The phenomenon of snoring is quite common and can occur in any person. At the same time, it not only causes inconvenience to others, but also affects the quality of sleep of the person himself. Previously, the only way to get rid of this problem was through surgery. To date, there are a large number of special devices. Consider the features of their use, effectiveness, contraindications and reviews of different types of anti-snoring devices.
More about snoring

Snoring in your sleep is a fairly common phenomenon, but few understand what it really is. Noisy breathing that others hear occurs when air passes through the narrowed passages of the nasopharynx.
Among the causes of snoring are:
- bad habits;
- abnormal structural features of the nasopharynx;
- taking certain medications;
- diseases of ENT organs;
- fatigue and sleep disturbance;
- thyroid disorders.
The danger lies in the fact that snoring is the only symptom of such a pathology as apnea, that is, respiratory arrest. According to statistics, every fourth person who snores suffers from sleep apnea.
Therapy Methods
In medicine, snoring is called ronchopathy, and its treatment is carried out depending on the severity. If this phenomenon is mild, drops and tablets may be effective. There are also a fairly large number of anti-snoring devices on the market, ranging from bracelets and patches to clips. All of them are designed to make breathing easier for a person during sleep.
Common ways to stop snoring are as follows:
- surgery is the most radical way, in which polyps in the nose are removed, and the airway is enlarged if it is narrowed or curved;
- Correction of lifestyle - getting rid of excess weight and addictions, normal daily routine, use of an orthopedic pillow;
- therapy - carried out with the help of various devices and devices.
Snore Stopper snoring device: application features, contraindications and reviews

The "Snor Stopper" device is in the form of a bracelet or wrist watch and helps to cope with snoring, which is observed in a person for a long time. Its operating principleconsists in the fact that the device picks up the sound of snoring and starts sending electromagnetic impulses using two electrodes that are built into the device. A person feels on a subconscious level, without waking up, that he needs to change position. As a result, snoring stops and normal breathing is restored.
The advantage of this snoring device, according to user reviews, is the convenience and safety of use. It does not affect the general well-being of a person. In this case, the degree and power of the influence of electrical impulses is adjusted if necessary. The weight of the design, which has a rather attractive appearance, is only 200 g. If you wear the bracelet incorrectly, it will signal this.
The instructions describe all the processes of use, from turning the device on and off. The kit includes the device itself, an adjustable strap, a storage case for the device, a screwdriver, a battery, six gel electrodes and an alcohol wipe.
Despite the availability and safety of the device, it has a number of contraindications, namely:
- not used for severe cardiovascular disease;
- with even mild sleep apnea;
- during pregnancy;
- one day before the electrocardiogram;
- for infectious diseases;
- with inflammatory processes on the skin at the place where the bracelet will be put on.
There are both positive and negative comments in the reviews of the device. Some note that it does not help everyone, the batteries run out quickly, and sometimes the deviceresponds even when the person is not snoring. The cost of the device "Snor" is about 1300 rubles.
The Beurer SL70 anti-snoring device has the same principle of influence, but the anti-snoring device Beurer SL70, reviews of which are also both positive and negative. This device is shaped like a hands-free headphone and sits in the ear. It also picks up the sounds of snoring and sends out electromagnetic pulses. It works on charging, which is enough for a day. The cost of the device is more than 7 thousand rubles. How convenient it is to use depends on the individual characteristics of the person.
Snoring device "Extra-lore"

This device is universal and made by a Russian manufacturer from environmentally friendly materials. It is designed to be used in the mouth, where tongue placement is adjusted. Outwardly, it looks like a large pacifier designed to correct breathing during sleep.
The device for snoring "Extra-Lor" consists of the following parts:
- egg-shaped retainer;
- additional oval-shaped fixer, which is located between the teeth and lips of a snorer;
- a spoon that fits snugly on the tongue.
With the help of this device, teeth grinding, snoring and sleep apnea are eliminated, the blood is better filled with oxygen, the central nervous system normalizes, pressure decreases and the general condition of a person improves.
Because the device is located directly in the mouth, it takes time to get used to it. Better itdo during the period of wakefulness, gradually increasing the time of use, and only then fix in the mouth for the whole night. In general, the process of getting used to takes about seven days. At first, the device may fall out of the mouth or salivation may increase, but then the feeling of discomfort disappears. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene when using, but do not wash the device with alcohol-containing solutions.
The course of application can last up to four weeks, then you should take a break. Contraindications include:
- abnormal development of the oral cavity or respiratory system;
- SARS or other ENT diseases;
- infectious diseases affecting the oral cavity.
The effectiveness of the device lies in the fact that it has a positive effect on the general condition of a person, eliminates increased irritability and helps to normalize sleep patterns.
The advantages are that the "Extra-Lor" device can be used immediately after unpacking, and the use time is not limited.
Features of using anti-snoring clips

Sometimes the treatment of snoring with a device in the form of a bracelet, headphones or "pacifier" brings significant discomfort to a person. In this case, clips may come in handy. They are quite compact as they fit directly into the nostrils.
The benefits of using clips include:
- you can use the device while taking medication for snoring;
- device is made of silicone, sodoes not cause allergies;
- performance comes after two weeks of use and lasts a long time.
There are also disadvantages, which consist in the fact that the device cannot be used by certain categories of people. So, it is not recommended to use it with excessive curvature of the nasal septum, with a large body weight, with diabetes mellitus and malignant neoplasms in the nose. Also, clip-ons are not worn during pregnancy and frequent nosebleeds.
Do the patch and snore ring work?

The most effective and popular means of snoring in recent years is a special plaster. The device, impregnated with oils to moisturize the mucous membrane, is attached directly to the nose.
The device is absolutely safe for humans, which is its main advantage. The disadvantages include the fact that it is impossible to get rid of snoring only with a band-aid. It is always used as an adjunctive therapy. Not to be used if allergic to certain essential oils in the device.
The device is sold in packs, the cost is from 300 rubles. Users noted that they used the patch, but the effect was not long lasting.
Chinese manufacturers came up with an anti-snoring ring that is worn on the little finger, since certain points are located there. The advantages of the ring are that it is absolutely safe for humans, but ineffective, according to users. There are no contraindications to the use of the device.
CPAP therapy

With severe snoring, which alternates with respiratory arrest, and regardless of the causes of the development of the pathology, a special CPAP device is used. This anti-snoring device is presented in the form of a mask with tubes. It recognizes sleep apnea and starts delivering air through the mask directly into the airways.
The device improves a person's condition and prevents snoring from turning into more serious disorders. The use of the device is contraindicated in certain diseases of the lungs and ENT organs. The disadvantages of the device include possible allergic manifestations, irritation of the mucous membrane and addiction. The cost of such therapy is in the range of 30-100 thousand rubles.
Snoring is a rather unpleasant phenomenon for every person. Regardless of the cause and stage, it is worth and can fight this pathology. For this, not only surgery and drops are used, but also special anti-snoring devices. It can be bracelets, headphones, clips, rings, patches and other devices. Before use, you should consult a specialist, since each of the devices or devices has certain contraindications.