Going to nature? Don't forget to bring your own tick protection. With a long stay in nature, the danger of finding a tick under your skin is very high. You should always choose the right clothes and treat them with anti-mite sprays in advance.
What should I do if a tick has bitten?

The correct answer is to get to the nearest emergency room or emergency room as soon as possible, where you will be given first aid. If it is impossible to get there in the first minutes, you will have to get the arthropod yourself. Tick removal is best done immediately, without delay.
How to properly remove a tick?

Removing a tick from a person should be done with extreme caution, without squeezing it with your hands, as this can lead to squeezing the virus into the wound.
First, the tick must be lubricated with oil, then with the help of a loop of thread, you need to carefully remove it, while making rotational movements. After this, the tick must be saved and taken toanalysis to the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the bite site must be intensively treated with iodine or an antiseptic.
After removing the tick, try to get an injection of immunoglobulin within 24 hours after the bite. It will help stop the virus in case of infection.
Removing ticks with a syringe

Removing a tick with a syringe is a very reliable method. We buy a syringe at any pharmacy, cut off the cannula, and incline the resulting hole to bite so that the tick is inside the syringe, and slowly pull the piston towards ourselves. This will push the tick out.
Encephalitis - what is this disease? And how to treat it?

Cerebral encephalitis is a group of viral diseases associated with inflammation of the membranes of the brain, gray and white matter. Due to infection with a mild form, healing occurs quickly. A more severe form of inflammation is associated with neurological complications, even fatal outcomes are possible. Complications of such encephalitis can be paresis and paralysis.
If the virus is not detected, then there is nothing to be afraid of, but if the virus is still found, this does not mean that an infection has occurred. If immunoglobulin was administered within 24 hours of the tick bite, the disease may be mild.
For a month, you need to carefully monitor your he alth in order not to miss the first symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis.
And as for our beloved pets, they are the most confirmed to be attackedticks.
How to properly remove a tick from a dog?

If you find a tick on your dog, you can remove it with a special device. This tick remover is called the Tick Twister. In this case, rotational movements should also be made. Lubricate the wound with iodine after this. After such manipulation, you need to watch the dog for a while.
The dog tick remover is not intended for use in the event of a human bite.
Removing ticks involves adding a drop of germicide to the arachnid creature. After a few seconds, the tick begins to lose its breath, the proboscis relaxes, and within 20-30 minutes the tick disappears on its own. Such manipulations should be carried out very carefully, since when removed, a proboscis may remain under the skin, which as a result will lead to inflammation and suppuration of the skin.
If the head still came off when removing the tick, pull it out with a sterile needle, while the place should be disinfected with brilliant green or iodine.
It is also not recommended to throw away the tick, it is better to burn it.
What to watch out for when bitten by dogs?
Removing a tick from a dog is not the only action that accompanies successful treatment. Animals should be monitored after being bitten. Why? The most common and dangerous disease for dogs is piroplasmosis. Pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease: lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, body temperature rises to 40 ° C, weakness of the hind limbs. If there are any, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, because without qualified assistance, removal of ticks may not be carried out adequately.
Another disease that your pet can “catch” is borreliosis or Lyme disease. The first symptoms may appear after a few months, or may not appear at all. However, if symptoms appear (fever, lethargy, lameness, skin rash), you should also immediately consult a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment of dogs consists of antibacterial therapy, antibiotics. By the way, removing a tick from a dog is best done with the help of a qualified veterinarian.
So, in this article we looked at how to remove a tick. As it turned out, the best option would be to go to the emergency room or medical facility. However, it is not always within easy reach. In this case, if you go camping, you should always have a needle, syringe, some oil and thread with you. It is best, of course, to take a special device with you.
To remove a tick, you need to make rotational movements. And be very careful not to leave the proboscis of the arthropod under the skin. Otherwise, it threatens the development of reactions that will lead to suppuration. When going on a hike (especially in the forest), do not forget that this is fraught with corresponding consequences. This will help you avoid being bitten by a tick.