We all like to drink. Alcohol among different peoples has long been considered a means of communication, helping to establish connections and find common ground between people. Alcoholic drinks also help to relax and create the illusion of getting away from problems.
The average person prepares to drink alcohol and tries to drink it only at important events and on holidays. But it is not always possible to calculate the amount and drink as much as planned. In this case, information about the time of disintegration of alcohol in the blood will be useful.
Signs of intoxication
The body of each person is individual. But there are several signs that are characteristic of an organism that has been exposed to alcohol. Intoxication is always accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Disturbance of coordination of movements.
- Decreased intelligence and ability to think logically.
- Decreased or lost sense of balance.
- Complete disorientation in space.
- Speech disorders, partial loss of voice,hearing.
- Deterioration of memory and attention.

Steps in the breakdown of alcohol
Ethyl alcohol is very easily absorbed into the bloodstream. The process begins in the oral mucosa. Approximately 20% is absorbed in the stomach, the rest of the alcohol takes the small intestine. The lower the degree of alcohol, the faster it is processed by the body. In the stomach, a small part of the alcohol is broken down by enzymes and does not enter the bloodstream at all.

Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, most of the work to neutralize it is done by the liver. It converts ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is then converted to acetate (acetic acid), and then the new substance decomposes into carbon dioxide and water in the same place. The resulting inorganic substances are then excreted from the body.
What determines the rate of alcohol breakdown in the body
The disintegration period of alcohol depends not only on the strength, the amount of drink drunk and the quality of the snack, but also on the physical characteristics of the individual. The rate of ethanol excretion is significantly influenced by factors such as gender, age, height-to-weight ratio, percentage of muscle and fat tissues in the body.
Also, when calculating the rate of disintegration of alcohol in the blood, it is important to take into account the mental state of a person at the time of drinking alcohol, metabolic rate, general he alth, type of nervous system.
Body weight
The greater the weight of the drinker, the fasteralcohol is absorbed and, accordingly, removed from the body. This is due to the fact that adipose tissue, the percentage of which is higher in more obese people, cannot retain ethanol for a long time and it quickly leaves the body.
Also, if the body has a high percentage of muscle mass, moreover, a person regularly goes to the gym, frequent alcohol intake can adversely affect muscle growth by slowing down. It is important to remember this and not to abuse the drink.
Influence of gender on the rate of disintegration of alcohol
It has been proven that the breakdown of alcohol in the blood of women is 20% slower than that of men. For example, if 100 ml of brandy is excreted from the body of a representative of the strong half of humanity after an average of 4 hours, the weaker sex will process the same amount of this drink only after 10 hours.
One of the reasons for this difference is the faster metabolism in the male body compared to the female body and, as a rule, higher body weight in the former, as well as the habit of drinking more and choosing stronger drinks. But if the time of disintegration of alcohol in the blood of men is less, this does not mean that the stronger sex can drink without knowing the measure.

Estimated alcohol withdrawal time
Half a liter of beer is excreted from the male body in 2 hours, from the female - in 6 hours.
A glass of wine (200 ml) breaks down in the strong half in 3 hours, in the weak half in 7.
The breakdown of blood alcohol from a portion of cognac (50 ml) lasts 2 hours for men, 5 hours for women.
Champagne, thanks to enrichmentcarbon dioxide, absorbed and excreted by the body much faster. Intoxication from two glasses (400 ml) of this drink passes for men in 3 hours, and for women only for 8.
Half a glass of vodka (100 ml) is processed by the body of the stronger sex in 4 hours, and the weak - in 10.
How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body
If you need to sober up quickly and reduce the effect of ethanol on the organs and nervous system, there are several proven methods that will always help in this case. But the fact that you have exceeded the measure of alcohol consumption the day before does not mean that traditional medicine can be abused, no matter how safe they may seem. Let's take a closer look.
More liquid
It is not necessary to drink a jar of cucumber pickle in the morning. In order for the breakdown of alcohol in the blood to pass faster, you need to drink as much he althy and natural liquid as possible. Water (preferably mineral water), juices, and drinks high in vitamin C can help fight a hangover. Better if it is grapefruit, orange juice or tea with lemon.

Honey and dairy products
These natural products contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that will not only help to quickly remove alcohol from the blood, but also try to remove the effects of alcohol poisoning.
Honey is best mixed with warm tea, water or milk to increase the tonic effect. Kefir and other fermented milk products are also useful for the body recovering from alcohol consumption.
Fatty food
If no chewing gum can drown out the persistent smell of fumes, natural fat will come to the rescue. Let us explain this point of view.
After alcohol, it is better not to eat heavy and solid foods such as fatty meats or salads with mayonnaise. To speed up the breakdown of alcohol in the blood and at the same time remove an unpleasant odor, meat broth is best. It will restore the balance of fluid in the body and at the same time cover the walls of the stomach with an oil film, thanks to which the smell of alcohol will not break through.

Metabolism boost
If you are young and with a he althy cardiovascular system, everything is in order to speed up the removal of ethyl alcohol from the blood, you can visit a bath, sauna or arrange an unscheduled exercise. In the steam room, you need to sweat well so that all the alcohol comes out. Exercise also helps to temporarily boost your metabolic rate, making your blood alcohol break down much faster.

Do not take on an empty stomach
To initially reduce the harmful effects of ethanol poisoning, eat plenty of nutritious and slow-digesting foods while drinking alcohol. Alcohol taken on an empty stomach is absorbed more quickly into the blood, but is slowly excreted from the body. If you drink full or eat as you drink alcohol, intoxication will come later and will not be so obvious. Also, for a well-eaten person, the decay time is increased by 20%.blood alcohol. Women still excrete ethanol more slowly, even if they eat a larger volume than men.