of the intestine
methods of examination of the intestine

Intestinal rectoscopy

Often this manipulation is called sigmoidoscopy. It is produced after careful preparation and does not require the use of anesthetics.

During manipulation, an apparatus is inserted into the anus, which expands the walls of the organ with air. After that, the physician examines the walls of the organ and, if necessary, takes part of the material for a biopsy. This manipulation is one of the most popular in the diagnosis of intestinal diseases.

Additional research methods

In addition to the above diagnostic methods, one can single out computed tomography and MRI of the intestine. These manipulations are more expensive and do not allow simultaneous sampling of material for a more detailed analysis. However, MRI of the intestine is the preferred procedure of all the above. All due to the fact that the study is performed in several planes and can give a more informative picture of the state of the organ.

Also widely used diagnostics through palpation. However, this method does not have certain advantages. With the help of manual examination, one can only assess the condition of the initial sections of the intestine.

bowel analysis
bowel analysis

Intestinal MRI: what will the study show?

This diagnosis can reveal many pathologies of the digestive system. At the same time, not only the large and rectum, but also its other calvings are examined. Manipulation can reveal the following pathologies:

  • oncology and precancerous conditions;
  • polyps and cysts;
  • fecal stones and impassable departments;
  • inflamed areas and thickened walls;
  • weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and so on.

Manipulation allows you to evaluate the results of the study. If any pathology is detected, it is possible to determine the degree of its prevalence in the intestinal wall.

Summing up

If your doctor has recommended that you have an MRI of the intestines, then you should not postpone the date of the examination. Diagnostics is quite safe and informative. In public hospitals, the procedure is usually carried out free of charge, but not every institution has special equipment and staff who know how to use it. If necessary, you can conduct an examination in a private clinic. In this case, the price for MRI of the intestine will be in the range from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. If you wish, you can choose alternative methods of diagnosing this organ. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the preliminary diagnosis and the purpose of the study.

Keep your digestive system under control and check regularly. Good he alth to you!
