Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: collection and norm

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: collection and norm
Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: collection and norm

In the article, we will consider what the Zimnitsky urinalysis shows.

Since this indicator can tell a lot about the state of the human body, in addition to its clinical variety, there are also other methods of research that aim to more accurately determine diseases.

One of the most popular methods was the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky. Such testing allows you to establish the ability of the kidneys to the concentration of substances that are excreted in the urine, comparing certain indicators with the allowable rate. When the data of such an analysis is obtained, the density of the patient's urine and the percentage of the substances that are in it are measured. Normally, the ability of the kidneys to concentrate metabolic products in the produced urine should be high. Such an analysis is especially necessary for women when planning a pregnancy.

urinalysis according to Zimnitsky how to collect
urinalysis according to Zimnitsky how to collect

Preparing for this study

The process of preparing for a Zimnitsky urine test is very simple, but it is advisable to follow a certain procedure in order to get the most accurate results, which will then be compared with the norm.

Approximately one day before the collection of biological material, you should stop taking foods that can affect the color of urine (carbonated drinks, beets, carrots) or the appearance of sediment in it (food rich in protein), prepare eight (preferably even more) special sterile containers for collecting material.

These rules must be followed, because it is important to exclude any particles from entering the urine in order to obtain accurate results. It is necessary to collect biological material strictly according to medical recommendations.

Collecting material

It is important not only to understand how to properly take a urine test according to Zimnitsky, but also to adhere to a positive attitude. However, in reality, the matter must be approached very responsibly, correctly note the indicators and give them to the doctor for further interpretation and expectation of reliable information about the state of he alth. The study is done for 1-3 days, the main task of the patient is to properly collect urine.

urinalysis according to Zimnitsky in children
urinalysis according to Zimnitsky in children

The ability to obtain accurate results and determine a particular diagnosis depends on the actions to collect a urine test according to Zimnitsky.



  • On the first day of the analysis, you should get up at six in the morning,go to the toilet for small needs, do not collect in a container. Primary urine is not used for research, so it is not needed.
  • The most important thing is to clearly monitor the time at which you need to collect the analysis, and therefore, after the initial visit to the toilet, you should go to it at 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, then at 3 and 6 in the morning. It is important for every patient with diseased kidneys to know how to collect a urine test according to Zimnitsky.
  • It is very important to wash yourself before each collection of biomaterial. This is necessary for the frequency of urine collection, the procedure will help to avoid the penetration of impurities into the sample.
  • It is very important to remember not to mix or overfill the contents of the jars. Each container must correspond to the specific time at which the biomaterial was collected for urinalysis according to Zimnitsky.
  • urinalysis according to Zimnitsky norm
    urinalysis according to Zimnitsky norm

How to properly collect urine for patients who have difficulty with urinary function? The algorithm of the patient's actions is simple: you need to follow the time scale, if the patient cannot fill the container at the specified time due to lack of desire to empty, it is necessary to hand over not only full jars, but also empty ones with the specified time. It should be realized that this is exactly the same indicator that complements the clinical picture. Despite the simplicity of the algorithm of actions, you need to be very scrupulous about the process of collecting biological material for analysis.

Deciphering a urine test according to Zimnitsky should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

Transcript of results

With normal abilitykidneys to the concentration of toxins, the patient receives the results of the study, which are as follows:

  • the amount of urine excreted during the day is approximately two to three times the amount of urine collected at night;
  • the total volume of urine produced per day by the body is at least 70% of the amount of fluid drunk;
  • the volume of fluid that is released per single emptying ranges from 60-250 milliliters;
  • urine should have a density between 1010 and 1035 grams per liter in all collection jars;
  • total amount of urine during the day - from one and a half to two liters (not less).

If these parameters differ from the Zimnitsky urinalysis norm, then we can talk about a disorder of renal functioning, which may be due to hormonal failure or inflammation. In cases where the density of urine is at a level below the limit (hyposthenuria), then the obvious reason for such a deviation is a violation of the ability of the kidneys to concentrate. However, in some cases this can be caused by a violation of the procedure for collecting urine for analysis (usually, a second analysis is carried out after seven days).

decoding analysis
decoding analysis

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky during pregnancy

Because the female body does almost double work during pregnancy, due to the fact that it is forced to remove both its own metabolic products and the fetus, the final results of the urine test may change.

The limit of normal indicators also increases. The uterus, which becomes larger in size, affects the renal location and also has a certain significance in complicating the procedure for filtering the body from all sorts of harmful substances and toxins. And it is the study of urine according to Zimnitsky that makes it possible to most accurately assess the functional potential of the kidneys in a woman during pregnancy, and in certain situations, to help determine the early stages of the development of a disease that is dangerous for a child and a future mother. The procedure for collecting urine and donating it during pregnancy is exactly the same as for a normal patient.

urinalysis according to Zimnitsky how to correctly
urinalysis according to Zimnitsky how to correctly

Children's norms

Since the children's body as a whole is much smaller in size than an adult, the normal indicators of the Zimnitsky urine test in children will also have their own differences. They differ, first of all, in that there is a direct dependence of the study on age: the older the child, the more his norm indicators will resemble those of an adult woman or man. This is due to the fact that in children (as well as in elderly patients) the renal capacity of the concentration of metabolic products in the urine is less than in an adult. An experienced specialist takes this circumstance into account when deciphering the results of the study.

Deviations from the norm

The object of study in the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky is the density and volume of this physiological fluid. That is why all deviations from the norm that are observed after decoding are almost alwaysindicate the presence of progressive diseases in the body. But based on one such analysis, one cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information.

collection of urinalysis according to Zimnitsky
collection of urinalysis according to Zimnitsky

Doctors talk about the existence of diseases that are often determined when examining urine according to Zimnitsky, and each of them most often signals the presence of a pathogenic process. For example, low urine density (hypostenuria), in which the rate is less than 1012-1013 grams per liter, accompanies pathologies such as acute pyelonephritis, heart failure, end-stage kidney failure, diabetes insipidus, heavy metal poisoning, or leptospirosis.


On the contrary, hyperstenuria is characterized by an increase in the density of the liquid, at which this value is above 1035 grams per liter. This condition is observed in the following diseases: acute or chronic form of glomerulonephritis, toxicosis during pregnancy or diabetes mellitus.

Polyuria, whose typical manifestation is an increase in the amount of urine formed during the day with a simultaneous decrease in its density, can indicate the development of any type of diabetes and kidney failure. But the normal amount of urine excreted during pregnancy or even after it increases to some extent, which is caused by changes in the body of a woman that are characteristic of this period.

urinalysis according to Zimnitsky what shows
urinalysis according to Zimnitsky what shows


The complete opposite of the previous deviation is oliguria,in addition to everything, a disorder of the renal filtering function occurs. This condition of the patient may indicate progressive kidney failure (its late stage), heart, hypotensive condition, multiple erythrocyte death or mushroom poisoning - all of these factors can lead to results that are very different from normal.

Nycturia is characterized by an increase in the amount of urine produced at night (the volume is much more than a third of the urine excreted per day). It often accompanies diabetes mellitus, impaired renal concentration ability, and heart failure.

Next steps

The magnitude of the deviation from a certain norm and its results can prevent the formation of many pathologies, from diabetes to cirrhosis of the liver. The indicators are considered separately, their proportion is interpreted. If the analysis reflects the presence of the disease, additional examinations are carried out to confirm the results obtained with accuracy.

urinalysis according to Zimnitsky during pregnancy
urinalysis according to Zimnitsky during pregnancy

When the interpretation is completed, the patient is given a referral either for further examination, or for a consultation with a narrow specialist and adjustment of treatment in order to influence the body even more actively.

Carrying out a urine test according to Zimnitsky is a guaranteed way to improve a person, doctors will be able to make a diagnosis with its help, as well as carry out prevention and treatment of the disease, if any.
