A clavicle bandage is used for a broken collarbone or ankle injury. How to apply it correctly? Read about this and more in the article.
Historical background
For the first time, dressings for injuries began to be used in ancient times. Under Hippocrates, resin, sticky plaster, and canvas were successfully used for this purpose. It is known that in ancient civilizations, special devices and bandages were used to treat fractures and various curvatures of the spine, arms, and legs. Bandages are first mentioned in the first century AD. And already in the ninth-eleventh centuries, Arab scientists in their writings describe the use of gypsum for fractures.

In the Middle Ages, people mastered the method of treating dislocations and fractures with the help of weights. In the seventeenth century, German doctors proposed a bandage made from strips of cloth intertwined. In the future, adhesive bandages firmly entered medical practice. By the middle of the nineteenth century, scientists had created almost all types of bandages that exist today.
Cruciform bandage for clavicle injury
The figure-of-eight bandage is made of soft material and applied tothe injured area to ensure the fixation of the joints in their usual position. This contributes to the fastest recovery of the body.

Clavicle fractures are more common in young children as the bones have not completely hardened at this age. In this case, no displacement occurs, the fragment is held by the periosteum. Such children's fractures are called "green branch". It happens that the clavicle breaks into pieces. This usually occurs when an injury is caused by an accident.
After straightening all the bones and setting them in the correct position, it is necessary to apply an eight-shaped bandage, which is also called a cruciform bandage. Thanks to her, the necessary tension is created in the shoulder girdle.
Subsequently, a callus may form, but, thanks to the eight-shaped bandage, thickening will not occur, and the arms, fingers and shoulder joints will retain full mobility. Currently, nothing better than a cruciate bandage for a fracture of the collarbone has been invented. But, there are times when a different type of bandage or cast should be used.
Eight Bandage Technique
To do the job, you need to stock up on several rolls of bandage 13-15 centimeters wide. You can cut it yourself from gauze. You will also need about one kilogram of cotton wool, but not synthetic or cellulose.
Clavicle fracture dressing is applied by a medical worker. The patient is seated on a stool with his back to the doctor, who puts one foot on the chair, and rests his knee on the areabetween the patient's shoulder blades. This procedure is necessary in order to give the body the desired position.
Then, large cotton swabs are inserted into the armpits, and the shoulder joints in front should be completely closed. This design does not require fastening, so the bandage is applied immediately in front, and the armpits are carried out. Bandages are crossed between the shoulder blades. Thus, the necessary tension is created. Moreover, each new turn of the bandage lifts and pulls the shoulders back. Bandages are applied from the neck to both sides.

A bandage for a broken collarbone should not squeeze the nipples and interfere with the blood circulation of the chest and limbs. If you doubt the reliability of the design, the bandage can be sewn in separate passes.
The application of an eight-shaped bandage provides reliable fixation of bone fragments, their displacement is impossible. During the rehabilitation period, the victim should be in the supine position. Dressing should be done once every three to four days. This is necessary in order to visually assess the picture of bone fusion and take an x-ray. The limb on the injured side should not be lowered down. It should be secured to a he althy shoulder with a bandage.
Surgical treatment of fractured collarbone
During the examination, the doctor evaluates the patient's condition. If the vessels in the subclavian region are compressed by a displaced bone, then the specialist prescribes an operation.
There are such fractures of the clavicle when the fusion lasts a long time. And sometimes you even need a transplant of that partbone that cannot be repaired. After such an operation, the eight-shaped bandage is no longer needed.
Ankle injury
The foot has high mobility and a fairly large angle of deviation from the axis when moving. In this area there are many muscles and ligaments that connect the elements of the joints. Soft tissues are elastic and tend to contract. They are joint stabilizers.

When injured, the joint is displaced, acquiring abnormal mobility. In more severe cases, foot deformity may occur. It is important to remember that the bulk of the human body falls on the ankle joint, and this creates additional tension in the muscles and ligaments. The load on the joint also increases while wearing narrow, tight high-heeled shoes. Therefore, ankle injuries are not considered uncommon. Reliable protection in case of a fracture is a bandage on the ankle joint.
Bandage technique
A typical type of dressing for an ankle injury is still the same eight-shaped bandage (or cruciform, as it is called). When properly applied, the mobility of the foot is limited, which is very important in case of a fracture or dislocation, since torn connective fibers recover faster.

Ankle bandage normalizes blood flow, improves lymph outflow, eliminates pinched nerves, reduces pain and inflammation of the foot. When applying bandages, circular bandages are used.movement. The bandage is carried out through the instep to the outer edge of the foot, then along the circumference in several turns. Next, the bandage tape is retracted to the ankle area and the algorithm is repeated.
The eight-shaped bandage can be applied to the joint at home if the injury is not dangerous and there is no need to hospitalize the victim. This is possible with stretching of the ligaments, muscles. If the injury is serious (for example, a fracture), then you should go to the trauma center.
Thus, a bandage is an emergency measure for a variety of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.