Apparatus "Amplipulse": indications and contraindications

Apparatus "Amplipulse": indications and contraindications
Apparatus "Amplipulse": indications and contraindications

Quite often, physiotherapy is prescribed as an additional method of treating a certain disease. The most common is amplipulse therapy, the essence of which is the electrical stimulation of problem areas on the body. Consider the features of the Amplipulse devices, areas of application, indications for use, contraindications and rules for using the devices.

Effectiveness of amplipulse therapy

Apparatus for amplipulse therapy
Apparatus for amplipulse therapy

Amplipulse therapy, which was first performed in the early 60s of the last century, belongs to electrotherapy and is used as a preventive, rehabilitation and additional therapy. Quite effectively, physiotherapy is used for diseases associated with joints and bones.

The essence of therapy, which is carried out with the help of special devices "Amplipulse", is the impact of dynamic current on the nervous and muscle tissue, which relieves pain. The manipulation is painless, so it cancarried out even for small children.

The positive effect of the procedure is:

  • stopping inflammatory processes, improving metabolism and tissue regeneration;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • vasodilating effect that relieves vasospasm;
  • normalize the respiratory function, relieve spasms.


Safety precautions for amplipulse therapy
Safety precautions for amplipulse therapy

Electrical stimulation of the skin in a certain area not only relieves pain, but also has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect. Amplipulse devices are used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Thanks to the stimulation of the facial area, you can achieve a significant anti-aging effect, reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, correct figure imperfections, get rid of skin problems, increase its elasticity, and also improve complexion.

The time of the procedure, as well as the frequency, is determined by the specialist depending on the patient's diagnosis. On average, for a tangible effect, it will take from 8 to 15 sessions. As a rule, the manipulation takes place once a day.


Procedure "Amplipulse" effectiveness
Procedure "Amplipulse" effectiveness

Amplipulse physiotherapy devices are indicated for use only in a hospital setting. Physiotherapy using the device is under the supervision of a specialist.

Indications for electrical stimulation are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • disturbances in the work of the nervoussystem;
  • paresis;
  • disruption of the biliary and urinary tract;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • sciatica;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Visual function disorders;
  • myelopathy;
  • CP;
  • diseases associated with ENT organs;
  • diseases associated with the normal functioning of the female or male reproductive system.

In Amplipulse low-frequency physiotherapy devices, the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the operation of modulated sinusoidal currents of sound frequency. They can be used not only as an additional therapy in the treatment of chronic diseases, but also as a method of relieving stress and getting rid of nervous strain.


Amplipulse therapy contraindications
Amplipulse therapy contraindications

Like any procedure, physiotherapy using Amplipulse devices has a number of contraindications.

Amplipulsotherapy is not performed when:

  • purulent inflammation on the skin, especially in the area affected by the device;
  • the body's tendency to bleed;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of problems associated with the circulatory process;
  • high body temperature;
  • neoplasms or tumors of any type;
  • angina;
  • disorders of the heart;
  • unfixed fractures;
  • tuberculosis in open form;
  • varicose veins;
  • the period of bearing a baby;
  • individualcurrent intolerance.

Also, the instructions for the Amplipulse-5 low-frequency apparatus state that the device is contraindicated for persons with an implanted pacemaker.

Apparatus for amplipulsotherapy

Apparatus "Amplipulse" scope
Apparatus "Amplipulse" scope

There are several types of devices for the most common physiotherapy.

Today, manipulation is carried out using the following devices:

  • "Amplipulse" (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - the most commonly used devices are the 4th model and the device "Amplipulse - 5BR", which operates at a low frequency. The 7th model of the device can operate in two modes, therefore it is also used as an electrophoresis).
  • "Amplidin".
  • El Esculap MedTeCo.
  • "AFT SI-01-MicroMed".

Included with each device is a set of attachments designed for use on different parts of the body. On the main unit, it is possible to adjust the duration of the pulse and the procedure itself, as well as the current strength. For carrying out the manipulation, plate electrodes of cavity exposure are used. The latter can be multiple or disposable. There are also round electrodes that match the shape of the painful area.

The latest modification of devices that can be used not only in a hospital, but also at home is the Amplipulse-8 device. It combines the possibility of electrical or ultrasonic effects on certain areas of the skin. Simultaneous exposureelectric current and ultrasound has a positive effect in diseases associated with the upper respiratory organs, with the musculoskeletal system, in a post-stroke state, with the removal of pain or weight loss.

Carrying out the procedure

Devices "Amplipulse" application
Devices "Amplipulse" application

Amplipulse devices are equipped with electrodes with rounded edges. They have a special cavity that is able to absorb and retain a certain amount of liquid. First, the specialist determines the focus of inflammation. This is necessary so that the electrodes are placed in strictly defined places, stimulating the area and relieving pain.

After turning on the device, the current gradually increases until the person feels a slight tingling sensation. These are painless vibrations, but the physiotherapist focuses on the patient's sensations. The session is held every day or every other day. On average, you need to go through about 10-15 procedures. If there are no complications during the course, then physiotherapy can be re-appointed in a few weeks or a month.

Amplipulse therapy is not prescribed alone, but combined with conservative treatment with drugs, warming up, physiotherapy exercises or massage.


Amplipulse therapy at home
Amplipulse therapy at home

When using the device "Amplipulse - 5 BR" or other modifications, it is important to adhere to certain rules and safety precautions. Namely:

  1. Before turning on the device, it is worth checking the potentiometer knob, which should be inzero position and a key that switches the voltage. It should be on the "Control" mark.
  2. Switches during the session are carried out only when the current is off.
  3. The minimum current is used to apply amplipulse therapy in the head, face or neck.
  4. Voltage is applied smoothly, while taking into account human sensations.
  5. It is important to periodically check for possible malfunctions, the condition of the electrodes and their insulation.
  6. Electrodes are not fixed on skin with lesions, inflammation or pustules.
  7. The first procedure is the least intense current, then it can be increased.


Amplipulse therapy is used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. This procedure using electric current is quite effective for various diseases. It is prescribed as an additional treatment for the main therapy and is used during the rehabilitation period or as a preventive measure. Here it is important to correctly determine the focus of inflammation, since the electrodes in the devices act pointwise. It is also worth using this manipulation strictly on the recommendation of a specialist, if there are no obvious contraindications.

Most of the devices "Amplipulse" are used only in a hospital. But there are new modifications of devices that, subject to safety precautions, can be used at home. Amplipulse therapy is indicated for use regardless of the age and gender of the patient.
