What should be a he althy throat for a child and an adult?

What should be a he althy throat for a child and an adult?
What should be a he althy throat for a child and an adult?

There are many ailments that can be confused with each other. So, a person feels discomfort in the larynx, but he has a he althy throat. A visit to the doctor will help to cope with the painful symptoms and make the correct diagnosis. It is better to familiarize yourself with the list of reasons that cause false sensations. After all, often erroneous treatment is started at home.

What is the confusion about?

A he althy throat is hard to find. Infectious diseases in densely populated areas are transmitted instantly. But if a child complains of discomfort in the oropharynx, you need to carefully examine the condition of the tonsils. If plaque is detected, treatment is required, but a slight reddening of the tissues does not always indicate the development of the disease.

he althy throat
he althy throat

Chronic diseases become the causes of periodic inflammation. What a he althy throat looks like in a child and in an adult, we will consider later, but for now let's see what the causes of a sore throat may be:

  • Catarrhal pharyngitis.
  • Tonsillitis - often treated with the wrong methods, which only aggravates the condition of the oropharynx.
  • Sinusitis contributes to the development of a bacterial environment in the larynx.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Erosions of the tonsils, bacterial plugs that contain rotting deposits in their sinuses.
  • The listed conditions are not dangerous and are easily treated even at home. Therefore, early diagnosis and preventive measures are required.

View of a normal oropharynx

The first hallmark of a he althy mucosa is the pinkish color of tissues: tonsils, tongue, palate. When changing to gray shades or whitish, one can immediately conclude that the condition of the body is deteriorating. The redder the larynx becomes, the higher the activity of pathogens.

he althy and sore throat
he althy and sore throat

What should a he althy throat look like? We list the main features:

  • The tonsils are not enlarged.
  • The color of the throat depends on the food you eat, but a he althy throat often looks pinkish.
  • Tonsils are heterogeneous, a slight coating is allowed on them. On the surface there are tubercles, drops. However, they should be small.
  • Tonsils are often enlarged, but they can only be compared with previous conditions. So, when examining children, parents remember the features of the throat, and in the future it is possible to determine the size of the tissues of the larynx without much difficulty.

Additional signs of the normal state of the larynx

The tissues of the larynx in a he althy throat should not have purulentcontent. White plaque indicates the development of thrush in children and adults. Also, there should be no spots, heterogeneities, hyperemia on the tonsils and palate. Dark shades, close to burgundy, indicate a strong inflammatory process.

what should be a he althy throat
what should be a he althy throat

With a runny nose, we can conclude that a person does not have a completely he althy throat. The bacterial environment flows down the walls of the larynx, causing plaque and the formation of bad breath. He althy tissues of the tonsils and the walls of the larynx should not have loose inclusions.

Proper examination of children

Distinguishing a he althy and sore throat is possible only in daylight. It is better if you can go to the window in sunny weather. If it is impossible to achieve such conditions, use a flashlight. To fix the tongue, use a metal spoon at home.

he althy throat in a child
he althy throat in a child

Small children are uncomfortable with a foreign cold object in their mouth, so it is better to choose plastic spoons. With a wide back of the cutlery, it is turned over. The handle of tea or dinner spoons is reminiscent of a tool used in an otolaryngologist's office.

Inspection of the older generation

Diagnosing the condition of the throat in adults is easier because you can find out the circumstances that precede the deterioration of well-being. When questioning the patient, events are recorded that contributed to the development of an uncomfortable state. This could be drinking cold drinks, eating ice cream, or taking a walk in the cold. Also, inflammation can form after contact with a sick person or with advanced stomatitis.

he althy throat in adults
he althy throat in adults

It would be useful to take into account the chronic sores of a person: rhinitis, sinusitis. A reddened throat causes infection, chronic pharyngitis, and viral activity. With a pale shade of tissues with the manifestation of veins and vessels, atrophic inflammation of the throat is judged.

A he althy throat in an adult over 30 years old with chronic diseases is almost never found. Such sores inevitably lead to hypertrophic conditions on the tissues of the larynx. Even the consequences of ordinary follicular angina are expressed in the form of erosive changes on the tonsils.

Difficulties in diagnosis

What does a sore and he althy throat look like? There is a photo in the article, but each case requires an individual approach and an examination by a doctor. Many symptoms can be seen by anyone. For example, signs of lacunar tonsillitis. It has the following symptoms: purulent plaque on the tongue, tonsils, redness of the throat, subsequently acute pain when swallowing saliva. The tissues are scarred during a long illness, the temperature is high.

he althy throat photo
he althy throat photo

If you have a he althy throat in front of you, the photo shows the absence of inflammation. No plaque on the tonsils and palate. Such conditions are observed in infants. The pink larynx is the standard for the normal appearance of the oropharynx.

When the condition of the throat changes, there is a decrease in overall well-being. Follicular angina becomes the cause of activitystaphylococci. It is characterized by severe inflammation in the larynx, purulent formations, redness of the palate and tonsils. Pain may occur in the neck, ears, nose.

If the coating on the tongue is close to a brown tint, then it is recommended to examine the digestive organs. An additional symptom indicating pathology is bad breath. An intense white coating on the tongue and tonsils indicates the development of microorganisms - candida, or otherwise thrush. It is urgent to treat this ailment with the help of medicines. This infection weakens the body and makes it easier for other pathogens to enter.

Negative factors for the larynx

A he althy throat is not something people with bad habits (smoking and alcohol) can boast of. In children, the normal microflora is spoiled by malnutrition. Sweet, fried, s alty foods have a negative effect. Preservatives linger on the tissues of the larynx, causing pathological changes in cells.

To maintain a he althy mucosa, use daily dental care products. The larynx is periodically treated with decoctions, pharmaceutical preparations from natural ingredients. It is also necessary to monitor the state of the body's immunity, because it depends on it whether the tissues are he althy.

The advanced stages of sore throat threaten to remove the tonsils. There is nothing wrong with this, but why bring it to pathology? It is better to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and take preventive measures.
