Diet for pneumonia: table number, features and nuances of cooking, doctor's prescriptions, treatment and recovery period

Diet for pneumonia: table number, features and nuances of cooking, doctor's prescriptions, treatment and recovery period
Diet for pneumonia: table number, features and nuances of cooking, doctor's prescriptions, treatment and recovery period

One of the most common respiratory diseases that occurs in the population is pneumonia. More than a million children die of pneumonia every year worldwide. In Russia, every five years, one person out of four falls ill with this disease. In America, about 3 million people get pneumonia every year. Patients over the age of 65 need hospitalization 4 times more often than other patients. Most often, children under the age of 5 and older people over 65 get sick.

sick adult
sick adult

Insidious pneumonia

Unfortunately, the death rate from simple pneumonia is 5%, and before the antibiotic penicillin was used in the treatment process, 83% of the sick died. Today, the situation with the treatment of this common, but rather insidious disease is significantlyimproved. But, as before, a large part of the country's population becomes victims of pneumonia.

Depending on the etiology of the disease, the body's ability to resist and the severity of the reaction in a sick person to pneumonia may be different. Infectious microorganisms negatively affect not only the vulnerable lung tissue, but also other organs. The cardiovascular system is especially affected by pneumonia. A well-chosen diet for pneumonia in both adults and children will give a positive result and enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Appropriate nutrition will reduce the overall intoxication of the body, inflammation processes, support the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract - and this is very important for an exhausted body that needs to maintain strength to fight the disease.

Pneumonia is treated in a complex manner, using modern antibiotics and lung drugs. However, scientists have long proven the connection between nutrition and human well-being, so the diet for pneumonia is increasingly being prescribed by doctors.

When is a diet effective?

In diseases of the respiratory system, therapeutic nutrition for children and adults is determined primarily by the severity of the patient's condition and intoxication of the respiratory tract. Of course, a diet for pneumonia in a person with a temperature of 39 ° C and a general critical condition is ineffective, at least because the patient in this condition is practically unable to eat. If we are talking about a stable condition, then the focus on nutrition will become an assistant in the fight for he alth.

Diet 11

Long time agoIt's no secret that all therapeutic diets have their own serial number. The number of the diet for pneumonia is 11. And this table contains all the products necessary for a speedy recovery. By the way, a diet with the same number is prescribed for tuberculosis. The total calorie content of this treatment table is 3500 kcal and is achieved due to the high protein content. Before starting a diet, doctors recommend taking a cleansing enema or using a more gentle method of cleansing the body - a laxative.

Diet for pneumonia

In conditions of a severe course of the disease in the first few days, it makes sense to focus on a liquid diet, which will be based on:

  • Mineral water without gas.
  • Low-fat poultry or meat broths.
  • Sweet tea with lemon.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.
  • Rosehip decoction.

In the future, you can diversify the diet by adding soups based on meat or vegetable broths with the addition of pasta, oatmeal, semolina and rice cereals to the menu.

Further, boiled fish and meat souffles, soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese mashed with cream, baked apples and fruit or vegetable purees are added to the patient's diet.

food plate
food plate

In order for the body to have enough strength to fight infection, it must receive enough protein. It is easy to calculate the required amount - 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of the patient's body weight. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance of fats - about60 percent of fats must be of animal origin (butter, cheese, milk, eggs, lean meat, fish, etc.). If the course of the disease is severe, and the patient is forced to comply with bed rest, then the total caloric content of the diet should be reduced to 1900-2100 kcal.

If a diet for pneumonia is followed, the table should be varied, but not plentiful. It is critical to reduce s alt intake, enrich the diet with vitamins A and C and establish an adequate drinking regimen. An organism suffering from intoxication simply needs a sufficient amount of liquid - from one and a half to two liters per day. Particularly relevant during the treatment of pneumonia will be drinks containing a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid. These are teas with sugar and lemon, rosehip decoctions, sweet and sour fruit juices.

Sour-milk drinks as part of a therapeutic diet for pneumonia will help restore the patient's intestinal microflora. General recommendations are fractional meals, easily digestible foods that do not cause constipation or bloating, and no fried foods. For a weakened patient, it is better to serve food in a pureed form.

Recovery Diet

As soon as the patient's condition improves, or if the disease was mild enough, you can follow the principles of proper nutrition, emphasizing calcium and additional vitamins. It is important to exclude heavy for digestion and fatty foods. In order to stimulate the patient's lack of appetite, you can resort to the help of products such as caviar, ham, cheese, pickled or pickled vegetables, spices. There isit makes sense to add a small amount of high-quality dry wine to the diet, which also has a very positive effect on increasing appetite.

diet for pneumonia
diet for pneumonia

Which diet for pneumonia will help a child?

Therapeutic nutrition of children with pneumonia should also be aimed at preventing the side effects of drugs prescribed by doctors - especially sulfa drugs and antibiotics. Well cope with the task of products rich in B vitamins - buckwheat and oatmeal, meat, fish, yeast and wholemeal bread. A good anti-inflammatory effect is provided by the inclusion in the child's diet of foods that contain a sufficient amount of calcium s alts - cottage cheese, cheese, milk, lettuce, cabbage and figs. Just as in the case of adults, intoxication of the body is well reduced by introducing a sufficient amount of liquid and vitamin C into the daily diet of the child.

As a rule, children do not eat well in the first days of illness. In no case should you force a small patient to eat. In the early days, plenty of drinking is enough, by analogy with the drinks included in the diet for adults.

sick child
sick child

The pneumonia diet for children is broadly the same as for adults, but there are some differences to keep in mind:

  1. Lean meat broths, which form the basis of diet No. 11 for adults, are strictly prohibited for children under one and a half years old. The fact is that the broth contains many so-called extractive substances that are releasedmeat during cooking. The child's body may not be able to cope with their digestion, so it is better to exclude them from the child's therapeutic diet. Vegetable broths are great for babies.
  2. The second prohibition in the diet is honey. It is forbidden to sweeten drinks with honey if the child is under three years old. Upon reaching this age, honey can be included in the diet.

Forbidden foods

giving up alcohol
giving up alcohol

It is strictly forbidden to use the following products for pneumonia:

  • Sausages and canned food.
  • Fat cream, milk, cheese.
  • Mushrooms, legumes, onions, garlic, cucumbers, white cabbage, radish.
  • Chocolate, confectionery, rough-skinned fruits.
  • Strong tea, coffee, cocoa and alcohol.

Menu for a patient with pneumonia

Breakfast - green hour with lemon and honey (sugar), 200 g semolina porridge with low-fat milk.

Second breakfast - a glass of weak rosehip broth, an omelet from 2 chicken eggs.

Lunch - a cup of low-fat meat broth, 200 g of boiled poultry meat, as a side dish 150 g of mashed potatoes, a glass of cranberry juice.

Snack - 250 g low-fat cottage cheese dressed with yogurt, baked apple, tea.

Dinner - 300 g of vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower oil, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

he althy girl
he althy girl

A well-designed diet will provide sufficient support to the body suffering from pneumonia during the period of illness. Over time, the diet is enriched with useful products, andthe disease recedes completely.
