Injuries and damage to the shoulder girdle are fairly common occurrences. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the shoulder joint is very mobile and can suffer in the process of performing work tasks, at home, during sports. In addition, the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder girdle are seriously affected when lifting weights. To securely fix the shoulder joint and speed up its recovery, traumatologists recommend using a shoulder bandage. But if the doctor did not indicate a specific model, then it is not at all easy to figure it out on your own.

Medical indications
Using a brace allows you to keep your shoulder joint in the correct position. Patients are recommended this fixation device in a number of cases:
- in the process of postoperative rehabilitation;
- in the process of rehabilitation after fractures, bruises, dislocations or sprains;
- as a supporting device for acute and chronic diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, periarthritis, myositis);
- when diagnosing paresis or paralysis of the hand;
- after installing prostheses;
- with hypermobility (emergencymobility) of the shoulder joints;
- in the process of reconstruction of arm muscle tears;
- for neurological disorders;
- for the prevention of pain and swelling after exercise.
A bandage fixing on the shoulder joint is in some cases used as an independent tool, but sometimes it is supplemented with other types of orthoses. Classic pair - cast plus support bandage.

Types of bandages
The use of shoulder orthoses can serve several purposes. In this regard, several large groups of different designs have been developed, united by one name - “shoulder bandage”. Groups are called:
- fixing bandages;
- support bandages;
- limiting bandages;
- clavicular bandages.
Each group performs a specific set of functions and is appointed in the appropriate situation.

Fixing bandage
This group includes semi-rigid immobilizing products for the shoulder and forearm. In this case, the shoulder bandage fixes the damaged joint after injuries or operations. The patient loses the ability to move the shoulder, raise the arm and take it to the side.
If not a semi-rigid orthosis is used for immobilization, but an elastic kerchief orthosis, then a splint or hinge is additionally applied, which makes it possible to fix the desired angle between the shoulder joint and the arm.

Support bandage
This is a soft construction used for injury prevention. A shoulder support bandage is often simplistically called a "scarf". These devices are not divided into left or right hand. They are made of durable materials, and retain little mobility in the damaged joint, significantly reducing the load on it. Shoulder bandage kerchief, can be adjusted with special straps to achieve the most comfortable condition.
The main part of the supporting bandages are based on the development of the French surgeon Pierre Dezo. Back in the 18th century, he managed to figure out how to fix the shoulder together with the forearm to the body. The doctor used gauze bandages for this, and a modern shoulder scarf bandage is made of combined materials of different elasticity.

Restrictive bandage
This is a more complex design in the form of a semi-vest with short sleeves. It is put on the problem shoulder and fixed with a belt system. Thus, the amplitude of hand movements is regulated. Limiting bandages are used in the conservative treatment of dislocations of the shoulder joint, with humeroscapular periarthritis, with fractures of the head of the humerus, with a fracture of the scapula, with injuries of the clavicular joints, after prosthetics of the shoulder joint. This is not a complete list of indications, surgeons, traumatologists and orthopedists could expand it significantly.
It is most convenient for the patient to choose restrictive bandages of those designs that can bewear on your own. It is important to place the shoulder strap in such a way that it does not rub against the neck.

Clavicle brace
Bandages for the collarbone in the common people are called eight-shaped. The medical name is "Delbe rings". With the help of a simple design, the shoulder girdle is fixed. Such a shoulder bandage is indispensable for rehabilitation after ruptures of the acromioclavicular joint. The belt design takes the shoulders back and fixes them in this position. This excludes pathology in the fusion of the joint. It is advisable to select the design in such a way that it does not rub the skin in the armpit.
Children's shoulder brace
Children often end up in the traumatologist's office with various bruises, sprains, dislocations and fractures. This category of patients requires special attention, since incorrect treatment can prevent the proper development of the musculoskeletal system. Since the skin of children is more sensitive, the children's shoulder brace should be made of natural fabrics. Synthetic elements can only be placed in the inner layer. In addition, children's bandages are recommended to be made of bright materials so that they can be clearly seen. Otherwise, children during the games may forget about the injury and grab or pull the patient by the damaged area.

Degree of fixation
Designs are divided into several categories according to the degree of fixation:
- low fixation bandages for early rehabilitationmusculoskeletal system and for the prevention of injuries after overload;
- semi-rigid bandages for postoperative rehabilitation and treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and periarthritis;
- rigid fixation bandages for immobilization in case of fractures or after operations.
The degree of compression and the stiffness of the fixation of the bandage is determined by the doctor.
How to care for your shoulder brace
Because bandages are meant to be worn permanently or for extended periods, they must be kept clean. For washing, mild detergents are selected. The water temperature should be moderate (not higher than 35 ° C). Drying of the bandage is allowed only in the shade, it is impossible to twist and iron the product.

Things to remember
Any bandage must be properly sized. If an inflammatory skin disease is found in the area of application, then the bandage should not be worn. If the patient is diagnosed with an allergy, then it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of material for the shoulder brace. You can change the mode and time of wearing bandages only on the recommendation of a doctor. On the bandages of any designs, the shelf life is indicated. After this period, the manufacturer cannot guarantee the elasticity and quality of the product.