Pregnancy urine sediment: what does it mean?

Pregnancy urine sediment: what does it mean?
Pregnancy urine sediment: what does it mean?

From the moment of conception, the female body switches to an enhanced mode of operation. As the child develops in the womb, the internal environment begins to change. Often there is a sediment in the urine during pregnancy, which may indicate natural physiological processes or pathology. Consider the causes of this condition, deviations from normal indicators, the principles of therapy and prevention.

Normal indicators

Cause of sediment in urine during pregnancy
Cause of sediment in urine during pregnancy

Cloudy urine with sediment during pregnancy may appear as a result of taking the drug "Metronidazole", and with excessive consumption of beets. This is temporary and does not indicate a pathological process, if other indicators are normal.

Normal urine values during pregnancy:

  • no or little precipitation that disappears over time and does not require therapy;
  • light yellow shade of urine;
  • protein up to 500mg throughout the day;
  • glucose cells are present in urine but absent from the circulatory system;
  • leukocytes within 6, erythrocytes - up to 3 units;
  • urine density no more than 1012 g/l;
  • acid-base balance - within 5-7, 4 pH.

When taking a urine test in the morning, the concentration of urine may increase. This is due to lack of water or frequent urination at night, which affects many pregnant women. All this should not cause concern.

Why does the color of urine change?

What does the appearance of sediment in the urine during pregnancy mean?
What does the appearance of sediment in the urine during pregnancy mean?

The color of urine can change during pregnancy. Consider the reasons for this state.

Disturbances in a woman's body during pregnancy that can cause discoloration of urine:


In this case, white sediments appear in the urine during pregnancy, which indicates disorders in the kidneys. The reason may be banal hypothermia or increased stress on the kidneys. Doctors can talk about nephropathy or developing preeclampsia when the protein in the urine is above 0.033 g / l. It may also indicate the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body.


Accompanied by an increased content of red blood cells in the urine. Gross hematuria causes redness of the urine, which is visible to the naked eye. This may indicate nephritis, glomerulonephritis, severe preeclampsia, nephrotic syndrome or cancer.


High white blood cell count indicates an inflammatory process in the urinary tract.


It occurs quite often in pregnant women, which is associated with a decrease in the protective functions of the body in the process of bearing a baby. This may be affected by poor intimate hygiene, pyelonephritis or cystitis.

Physiological factors

Urinalysis during pregnancy deviation from the norm
Urinalysis during pregnancy deviation from the norm

Quite often, urine sediment in women during pregnancy is physiological in nature, and this is due to a general restructuring of the body.

The natural causes of cloudy urine and the appearance of sediment in it during the period of bearing a baby include:


More often diagnosed in early pregnancy, but may appear in the third trimester. The reason for the change in color and consistency of urine in this case is the lack of water, especially with frequent vomiting in a woman.

Hormonal failure

Pregnancy significantly affects the hormonal background of a woman. This can manifest as the development of thrush, which causes not only discomfort, but also dark urine.

Bad diet

This is often due to the fact that the preferences of the expectant mother in food can change. Due to the use of certain foods, the very structure of urine also changes. For example, sediment can appear with frequent use of chocolate drinks, coffee, or even water with a high content of mineral s alts.

Pathology contributing to the appearance of sedimentin urine during pregnancy

Deviations of a pathological nature in the process of carrying a baby in women can appear regardless of the duration of pregnancy. Most often they are associated with the work of the kidneys and urinary organs. These violations could be even before the moment of conception, but did not manifest themselves in any way.

Often, sediment in the urine during early pregnancy appears due to bladder disease - cystitis, urethritis, in the worst case - pyelonephritis. Pathology is accompanied by frequent and painful urination. The problem does not go away on its own, but requires treatment, because in the absence of therapy, complications can occur, up to infection of the fetus.

The cause of cloudy urine in late pregnancy may be compression of the ureters under the influence of an enlarged uterus. Late preeclampsia affects not only the circulation of internal organs, but can also cause a number of complications associated with the urinary system. Lack of therapy in such cases can affect the he alth of the baby. He may often suffer from colic.

Common causes of haze

Sediment in the urine during pregnancy
Sediment in the urine during pregnancy

The increased work of the body during pregnancy can affect the normal functioning of the urinary tract. The cause of sediment in the urine during early pregnancy is rarely a serious pathology. Often this is due to toxicosis, a change in the nature of nutrition and a restructuring of the hormonal background. In rare cases, cloudy urine requires medical treatment.

Laterthe woman's urethra is compressed and moved under the pressure of the uterus and the growing fetus in it. If a woman has a history of chronic kidney disease, she should be observed by a nephrologist for the entire period of pregnancy. Often, chronic diseases appear during this period.

As a rule, morning urine is always cloudy. This physiological phenomenon in the absence of discomfort or pain should not cause concern. Why is urine taken in the morning? It is the most valuable material that testifies to the overall picture. But before taking urine, you should definitely carry out hygiene procedures that can affect the performance. In the evening, urine should not be cloudy, this is an atypical indicator and requires specialist advice.


White sediment in the urine during pregnancy may indicate the presence of pathology, since this is not a normal indicator of urine during the period of bearing a baby. Most often, this indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the internal organs, which may be associated with the urinary system, and may indicate other pathologies.

Exacerbation of chronic kidney disease can be expressed in the presence of a white flaky sediment in the urine. But if such turbidity appears after a few hours after urination, then it is the norm. As the components of the urine react with oxygen, the result is a crystallization process.

During the period of bearing a baby, every woman should be tested for the presence of s alt crystals in urine. If the crystalsurine sediment (xtal) is increased during pregnancy, this may indicate the abuse of certain products, malfunctions of metabolic processes (diabetes mellitus), insufficient fluid intake or poisoning of the body. It is important to identify the cause that led to the development of pathology, and carry out therapy.

How to prepare for a urine test?

How to prevent the appearance of sediment in the urine during pregnancy?
How to prevent the appearance of sediment in the urine during pregnancy?

In order to get reliable results with a general urine test, you should follow certain rules. Namely:

  1. You need to collect the material only in a clean container, otherwise the protein and bacteria contained on the walls may be mistaken for the presence of an infectious process in the body.
  2. Material sampling is carried out only after hygiene procedures.
  3. The day before the test, you should stop taking medication. This is discussed directly with the attending physician.
  4. For 24 hours, exclude from the diet foods that can modify the shade of urine (beets, blueberries, carrots). It is also not recommended to eat spicy and fatty foods.
  5. Sexual contacts are also excluded.

For analysis, morning urine is required, as it is the most informative. In this case, the first portion is flushed into the toilet, the rest is collected in a container. It is worth delivering urine for research within an hour or two to the laboratory, otherwise the results may be distorted.

Which doctor should I contact?

Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable, as it can lead to the development of a number ofcomplications for both the mother and the fetus. Perhaps that is why pregnant women so often take various tests. The interpretation of urine tests is carried out primarily by a gynecologist who leads the expectant mother. With significant deviations from the norm, he can refer the patient to a general practitioner or nephrologist.

Various antibacterial drugs and even antibiotics can be used in the treatment, especially for pyelonephritis. You should not refuse such therapy, since the harm to the baby can be much greater if left untreated than taking antibiotics.


Cause of cloudy urine during pregnancy
Cause of cloudy urine during pregnancy

Despite the fact that urine with sediment during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, its color, smell and consistency are also examined. A strong unpleasant odor can indicate the development of inflammation in the body. Urine may also contain mucus, increased levels of white blood cells and red blood cells.

When abnormalities are detected, as a rule, a general urine test is given again. A study on Nechiporenko (daily urine), bakposev or a test on Kakovsky-Addis can also be carried out. The final diagnosis is made not only on the basis of urine values, but also on other diagnostic measures. First of all, ultrasound, especially if there are suspicions of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys. A general blood test is also given, and if an inflammatory process occurs in the body, the indicators of this analysis will also be above the norm.


Why does the color of urine changeduring pregnancy?
Why does the color of urine changeduring pregnancy?

Not always the presence of sediment in the urine during pregnancy indicates a pathology and requires medical treatment. Often it is enough to adjust the diet. A sparing diet is recommended with a high s alt content. Smoked meats, pickles, spices are excluded, and s alt is minimized. The drinking regimen is also corrected, increases or vice versa decreases with the appearance of swelling of the limbs. Well, in this case, birch sap helps.

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys require treatment. Sparing anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, vitamins and physiotherapy are usually prescribed. Antibiotics are possible in rare cases, if there is no significant risk to the baby in the womb.

In folk medicine, it is often advised to take herbal teas in order to get rid of cloudy urine. But here you need to carefully study the composition and consult a doctor. Since many herbs can harm a woman's body during the period of bearing a baby.

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor on a case-by-case basis.


To avoid the appearance of sediment in the urine during pregnancy or cloudy urine, you should first eliminate harmful foods from the diet. If a woman already had problems with her kidneys or bladder before conception, she is at risk and requires systematic and regular monitoring.

To avoid negative factors, a pregnant woman should not neglect hygiene procedures, exclude hypothermia and stress.
