Medicine 2024, October

HBsAg blood test. What is it, meaning and interpretation

HBsAg blood test. What is it, meaning and interpretation

What is an HBsAg blood test? What are the indications for its appointment? What diseases can be diagnosed with this analysis? What will be the preparation for its delivery? You can find the answer to these and other questions in our article

How to force yourself to pee: possible ways and useful tips

How to force yourself to pee: possible ways and useful tips

If you need to get a urine test but have a fear of urinating in public or have trouble emptying your bladder, you may need to force yourself to do so in some way. In case of fear, some foods that stimulate urination, as well as psychological help, will help you

Nebulizer - what is it? Which nebulizer is better to choose?

Nebulizer - what is it? Which nebulizer is better to choose?

Nebulizer is a wonderful device that helps to fight not only asthma attacks, but also promotes a speedy recovery during colds

Bronchial tree. How is the bronchial tree arranged?

Bronchial tree. How is the bronchial tree arranged?

The bronchial tree in the structure is a trachea and bronchial trunks extending from it. The combination of these branches constitutes the structure of the tree

Famous Russian pharmaceutical companies

Famous Russian pharmaceutical companies

This material describes the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia, whose production volume occupies a large share in the entire drug market

Histamine H1 receptor blockers - definition, features and types

Histamine H1 receptor blockers - definition, features and types

Histamine H1 receptor blockers (abbreviated as AGP) have been serving mankind for about seventy years. They have always been in demand in medicine. Against this background, they have recently been used without a doctor's prescription, which is alarming. Most often, such blockers are used to treat allergic pathologies

Tear fluid - what is it and what does it serve?

Tear fluid - what is it and what does it serve?

Modern man knows a lot about how his body functions. But it is worth remembering that in addition to large vital systems, there are small organs and glands. They are located throughout the body and play a significant role in the general condition of the body. An example is the lacrimal canals, on the work of which the condition of the eyes depends

Epidermal Growth Factor: Biological Sources, Functions and Applications

Epidermal Growth Factor: Biological Sources, Functions and Applications

Epidermal growth factor is a polypeptide that regenerates epidermal cells. Its action is manifested not only at the cellular, but also at the molecular level. It is expressed in slowing down the aging of the skin. The EGF factor was studied and discovered back in the 60s. 20th century by American professor Stanley Cohen. His discovery was highly acclaimed, and in 1986 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine as a sign of this

How do you want to go to the toilet in a big way? Helpful Hints

How do you want to go to the toilet in a big way? Helpful Hints

Any annoying moments seem very funny to a person until they happen to him. But if something like this happens, then embarrassment can cover each of us so much that you want, as they say, to literally fall through the ground

How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide: the pros and cons of an antiseptic. Processing rules

How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide: the pros and cons of an antiseptic. Processing rules

How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide? What is this medicine? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. In everyday life, the treatment of wounds with hydrogen peroxide has been practiced for a long time. It is difficult to find a girl or boy who would not be cleaned by caring grandmothers or mothers with this disinfectant, which has become really popular. How to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide, find out below

Fracture healed incorrectly: causes, symptoms, doctor's consultation, necessary examination and re-treatment

Fracture healed incorrectly: causes, symptoms, doctor's consultation, necessary examination and re-treatment

Almost everyone breaks their arm or leg at least once in their life. In most cases, everything ends well enough, but it happens that the fracture has healed incorrectly. In this case, drastic measures must be taken to save the bone, and so that it does not bother the person for the rest of his life

Rectal resection: types of operations. Operation technique and consequences of treatment

Rectal resection: types of operations. Operation technique and consequences of treatment

Rectal resection is the excision of its affected part. The rectum continues the large intestine and extends from the sigmoid to the anus. This is the final part of the digestive tract, the length of which is 13–15 cm. Fecal masses accumulate in it and are subsequently brought out. She got her name because she has no bends

Differential diagnosis of gastritis: basic methods

Differential diagnosis of gastritis: basic methods

To detect inflammation of the stomach, the correct diagnosis of gastritis is necessary. It includes clinical, laboratory and instrumental data. Given that the symptoms of gastritis resemble the manifestations of many other pathologies, it is important to distinguish between diseases

Embryo transfer during IVF: how does it work?

Embryo transfer during IVF: how does it work?

Attempts to treat infertility are often delayed for many years, but the unproductive duration of the process can only reduce the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Seeing the inefficiency of the measures taken, the couple has the right to insist on embryo transfer during IVF already two years after the start of treatment

Field of view - what is it? All about field of view

Field of view - what is it? All about field of view

Most of the information about the world people receive through the eyes. A person does not always understand how dependent he is on his vision until he loses it partially or completely

Microscopy - what is it?

Microscopy - what is it?

Microscopy is a modern research method. What are the prospects for development and what can microscopy give today?

Axillary fossa: location, anatomy

Axillary fossa: location, anatomy

The depression with the magical name Fossa axillaris can be compared to a modern road junction in an advanced metropolis. Here bundles of large vessels, the most important nerves, lymph nodes, and muscle ligaments are intertwined. This axillary fossa is one of the busiest intersections in the human body. Fossa axillaris is a magnificent example of the architecture of the human body with its complex communications and functional diversity

Gynecological chair: features, types and interesting facts

Gynecological chair: features, types and interesting facts

The gynecological chair is one of the most important structures for examination and treatment

Cytological method: features of conducting, material for research

Cytological method: features of conducting, material for research

The cell is the main building material of the body. The level of human he alth and its ability to withstand various pathologies directly depends on its quality. The study of cells allows you to identify the onset of pathological changes, control the course of therapy and the stability of the result. The study of cell structure is called cytological

Quantitative PCR: the essence of the analysis and interpretation of the results

Quantitative PCR: the essence of the analysis and interpretation of the results

Cultural and serological methods are especially often used to diagnose infections. Under the first, antibodies to an infectious pathogen in the blood serum are determined. In the second, biological material taken from a sick person is used to sow a specific medium that is favorable for the growth of pathogen colonies

What is ELISA? ELISA method: essence, principle, disadvantages

What is ELISA? ELISA method: essence, principle, disadvantages

ELISA method helps to detect infections occurring in the acute stage or latent in the human body. This is very important for timely diagnosis and treatment

What are the side effects of taking medications?

What are the side effects of taking medications?

What is the side effect of the drug? This is any reaction that is undesirable or harmful to the body of an individual, which is formed when drugs are used for the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of pathological conditions. In other words, it can be said that this is a set of non-specific changes that appear in the body along with the pharmacological action that is expected when the drug is used in acceptable doses

Human reproductive system: diseases. Reproductive system of a woman. The effect of alcohol on the male reproductive system

Human reproductive system: diseases. Reproductive system of a woman. The effect of alcohol on the male reproductive system

The human reproductive system is a set of organs and processes in the body aimed at the reproduction of a biological species. Our body is arranged very correctly, and we must support its vital activity to ensure its basic functions. The reproductive system, like other systems in our body, is affected by negative factors. These are external and internal causes of failures in its work

Bite bites: treatment and prevention

Bite bites: treatment and prevention

When planning outdoor activities, do not forget that the bites of midges, which are found in abundance in forests and near water bodies, can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. To learn how to protect yourself from annoying insects and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction, read this article

Reproduction of viruses in a cell

Reproduction of viruses in a cell

Reproduction of viruses is very peculiar. Virions penetrate into cells, release their nucleic acid and begin to produce components for new pathogenic organisms. From the created particles, new virions are created, which are released from the cells and can continue the cycle of infection

Cryodestruction of papillomas: description of the procedure, indications, patient reviews

Cryodestruction of papillomas: description of the procedure, indications, patient reviews

One of the most traditional methods of treating benign neoplasms with liquid nitrogen is cryodestruction of papillomas. Papilloma is a neoplasm like a wart, and cryodestruction comes from the words "destruction" - destruction and "cryo" - cooling. Otherwise, this procedure is also called cryotherapy

Causes, symptoms and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia

Causes, symptoms and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia

This article discusses the causes, types and symptoms of supraventricular tachycardia. The methods of diagnosing the disease and the drugs with which the treatment is carried out are also studied

Digitalis intoxication: symptoms, causes, treatment

Digitalis intoxication: symptoms, causes, treatment

Digitalis intoxication is poisoning with cardiac glycosides. It is worth saying that this is a rather serious complication in the treatment of patients who suffer from cardiac pathologies and take drugs of the digitalis category (for example, Digoxin). Lethal dosages of cardiac glycosides, as a rule, can be ten times or more higher than therapeutic ones

Professional retraining of doctors: courses, distance learning, retraining programs, specialization of work and terms

Professional retraining of doctors: courses, distance learning, retraining programs, specialization of work and terms

Professional retraining of doctors allows a specialist to completely change the field of activity or further deepen their skills by studying related medical disciplines. To date, it is a well-functioning system that includes both theoretical and practical parts, helps doctors quickly acquire and assimilate new knowledge

It hurts the left side under the ribs when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prescribed treatment

It hurts the left side under the ribs when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prescribed treatment

Cases where a person has pain when breathing under the ribs on the left side are not uncommon. If discomfort is regular, this indicates the development of a pathological process in the body

Glucose in urine - what does it mean, causes?

Glucose in urine - what does it mean, causes?

Glucose or sugar is not normally present in the urine, as all glucose is reabsorbed by the kidneys, which is a normal function of the renal tubules. There are certain conditions and/or he alth conditions that can lead to glucosuria, as well as a number of more serious pathological conditions

Complications of antibiotic therapy: classification, diagnostic features, treatment and consequences

Complications of antibiotic therapy: classification, diagnostic features, treatment and consequences

Antibiotics are the main elements in the treatment of complex diseases in the modern world. Their task is to fight pathogenic microorganisms. It is thanks to these drugs that a person can fight a huge number of infectious diseases that were previously incurable

How to improve bowel function? Drugs, folk remedies and diet to normalize bowel function

How to improve bowel function? Drugs, folk remedies and diet to normalize bowel function

For many people, the question is relevant: how to improve bowel function? Patients have different symptoms, and a gastroenterologist can determine what the problem is and how to solve it. At the initial stage, it is proposed to normalize lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, as well as diagnostics and research

How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists

How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists

This article will tell you in detail about how to restore the intestinal mucosa and stomach with the help of drugs and folk remedies. And also the article will present the advice of gastroenterologists, which will help to put the digestive system in order as soon as possible

Forms and types of inflammation - description, classification, causes and treatment

Forms and types of inflammation - description, classification, causes and treatment

Types of inflammation may be different, but they all require immediate treatment. Without treatment, this pathology can develop serious complications

Synovial bag - what is it

Synovial bag - what is it

A detailed description of the synovial bag, its types, as well as the causes of bursitis are discussed in this article

Residual nitrogen in blood biochemistry

Residual nitrogen in blood biochemistry

Many patients are interested in the question - what is blood biochemistry, residual nitrogen, decoding of blood tests. Biochemical analyzes are widely used in diagnostics, they help to identify serious diseases such as diabetes, cancerous growths, various anemias, and take timely measures in treatment. Residual nitrogen is present in urea, creatinine, amino acids, indican. Its level can also indicate any pathological changes in the body

What are regional lymph nodes?

What are regional lymph nodes?

Lymph is the fluid component of blood, and this system is designed to drain lymph, maintain homeostasis, replenish blood lymphocytes, and participate in humoral and cellular immunity. The lymphatic system consists of vessels and lymph nodes, which are grouped into regional lymph nodes

What does symptomatic treatment mean? Symptomatic treatment: side effects. Symptomatic treatment of cancer patients

What does symptomatic treatment mean? Symptomatic treatment: side effects. Symptomatic treatment of cancer patients

In severe cases, when the doctor understands that nothing can help the patient, all that remains is to alleviate the suffering of the cancer patient. Symptomatic treatment just has this purpose

Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, on the face, on the body, on the legs (photo)

Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, on the face, on the body, on the legs (photo)

Today we will talk about what types of warts exist, and also for what reasons they appear. In addition, you will learn about what preventive measures should be followed to protect yourself from skin diseases