Pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc

Pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc
Pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc

Currently, every second person has symptoms of the development of vertebral pathologies. First of all, they are associated with different heights, deformation or separation of the intervertebral discs. The disease proceeds for a long time, but the peak of its intensity is the time of active production work.

What does the concept of nucleus pulposus include

The bodies of two adjacent vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, consisting of a fibrocartilaginous ring on their periphery. Due to the strong connective tissue, the fibers of the ring are attached to the vertebrae and form the inner space of the disk, called the nucleus pulposus.

thoracic vertebra
thoracic vertebra

Its main purpose is to evenly distribute the load over the entire surface of the vertebra. Violation of this function is the first stage in the development of osteochondrosis.

Structure of the nucleus

In its structure, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is a fluid of medium fluidity from connective fibers and chondrin. The word "pulpous" itself means "gelatinous", or"gelatinous". Due to this structure, the smooth transition of the load from vertebra to vertebra during walking and running is carried out, and their injuries are also prevented.

The kernel can take up to 60% of the entire disk space. Due to the gel consistency and white color, it visually resembles a rubber pillow with water. The high degree of hydration of the nucleus is explained by the content of proteoglycans in it, among which aggrecan has the greatest value.

what does a thoracic vertebra look like
what does a thoracic vertebra look like

By connecting with each other, aggrecan molecules form large complexes, the spatial structure of which is aimed at uniform distribution of liquid inside the nucleus. It is worth noting that the nucleus pulposus is considered the smallest cell tissue of the body. In it, even in articular cartilage, the distribution of cells by volume is 2.5 times higher.

Pathological phenomena of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral discs

In fact, the initial stage of diseases of the spinal column originates in the intervertebral disc. Pathological influences increase the viscosity of chondrin until it dries out. Loss of mobility of the nucleus through a chain reaction leads to the destruction of the fibrous ring - the strength of the tissue decreases, and when lifting heavy objects, cracks of various sizes appear.

nucleus pulposus
nucleus pulposus

Excessive physical work for an unprepared muscular and musculoskeletal system increases the holes in the discs so that the nucleus pulposus is completely or partially squeezed out of the fibrous ring. In such a situation, two options are possibleevents. The content remains within the given vertebra or falls inside the adjacent one:

  1. In the first case, the victim develops a disc herniation, dangerous for its ability to narrow the intervertebral foramen and squeeze the nerve endings. Nerve dysfunction is accompanied by sharp discomfort and radiculitis pain.
  2. In the second case, the nucleus pulposus of the disc becomes the cause of Schmorl's hernia, characterized by a difference in vertebrae in height and leading to a decrease in the gaps of the intervertebral foramens. As a rule, the affected organism does not experience discomfort with this disorder and lives quietly with the disease.

Dehydration of intervertebral discs

Pathological conditions of the spinal column are caused not only by the rupture of the nucleus pulposus, but also by the partial loss of water in the central regions of the intervertebral discs. Such dehydration provokes the development of protrusions, osteoarthritis and various hernias. Due to the loss of the shock-absorbing function of the disc, the volume of motor capabilities of the spine is reduced.

cervical vertebra
cervical vertebra

As a rule, dehydration of the nucleus pulposus increases with age and reaches more than 50% by the age of sixty. The loss of moisture in the collagen networks of the intervertebral discs reduces their elasticity and resilience, respectively, metabolic processes are disturbed, and tissues experience progressive aging.

In advanced cases, when the nucleus pulposus does not contain more fluid, pathological changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs cannot be prevented. vertebral columnloses cushioning capacity and his biochemistry is disturbed.

Symptoms of dehydration

When the nucleus pulposus dehydrates, the signs of the disease do not manifest themselves immediately, but increase gradually. Provoking factors are considered to be, as already mentioned, exorbitant physical work, pregnancy and exacerbation of diseases.

Schmorl's hernia
Schmorl's hernia

The main symptoms of dehydration of the intervertebral discs include the following:

  • pain in lower and upper limbs;
  • morning thirst;
  • discomfort during flexion/extension of the torso, tilts;
  • discomfort in muscle tissue, turning into spasms;
  • lack of reflex function;
  • sharp unbearable pain when squeezing peripheral nerve endings;
  • numbness of limbs.

The fact of the localization of the pathology in the upper part of the spine (cervical region) is evidenced by frequent headaches, disruption of the visual system, tinnitus of a different nature.

Diagnosis of pathologies of spinal discs

Degenerative abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system may not appear for a significant period of time. The only way to establish the presence of pathology of the spinal column is to conduct MRI diagnostics. In most cases, specialists use this procedure to confirm the most common complication of dehydration, Schmorl's hernia.
