Anti-hernial bandage: recommendations, sizes and photos of models

Anti-hernial bandage: recommendations, sizes and photos of models
Anti-hernial bandage: recommendations, sizes and photos of models

Excessive physical activity that a person is exposed to throughout life, or a hereditary factor can provoke the development of hernias in the groin or umbilical region. Most often, this disease occurs in the stronger sex. Consider the features of the application, indications and types of anti-hernial bandages.

Why wear a brace?

Why wear a hernia bandage?
Why wear a hernia bandage?

A medical corset for a certain area in the presence of a hernia performs a supporting function. The bandage supports the defect, prevents its growth and loss. It can completely hide the neoplasm, thereby improving the quality of human life. But the bandage is only a temporary measure of treatment, as it does not allow the disease to progress, holding the internal organs in the correct position.

Antihernial bandage is recommended for use in such cases:

  • work associated with excessive physical exertion (in this case, the corset will perform a preventive function);
  • period after surgeryinterference, since the bandage reduces pressure on the seams;
  • opportunity to avoid complications when postponing surgery for a certain period.

Features of the anti-hernial corset

What is an anti-hernial bandage?
What is an anti-hernial bandage?

Many patients try to delay the operation as long as possible for fear of possible side effects. Some patients are not recommended to do surgery due to the presence of a serious pathology or advanced age. In this case, the patient is recommended to wear a special anti-hernia bandage.

Its feature is that the supporting belt strengthens the “weak spots” of the abdominal cavity, prevents the hernia from growing and increasing in size. In addition, the corset allows the internal organs to work normally, fixing them in the correct position. When using a bandage, you can go in for sports and physical activity and not be afraid that there may be consequences.

Types of anti-hernia bandages

Anti-hernial male bandage how to choose?
Anti-hernial male bandage how to choose?

Such an orthopedic product as a hernia corset is divided into types depending on the purpose. It can be abdominal (abdominal) and inguinal. The first option is prescribed for use in umbilical hernia, as well as other neoplasms of "abdominal localization".

Inguinal hernia bandage, which is similar to swimming trunks, shorts or a wide belt, is used in the treatment of femoral and inguinal hernias. Inguinal corset can be:

  • feminine;
  • male;
  • universal;
  • childish;
  • for newborns.

Regardless of the model, one or two straps are included. Also bandages can be left-handed and right-handed. Most often, these are universal models that can be used by both women and men. They can be equipped with 4 stiffeners.

Anti-hernial inguinal bandage for men has an important detail, unlike other types of corsets - pads. These are hypoallergenic alloy plates, sheathed in fabric, selected for each man individually and depending on the type of hernia. They perform a supporting function.

Indications and contraindications

Anti-hernial inguinal bandage for men
Anti-hernial inguinal bandage for men

The bandage is indicated for use in certain cases. Most often, when a person does not want to have surgery or it is postponed for some reason, the use of a corset in this case will restrain the growth, protrusion and side effects of a hernia. Also, an orthopedic product is worn as a prophylaxis during strong physical exertion.

Contraindications to the use of an abdominal anti-hernia bandage are:

  • significant enlargement of the hernia, which pinches the nerves (in this case, urgent surgery is recommended);
  • dermatological pathologies of a chronic nature in the place where a supporting corset should be worn;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms.

Also, experts do not recommend the use of a handmade bandage. It is better to choose the best optionorthopedic product in specialized stores, as it will comply with quality certificates, take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person.

The bandage is worn directly on the body or underwear made from natural fabrics. Each corset is secured with Velcro.

Selection criteria

Inguinal bandage for men, right-sided
Inguinal bandage for men, right-sided

When purchasing an anti-hernial umbilical bandage or other type of orthopedic product for treatment or prevention, you should be guided by several factors.

What to look for when choosing:

  1. Material. A high-quality support corset for hernias of different localization should be made of hypoallergenic materials. Thus, the possible development of dermatological problems at the site of putting on the bandage is minimized.
  2. Size. The bandage on the abdominal cavity is selected strictly according to size. It takes into account the circumference of the hips and waist. When buying a product, you can try it on. It should be not only comfortable to walk in it, but also to squat and do inclinations, that is, to exercise physical activity. Despite the fact that there are certain sizes, not everyone can find the appropriate option. For example, too thin or, conversely, men with a large body weight can purchase an orthopedic product to order. A small bandage should not be taken, as it will pinch certain areas, which is fraught with the development of complications.
  3. Manufacturer. It is better to give preference to those firms that have been on the market for a long time andhave a certain reputation in the field of orthopedic products.
  4. Wear period. On average, you can wear a certain type of bandage for six months. Then it is better to replace the product. The corset is also changed in case of breakage.

Experts recommend trying on a few items when you first buy to feel the level of comfort when wearing. And only then choose the appropriate option.


Antihernial bandage is a fairly common orthopedic product, which is indicated for use during strong physical exertion as a preventive measure, as well as in the pre and postoperative period. When choosing a corset, it is worth considering not only the material of manufacture or purpose, but also the size. In order for the bandage to perform its supporting function qualitatively, it should not squeeze areas in the inguinal or abdominal region.
