Coccygeal and sacral vertebrae

Coccygeal and sacral vertebrae
Coccygeal and sacral vertebrae

The complex structure of the human spine is necessary to maintain balance when walking and cushion every movement. Therefore, it consists of individual vertebrae, movably connected to each other and separated by intervertebral discs. But not all parts of the spine have such a structure. The sacral vertebrae are only divided in children and adolescents. By about 18 years of age, they fuse together, forming a solid bone. It is called the sacrum, and it has a special structure. This department is isolated separately, but sometimes combined with the lumbar and coccygeal, as they perform similar functions.

Anatomy of the spinal column

The human spine is a complex system consisting of individual vertebrae, movably connected to each other with the help of joints of a special structure and many ligaments. Soft discs are placed between the vertebrae to cushion movement when walking. They protect the mentioned elements from destruction, and the brain from concussions. Such a structure provides human mobility, the ability to perform tilts, turns, maintain balance when walking.

The danger of such a complex structure is that inside eachThe vertebra passes through the spinal canal, many nerves and blood vessels. Therefore, it is so important to maintain the spine in the correct position and protect it from injury. The most common injuries are dislocations or displacement of the vertebrae, herniated discs, tissue deformities.

There are five sections in the structure of the spine:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar;
  • sacral;
  • coccygeal.

But because of the peculiarities of the structure of the lower sections, they are sometimes combined. When they say "vertebrae of the lumbosacral spine", they often mean the sacrum, and the coccyx, and the lower back. After all, they perform similar functions, and even their diseases and injuries are similar.

sacral vertebrae
sacral vertebrae

Sacral spine

This is a special part of the human spine. This department consists of five vertebrae. They have a complex structure and perform very important functions. The sacral vertebrae are connected movably only up to 14-15 years. After this age, they begin to gradually grow together. This process begins from below, at the junction with the coccyx. Finally, the sacrum turns into a single bone by the age of 25. The sacral and coccygeal vertebrae in an adult are triangles with their apex down. This is the base of the spine, providing its connection with the pelvis and lower limbs.

sacral vertebrae
sacral vertebrae

The structure of the sacrum

This department is the foundation of the human spine. Therefore, the structure of the sacral vertebrae is slightly differentfrom the rest. They have underdeveloped ribs and fused transverse processes. And in the upper part there are special ear-shaped surfaces needed to connect with the bones of the pelvis. This joint is called the sacroiliac joint. Due to the fact that the sacrum is not as mobile as the rest of the spine, it does not have intervertebral discs. But there are many very tight ligaments that keep the bones together.

The following parts are distinguished in the sacrum:

  • inward-facing pelvis;
  • dorsal or posterior surface;
  • two lateral side pieces;
  • wide base facing up;
  • tapered top pointing down.
  • 5 sacral vertebra
    5 sacral vertebra

Features of the sacral region

The sacrum is the base of the spine, the junction of it with the lower body. Due to this location and functions, this section of the spine has several features:

  • it consists of five fused vertebrae;
  • this department bears the brunt of the spine;
  • the sacrum is a single bone in the shape of a triangle pointing down;
  • there are no discs between the vertebrae;
  • the sacrum forms the back wall of the small pelvis;
  • he is fixed with strong ligaments attached to the pelvic ring;
  • the posterior surface of the sacrum is convex and has five vertical ridges, which are tubercles located one above the other;
  • when connected with the lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum forms a specialarticulation, which is a large protrusion directed into the pelvic cavity;
  • 5 The sacral vertebra connects to the coccygeal region to form the sacrococcygeal junction.
  • vertebrae of the lumbosacral spine
    vertebrae of the lumbosacral spine

What are the functions of the sacral vertebrae

The sacrum takes all the weight of the body. It is designed to ensure the stability of a person when walking and a strong connection with the pelvic bones. In addition, the special structure of the sacral region is necessary in order to protect the lower part of the spinal canal. For its communication with the pelvis and lower limbs, the vertebrae of the sacral region have several symmetrically located openings. They include nerve fibers and blood vessels. The sacral canal runs along the entire length of the bone and is slightly curved due to the special structure of the sacrum.

So, all the sacral vertebrae are fused. The fact that they were once separate is reminiscent of five ridges running along the back of the sacrum. These are small tubercles arising from the fusion of the vertebrae, their spinous, transverse processes, as well as the upper and lower articular processes. This structure provides protection for the nerve roots and blood vessels.

fracture of the sacral vertebrae
fracture of the sacral vertebrae

Features of the coccygeal region

The coccyx has an even more interesting structure. It consists of 3-5 vertebrae, but underdeveloped and completely fused together. The tailbone is shaped like a bird's beak. Its peculiarity is that in men it connects to the sacrum completely motionless. But women canlean back to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal during labor. The coccygeal vertebrae also perform important functions. In addition to being the backbone of the spine and providing support when moving and bending, many nerve roots pass through to the pelvic organs and lower limbs.

displacement of the sacral vertebra
displacement of the sacral vertebra

Sacral injuries

Despite the strength of the sacrum, as well as its fixed position between the pelvic ring, this section is also subject to damage and injury. Movable joints here are located only at the junction of the 1st sacral vertebra with the 5th lumbar, and also where the remaining lateral processes are connected to the pelvic bones. These are the places where most injuries occur. In the department itself, only bruises or fractures of the sacral vertebrae are possible.

Due to the structure of the sacrum, there are no the most common injuries that occur in other parts of the spine. Since there are no intervertebral discs, there are no such diagnoses as "hernia" or "discogenic sciatica of the sacral region." It is also impossible to displace the sacral vertebra in adults, since these elements are firmly fused. And in children, this happens very rarely due to the special strength of the ligaments and the protection of the sacrum by the pelvic bones.

sacral and coccygeal vertebrae
sacral and coccygeal vertebrae

Causes of damage to the sacrum

Why then is the sacrum prone to injury too? This can be explained by several reasons:

  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the spine;
  • when the pelvic organs are enlarged, the vessels exiting the sacral canal are squeezed, which leads to venous stasis;
  • with increased stress on the sacrum, the joint capsule may increase in size, as a result, edema develops, and the tissues begin to compress the nerve roots.

These pathologies can lead to malnutrition of bone tissues and their increased fragility. But most often, sacral fractures occur when a large force is applied, for example, in traffic accidents, falls from a height, strong blows.

Features of sacral injuries

The main feature of damage to this spine is that a person can move even with a fracture of the sacrum. Very strong ligaments connecting the sacrum to the pelvic bones help to keep the body stable. But since this is still part of the spine, the increased activity of the victim during an injury can lead to damage to the spinal cord, rupture of blood vessels or nerve roots. The consequences of such an attitude can be urination disorders, complications on the pelvic organs, paralysis of the lower extremities. If a fracture occurs in a young woman, and timely medical care was not provided to her, in the future she will not be able to give birth to a child on her own.

What to do if the sacral vertebrae are damaged

After any injury, especially if there is a suspicion of a fracture of the sacrum, you must contact a medical facility. Independently before renderingprofessional help, you can apply cold to the site of injury, and with severe pain, take painkillers. It is not recommended to warm the injury site, as this will increase swelling and inflammation, and can lead to bleeding and other complications. It is better for the victim to lie on a flat surface and try not to move.
