Stuttering is a disturbance in the tempo and rhythm of speech that is caused by convulsions. Seizures are observed in different parts of the vocal apparatus.

Causes of illness
Most often, a child develops stuttering for the following reasons:
- emotional tension;
- hereditary factors;
- brain lesions of various nature;
- frequent stressful situations.
How to recognize the signs?
Recognizing the signs of stuttering is pretty easy. The child may suddenly become silent, usually for several hours, after which he starts talking again. There is a systematic use of extra sounds, usually "and" and "a". The first syllables or whole words at the beginning of a phrase are often repeated. Various difficulties before starting a conversation can also indicate stuttering, in which case the child may develop complexes that eventually develop into serious problems. That is why it is very important to turn to a specialist for help in time.

At the moment, there are many methods to prevent orcorrect stuttering, the treatment of which depends on the severity of the disease and is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. Prior to the start of the examination, significant moments of the prenatal period are analyzed: the diseases of the father and mother, the very course of pregnancy itself. Next, information about the baby's speech development is evaluated: the appearance of the first sounds, words, phrases, the rate of speech. It is very important to know the child's speech environment (are there any adults who stutter, is their speech rate too fast, etc.). Another important factor influencing stuttering in a child is his upbringing in the family. It is important to limit the excessive manifestation of affection, indulging the whims of the child, or, conversely, physical punishment, intimidation, harsh treatment. Children between the ages of two and four are best treated. Diagnosing stuttering in the early stages is difficult, but timely assistance can completely save the child from the disease. A professional speech therapist will develop an individual method of working with a child that will cure, correct or prevent stuttering. Treatment at home is also one of the important components of the overall complex.
Some advice for parents
Parents should consider the following recommendations:
- speak to the child smoothly and clearly enough, the pace of speech should be moderate;
- demand the possible from the child, encourage and punish in moderation, in no case resorting to physical violence;
- do not involve a stuttering child in games that may require individual speechspeeches. But games that have choral answers, round dances and other group activities will benefit your baby;
- music and dance promote the development of speech breathing, so they are recommended for children with stuttering.

It is important to remember that stuttering in a child develops from an early age, and this disease progresses quite quickly. Try to take a closer look at the child. Stuttering detected early is easier to treat.