How much is a general blood test done - terms, features and decoding

How much is a general blood test done - terms, features and decoding
How much is a general blood test done - terms, features and decoding

In the article, we will consider how much a complete blood count is done.

To reliably determine how long it will take to conduct a particular laboratory study of biological material, it is necessary to have an idea of what exactly is being examined in the composition of blood or urine. At the same time, the direction of the research is very important - whether only general indicators are needed or the analysis will be detailed, with a detailed study of all indicators.

Patients often ask how long it takes to do a complete blood count. Let's take a closer look.

complete blood count how long does it take
complete blood count how long does it take

General characteristics of analysis

Complete blood count is the main and most common laboratory diagnostic technique. In a civilized modern society, there is probably not a single person who would not donate blood for this study, since it is carried out not only by the sickpeople, but also quite he althy, during a routine medical examination in educational institutions, at work, while serving in the army.

This analysis includes determining the concentration of hemoglobin, the level of leukocytes and the calculation of the leukocyte formula, determining the number of platelets, erythrocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indicators.

Thanks to the interpretation of the results of this blood test, it is possible to establish the causes of certain pathological symptoms, determine the type of diseases of the internal organs or blood, and choose the right therapeutic regimens.

But not everyone knows how much a CBC is done.


As for the timing, they differ depending on the laboratory in which the study is carried out (the level of workload), on the technical equipment of the laboratory room, and also on where the blood comes from - from a vein or from a finger.

So how many days is a CBC done?

Most clinics equipped with modern medical equipment conduct examinations and issue the result of a general blood test within a day, and in certain cases, the result of the analysis can be obtained in 1-2 hours. However, in most public clinics, the same examinations can be carried out within 5 days. This means that the term of a general blood test directly depends on the choice of a diagnostic laboratory. At the same time, certain boundaries of the shelf life of such studies are indicated. However, there may be some variations whenanalysis period can be extended or shortened. As a rule, medical institutions inform their patients that the blood test is ready, and you can get information about the expiration date from the doctor.

how much is a general blood test done in a polyclinic
how much is a general blood test done in a polyclinic

How much is a general blood test from a vein?

Blood from a vein

If blood is taken from a vein, then such an analysis will be carried out a little longer than the one in which blood was taken from a finger. This is due to the fact that venous blood has a more saturated structure and is subject to a deeper study. Blood from a finger can only speak of acute conditions of the body and, for example, in case of emergency hospitalization of a patient in a hospital, the period of such an analysis will be minimal - from 20 to 40 minutes.

How much a general blood test is done, you can check in the clinic.

The level of hematocrit and hemoglobin is determined, the erythrocyte sedimentation time, which was previously called ROE - reaction. The color index is calculated according to a certain formula if the study is carried out manually, without the use of laboratory equipment. The concentration of cellular blood elements is also determined: erythrocytes (red blood cells), which contain the pigment hemoglobin, which determines the saturation of blood with oxygen, and leukocytes, which do not contain this pigment, which is why they are called white blood cells (monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes).

blood test in clinic
blood test in clinic

It should be noted that the overall analysis shows a reactionbiological fluid on a variety of processes that occur in the human body.

Rules for analysis

If we talk about the rules for passing this analysis, then there are no strict and complex regulations regarding this, but there are certain restrictions:

  1. The analysis is carried out in the morning. Before this, it is forbidden to eat food, drinks a few hours before taking a biomaterial sample.
  2. The main medical instruments used in this laboratory study are cotton wool, a scarifier and alcohol.
  3. For examination, capillary blood is used, which is taken from a finger. In some cases, according to the instructions of a specialist, they can take venous blood.
  4. Then the analysis is decoded. There are also special hematology analyzers with which it is possible to determine up to 24 blood parameters automatically. Such devices display a printout with a transcript of the study almost immediately after taking blood.
  5. how much is a general and biochemical blood test done
    how much is a general and biochemical blood test done

Indicator norms

In different laboratories, these values \u200b\u200bmay vary slightly, however, the following norms for blood values \u200b\u200bare considered generally accepted:

  • hemoglobin: women - 120-140 g/l, men - 130-160 g/l;
  • hematocrit: women -34.2-46.7%, men - 34.3-46.9%;
  • platelets - 180-361×109;
  • erythrocytes - 3, 7-4, 7×1012;
  • leukocytes - 4-9×109;
  • color index - 0.85-1.15;
  • ESR - for women - 2-15 mm/h, for men - 1-10 mm/h;
  • reticulocytes - 0.2-1.3%;
  • eosinophils 0-6%;
  • thrombocrit 0, 1-0, 6%;
  • basophils - 0-1%;
  • monocytes - 2-8%;
  • lymphocytes - 17-40%;
  • erythrocyte volume - 78-94 fl;
  • neutrophils - 1-7%;
  • neutrophils - 46-73%.

Each of these values plays a certain role in deciphering a blood test, however, the most reliable result is not only the ratio of the obtained indicators with the normal options - quantitative characteristics are considered together, taking into account the relationship between different blood properties.

Biochemical analysis

Many people wonder how much a general and biochemical blood test is done.

how much is a general blood test
how much is a general blood test

Research for biochemistry is used in clinical medicine to identify data on the functional state of organs. Its results with high accuracy help to identify various failures and violations. Correct decoding of biochemical analysis allows diagnosing many diseases. This study includes the definition of a number of factors that reflect the state of metabolic processes. It is assigned in the following cases:

  • with pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • for diseases of the circulatory system;
  • for liver or kidney failure;
  • in case of heart failure;
  • for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with thyroid pathologiesgland;
  • with problems in the digestive system.

Based on this study, in some cases, the final diagnosis is established, but more often, for a complete diagnosis, the results of additional research methods and an assessment of the picture of the pathological process are needed.

So, how much is a general blood test for biochemistry?

What determines the term?

The term for conducting a biochemical blood test depends on the technical equipment of the laboratory in which the patient donates blood. Since this study analyzes the hormonal, immunological and biochemical composition of the blood, this process can take several days. This depends on the amount of blood components to be determined and can take from 3 to 14 days.

Often people wonder how much a general urine and blood test is done.

how much is a general analysis of urine and blood
how much is a general analysis of urine and blood

Urine test

Urine study is a complex laboratory measure, through which a number of chemical and physical characteristics of a given substance are revealed, on the basis of which a definite diagnosis can be made. Due to the ease of implementation and high information content, this analysis is considered an integral part of any diagnosis. Deciphering the urine test involves a description of the following indicators:

  • color;
  • transparency;
  • acidity index and specific gravity.

After that, the presence of specific elements in the urine, such as:

  • glucose;
  • protein;
  • ketone bodies;
  • bile pigments;
  • inorganic substances;
  • hemoglobin;
  • blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, etc.), as well as cells that are found in the urinary tract.

Research is assigned in such cases:

  • with an auxiliary study of the functioning of the urinary system;
  • when monitoring the development of the disease and checking the quality of their therapy;
  • for any diagnosis of pathologies in the body.
how much is a general blood test from a vein
how much is a general blood test from a vein

Using this analysis, it is possible to diagnose kidney disorders, diseases of the prostate, bladder, various tumors, as well as a number of pathological phenomena in the early stages, when there are no clinical symptoms.

Urine examination period

The term for a general urine test is minimal. If such a study is carried out in an emergency situation, when the patient needs urgent help, then this study takes a maximum of 20 minutes. In cases of a routine examination, the result of the analysis, as a rule, can be obtained the very next day after taking the urine to the laboratory.

We looked at how much a complete blood and urine test is done.
