Medicine 2024, October

What should be a he althy throat for a child and an adult?

What should be a he althy throat for a child and an adult?

There are many ailments that can be confused with each other. So, a person feels discomfort in the larynx, but he has a he althy throat. A visit to the doctor will help to cope with the painful symptoms and make the correct diagnosis. It is better to familiarize yourself with the list of reasons that cause false sensations. After all, often erroneous treatment begins to be carried out at home

"Petersburg ambulance": address, phone, reviews

"Petersburg ambulance": address, phone, reviews

"Petersburg ambulance" is a medical institution where assistance will be provided as quickly as possible. You can hear only positive feedback about the work of specialists

Bionic prosthesis: device, installation, principle of operation. Bionic limb prostheses

Bionic prosthesis: device, installation, principle of operation. Bionic limb prostheses

Bionic prostheses pick up brain signals and make movements available to living limbs. Scientists are trying to blur the line between nature and technology

Intranasal - what kind of drug administration? Intranasal preparations

Intranasal - what kind of drug administration? Intranasal preparations

There are many different ways to introduce a drug into the human body. At the dawn of medicine, local methods were first used in the form of applications, rubbing, compresses and oral, including the ingestion of a number of dosage forms or sublingual resorption. With the development of medicine and technology for delivering the active substance to the target organ, more complex methods began to be used

Evidence-based medicine. Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Principles of evidence-based medicine

Evidence-based medicine. Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Principles of evidence-based medicine

Evidence-based medicine is the integration of the best arguments of science with clinical experience and patient needs. It is a detailed and rational use of the best evidence of the present in the decision-making process in the treatment of patients

Cranial nerves, 12 pairs: anatomy, table, functions

Cranial nerves, 12 pairs: anatomy, table, functions

In the cranial or, as they are also called, cranial nerves 12 pairs are included. Some of them leave the brain, others enter it. They innervate the glands, muscles, skin and other organs located here, as well as in the abdominal and chest cavities. Let's talk today about these couples and the violations that occur in them

Abducens nerve: description, anatomy, functions and features

Abducens nerve: description, anatomy, functions and features

The abducens nerve refers to a group of cranial nerves that are involved in the innervation of the muscles of the eyeball. Its defeat leads to convergent strabismus and visual impairment

Human axillary nerve: structure, functions and possible diseases

Human axillary nerve: structure, functions and possible diseases

The axillary nerve and radial are the components of the posterior trunk of the brachial plexus. A nerve passes under the shoulder joint, giving a branch that innervates the small round muscle, which rotates the arm outward

Diet for pneumonia: table number, features and nuances of cooking, doctor's prescriptions, treatment and recovery period

Diet for pneumonia: table number, features and nuances of cooking, doctor's prescriptions, treatment and recovery period

Treatment of pneumonia requires an integrated approach and a serious attitude from the first day of diagnosis of the disease. Properly selected medications, combined with proper nutrition, can significantly shorten the period of the disease and speed up recovery. What kind of recommendations do professional doctors give, how does a children's diet for pneumonia differ from an adult, and what foods should not be consumed in case of respiratory diseases, read in the article below

Structure and function of the rectum

Structure and function of the rectum

In this article we will look at the functions of the rectum and its significance. And also get acquainted with its anatomical structure, analyze in detail the role of the layers of which it consists, study the processes of blood supply

Digestive system of organs: functions and structure

Digestive system of organs: functions and structure

One of the most important parts of the human body is its digestive system. This set is thought out and organized by nature in such a way that its owner can extract from the food consumed everything that is necessary for the implementation of normal life

Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

Under certain circumstances, bacteria become dangerous to humans, causing serious illness. Some of them are easily treated with antibiotics or even conventional antiseptics, while others are much more difficult to get rid of. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, as well as when prescribing treatment, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are isolated

He alth education: principles, forms, methods and means

He alth education: principles, forms, methods and means

He alth education is an affordable way to convey to the mass consciousness and instill in every citizen a culture of hygiene in all spheres of life. He alth education is based on the principles of mass character, accessibility, a scientific approach to issues and is of national importance

Source of infection: definition, types, detection

Source of infection: definition, types, detection

Our tongue is home to over 600 species of known microorganisms at all times, but we are more likely to catch an infection on public transport. What is the source of the infectious disease? How does the infection mechanism work?

Capsules are a dosage form. Features of the application, the difference between capsules and tablets

Capsules are a dosage form. Features of the application, the difference between capsules and tablets

"Capsule" in Latin means "box", "box", "casket". Consider in the article the features of the application, the main advantages and differences between the capsule and the tablet

What is an intervertebral foramen?

What is an intervertebral foramen?

The intervertebral foramens of the spinal canal play an important role in the human body, so it is important to know what they consist of, where and how they are formed. Read about this and much more in the article

Anatomy of the spine: spinous process

Anatomy of the spine: spinous process

The spine has curves to help absorb shock when walking, running or jumping. This reduces pressure on the vertebrae, and it also helps protect the brain from concussion. And the spinous processes of the spine limit its movement in the anteroposterior direction, due to which its integrity is preserved

Anatomy of the cervical vertebra, structure and function

Anatomy of the cervical vertebra, structure and function

Anatomy of the cervical vertebrae, functions and structure of the cervical spine. Features of the first, second and seventh vertebrae

Coccygeal and sacral vertebrae

Coccygeal and sacral vertebrae

The complex structure of the human spine is necessary to maintain balance when walking and cushion every movement. Therefore, it consists of individual vertebrae, movably connected to each other and separated by intervertebral discs

The human bone. Anatomy: human bones. Human skeleton with bones name

The human bone. Anatomy: human bones. Human skeleton with bones name

What is the composition of a human bone, their name in certain parts of the skeleton and other information you will learn from the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about how they are interconnected and what function they perform

The suture material is absorbable. Surgical suture

The suture material is absorbable. Surgical suture

During surgery, there is a need to connect tissues, blood vessels. Suture materials in surgery have undergone a certain evolution, and today they have a number of specific properties that contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. Modern medicine has also taken into account the cosmetic side: the seams become less noticeable, and often there is no trace of them at all

Wound infection: description, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Wound infection: description, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Wound infection can develop for many reasons. It is very important that measures be taken in time to get rid of it. If the visit to the doctor is delayed, then complications may develop

Can an artificial eye be distinguished from a real one?

Can an artificial eye be distinguished from a real one?

The use of the latest technology using an artificial lens and an artificial eye will allow people who have lost their sight to feel the joy of life again and do what they love. Modern medicine offers two types of prostheses: glass and plastic

Internal human organs: location, description

Internal human organs: location, description

It is very important to know the location of all the internal organs of a person. There is no need to carefully study this issue, generalized knowledge is enough. They will allow you to easily navigate in various situations when pain occurs. Among the organs there are those that belong to the chest and pelvic region. Others are located in the abdominal cavity. Next, consider the human structure and internal organs. Photos of clarifying schemes are available in the article

Pyramids of the medulla oblongata: structure, functions and effects on the human body

Pyramids of the medulla oblongata: structure, functions and effects on the human body

The brain is the most complex organ of living organisms. Although many books and textbooks have been written about the brain, there are still many functions and areas that have not been fully explored. In this article we will try to explain in simple terms how the pyramids of the medulla oblongata are arranged, what the medulla oblongata itself is and what functions of a living organism it is responsible for

Blood alcohol breakdown rate

Blood alcohol breakdown rate

The rate of disintegration of alcohol in the body depends on many external and internal factors. Age, gender, body weight, lifestyle, general he alth - all this affects the ability to absorb it into the bloodstream and remove it from the body. Each person has his own optimal dose of alcohol that he can afford

Diagnosis of breast cancer in Togliatti mammologists

Diagnosis of breast cancer in Togliatti mammologists

Breast cancer is a common disease that affects thousands of women every year. Timely detection of cancer can save a woman's life. The best mammologists of Togliatti, working in modern medical centers, can perform breast diagnostics

Shoulder bandage: indications, description, types and rules of use

Shoulder bandage: indications, description, types and rules of use

Medical indications for the use of a shoulder brace. Types of bandages: fixing, supporting, limiting. Children's shoulder brace - description. The degree of fixation and how to care for the product

Shoulder and forearm brace. Shoulder braces

Shoulder and forearm brace. Shoulder braces

The main task of any fixer is to immobilize the area of his responsibility. So, with regard to the upper limb, a fixator of the shoulder and forearm, shoulder girdle, wrist joint, hand and fingers can be used here. Clamps are made of various materials, have different rigidity - the degree of limitation of mobility, different degrees of compression

Pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc

Pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc

Currently, every second person has symptoms of the development of vertebral pathologies. First of all, they are associated with different heights, deformation or separation of the intervertebral discs. The disease proceeds for a long time, but the peak of its intensity is the time of active production work

Fibrous ring: types, purpose, possible problems, treatment and consultations of doctors

Fibrous ring: types, purpose, possible problems, treatment and consultations of doctors

The annulus fibrosus is found in 3 places in the human body: intervertebral discs, aortic and pulmonic valves. It is the basis of these valves. Anuli (annuli) fibrosi (cordis), BNA - ring-shaped formations of dense elastic connective tissue surrounding the openings of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. This ring separates the left ventricle and the aorta, adjoining it 3 pockets of semilunar valves

Human back: main functions and structure

Human back: main functions and structure

The human back consists of two large parts: supporting and motor. Let's talk in more detail about each of them. Consider in general what is the back, sections of the spine, their functions and features

Functions and structure of the oral cavity

Functions and structure of the oral cavity

The structure of the human oral cavity was formed on the basis of the functions that the mouth performs. This is the initial stage of digestion, pronunciation of sounds and breathing. In children and adults, the structure of the oral cavity, as well as the mucous membrane, has a number of differences and changes with age. What are the features of the oral organs and mucous membranes, how do they affect he alth?

Cervical corset for osteochondrosis. Orthopedic collar. Neck brace

Cervical corset for osteochondrosis. Orthopedic collar. Neck brace

Cervical corset - an indispensable tool for osteochondrosis, sprains, in the postoperative period. Orthopedic collars come in several types and types, the choice of which depends on the individual characteristics of the cervical region, the cause of the disease. When using a neck brace, it is necessary to take into account the rules for wearing it, contraindications

Tumor necrosis factor: drugs

Tumor necrosis factor: drugs

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a specific protein of a group of cytokines - hormone-like substances produced by the immune system. It is of great interest in medicine due to its properties - the ability to cause cell death (necrosis) of intratumoral tissue. This is a real breakthrough in medicine, allowing the use of drugs with TNF for the treatment of cancer

Tactical medicine. Providing first aid

Tactical medicine. Providing first aid

If the situation allows, it is necessary to provide the victim with plenty of fluids, to ensure the elevated position of the injured limb. In case of bruises, a tight bandage is applied, local anesthesia is performed with external agents, further immobilization and evacuation are provided

Rhythms of life as a universal property of living systems

Rhythms of life as a universal property of living systems

Rhythms of life or, as they say, biorhythms, every living structure has, be it a microscopic cell or the vast Universe. A person's life from his first to his last breath is also subject to hundreds of biorhythms - heartbeat, awakening, going to bed, seasons of the year, daily routine, etc. Are our he alth, mood, success, longevity connected with biorhythms? Who sets the biorhythms? Is it possible to change them? All answers are in this article

Key concepts affecting the bones of the wrist and pain in this area

Key concepts affecting the bones of the wrist and pain in this area

The hand is the most mobile part of the hand, which opens up a huge field for human activity. With the help of brushes, we can perform both rough work that requires the application of force, as well as fine, high-precision work with the smallest fragile details. And first of all, the bones of the wrist are responsible for this

Kidney hormones: how they are produced, functions and features

Kidney hormones: how they are produced, functions and features

Each kidney hormone performs its own function and is considered vital. Some diseases contribute to hyper- or hypoproduction of renin, erythropoietin, prostaglandin and calcitriol. A failure in the human body always leads to disastrous results, so it is necessary to pay attention to the urinary system as one of the fundamental

Nursing interventions: goals, planning, motivations

Nursing interventions: goals, planning, motivations

Nursing interventions, which are reflected in the plan of patient care, are a list of those actions that a nurse will take in order to solve the problems of a particular patient. In the event that the problem is potential, then such intervention can be aimed at preventing its transition into real