Any disorders of the central nervous system are quite difficult to treat. But with the right approach and following the recommendations of doctors, patients usually successfully complete treatment and return to a normal lifestyle.

Epileptologist in Moscow: address
Stepanishchev I. L. - epileptologist, neurologist. This doctor works with both children and adults. He has been working in this field for 29 years, has the highest category, has the highest rating among patients. Works at the Institute of Child and Adult Neurology. Saint Luke.
Baeva E. Yu. - neurologist, doctor of functional diagnostics, epileptologist. Reviews are predominantly positive. She has been working with patients with epilepsy for 18 years. She can be consulted and examined at two addresses: st. Priorova, 36 Water stadium; st. Cosmonaut Volkova, 9/2 Airport.
Kremenchugskaya M. R. - a neurologist and epileptologist of the highest category, has been working with people of all ages for 37 years. Treats at the Institute of Child and Adult Neurology. Saint Luke.
Gadzhiev G. I. - ultrasound doctor, neurologist, pediatric epileptologist, works withadults. Experience 15 years, awarded the highest category. The consultation takes place at: Medford Medical Center; Children's clinic No117.
Voronkova KV - pediatric neurologist and epileptologist. Has an experience of 16 years, has the highest category, was awarded the title of professor. Cecil+ Academic Clinic.
Who is an epileptologist?
Is an epileptologist a psychiatrist or a neurologist? Many people argue with this. But knowing what is within his competence, you definitely will not call an epileptologist a psychiatrist.
The competence of this specialist includes the examination and treatment of patients suffering from epilepsy. He conducts the study of disorders occurring in the brain. The epileptologist reveals why his function is disturbed, and also as a result of which there are sudden attacks that recur periodically.
Epileptic seizures come in many forms that an epileptologist must understand. He must know how to treat all disorders associated with this disease. This specialist is not affected by disorders that affect the mental state of a person.
Is epilepsy related to mental problems?
Among the list of mental illnesses you will not find the term "epilepsy". But it affects the work of the intellect and behavior. This is done by a neurologist. Often people with epilepsy are repulsed by their peers because of this, and it can also affect their condition.

What is epilepsy?
Since ancient times, from the very beginning of the appearance of man, hispursued such a disease as epilepsy. This is the oldest disease, and it is one of the most famous in our time. Descriptions of the symptoms of epilepsy were put on paper by ancient people.
The disease group includes many pathologies of the human brain. The main symptom by which epilepsy can be determined is characteristic periodic seizures, which are divided into more than 20 types. There are attacks from ordinary to the most difficult. Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, the patient may either simply experience pain in the head, or there will be very strong attacks, as a result of which he may lose consciousness in the sense that his intelligence and behavior will deteriorate.

An epileptologist often meets at the reception even perfectly he althy people who were unexpectedly subjected to these attacks. They are provoked by severe stress, depression of the emotional state, due to which the neurons of the brain are overexcited and give a signal for the appearance of these seizures.
Contact a doctor immediately with the first manifestations of signs of epilepsy, so that there is a greater chance of curing the disease or at least improving the person's condition. Central nervous system disorders are difficult to treat if the disease is detected too late. Therefore, do not risk your he alth and take the time to be examined by a neurologist.
Patients with epilepsy exhibit symptoms that are difficult to confuse with other disorders in the state of the body. Unnatural behavior is very characteristic of her, especially ifthe person has recently had a very strong experience or head injury. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

- Dizziness and headaches often accompany this condition.
- Sometimes patients faint.
- A person suffering from epilepsy can get out of bed in his sleep and perform any actions. Such a patient must be constantly monitored, as during sleepwalking he can harm himself or even others.
- The patient may suddenly freeze in place, at the same time he may twitch.
- Seizures may occur while sleeping or awake.
What happens at an appointment with an epileptologist?
It is better to be at the reception for the patient and the person who witnessed the manifestation of epilepsy. Usually these are relatives or close friends. They will tell you how the patient's behavior looked from the outside, what was in his condition. After the examination, an accompanying relative or friend will be able to emotionally support him so that epileptic seizures do not recur from possible stress.
It is important to tell the exact time of the onset of attacks, their duration, circumstances. This information will help the doctor to choose the direction of research of the disease in order to give an accurate diagnosis and choose the right method of treatment.
Epileptologist's consultation after this survey goes like this. Once the findings of the examinations become clear to the epileptologist, the next question will be whether other diseases or diseases were transferred before these seizures orconcussion. The doctor will ask about the lifestyle, work, what circumstances can cause stress in the patient. The question of hereditary predisposition to certain diseases will also follow.
After the interviews, an inspection is carried out. If it is difficult to issue results, the patient is again sent for examinations. Indeed, in epilepsy it is very important to choose the right method of treatment so that it becomes the most effective. If your epileptologist makes comments about your lifestyle, it's best to follow them.

Epilepsy is not the end. Do not neglect treatment and take exactly the dose of medication that was prescribed. Do not be discouraged by the period during which you will have to be examined and take medications. The success of your treatment depends on it.
The results of proper treatment reduce the number and complexity of seizures, which subsequently no longer disturb the patient.
Sports for epilepsy
Sport is very important for the human body. Periodic exercise is good for he alth. They also contribute to the improvement of intellectual activity. But a person with epilepsy should first discuss this issue with a doctor, and also make a decision based on their condition during such activities. The doctor may not fully know how you will feel when doing heavy exercises. After all, their impact on your condition depends not so much on the number, time and severity of attacks, but on the readiness of your body for sports.
If you've never run, never swum,did not do push-ups or pull-ups, at first it can greatly affect your emotional state. Because at first it is hard to do, and the sport first of all goes through your willpower, through the overcoming of laziness. If you experience negative emotions when you are forced to do something, should you start sports?
If you have frequent seizures, your epileptologist will advise you not to ride, dive, dive, box, climb, gymnastics, wrestle, etc.
If the seizures are not so serious and only start in sleep or upon waking up, then sports such as football, table tennis, badminton and the like will be safer for you.

Smoking during treatment
Smoking also harms a he althy person. But this habit is not directly related to epileptic seizures. But there is a risk that while smoking a person may fall into an attack and cause a fire due to a dropped cigarette. A neurologist-epileptologist for pregnant women categorically forbids smoking.
Alcohol for epilepsy
Alcohol has a direct link with this disease. Seizures may occur due to its consumption. Doctors always advise patients with epilepsy to give up alcoholic beverages.

Every epileptologist in Moscow is ready to accept you for examination. Don't delay going to the doctor, and then you can quickly return to normal life after qualified epilepsy treatment.