With the help of a special quartz lamp, you can not only disinfect the room, but also carry out therapy for adults and children. Consider the features of the procedure for quartzing the throat and nose, indications and contraindications, as well as the rules for conducting and the therapeutic effect of manipulation.
Recommended to whom?

The essence of the procedure is to destroy bacteria with ultraviolet light. Scientists have proven that this radiation negatively affects the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, thereby preventing their reproduction process. Quite often, quartzization is used in hospital rooms in order to reduce the possible risk of human infection.
Experts recommend using the procedure to sanitize a room from bacteria and viruses, as well as to increase immunity and treat:
- diseases associated with the respiratory system (primarily with bronchitis);
- inflammation of the throat and mouth;
- in dermatology;
- in gynecology;
- for pain inbones and joints;
- in the treatment of allergic rhinitis;
- with a lack of vitamin D and the development of possible rickets.
Quartzation: pros and cons
Previously, the use of quartz lamps was available only in a hospital environment. Now such devices can be purchased for use at home.
- you can use the device regardless of age;
- side effects when following the instructions are minimized;
- exposure to ultraviolet light helps to destroy toxins that accumulate in the body;
- ozone, which is released during the operation of a quartz lamp, acts as a disinfectant (this is especially important in the autumn-winter period and during epidemics).
It has been proven that periodic quartzing can compensate for the lack of sunlight, improve metabolism and start renewal processes in tissues.
Negative factors from the procedure using these lamps can only occur when a person does not follow the instructions for use. In this case, the possible risk of developing cancer, heart problems and blood-related diseases increases.

Quartzation can be used in the treatment of a large number of diseases. However, it is noted that the procedure should be used only as directed by a doctor.
The use of quartz lamps is shown:
- Influenza - in this case, the applicationprocedures may reduce the possible risk of complications.
- Acute rhinitis - quartzization of the nose and throat at home is a fairly effective practice with which you can not only relieve unpleasant symptoms, but also reduce possible complications (treatment with quartz is not carried out with green snot).
- Chronic sinusitis and tonsillitis - radiation in this case falls on the place where bacteria and viruses spread (nose or throat).
- Sinusitis - helps to reduce pain, and also relieves unpleasant symptoms.
- Laryngitis, pharyngitis - used both in the acute stage and in the chronic.
- Otitis - reduces the amount of purulent discharge and relieves pain.
- Angina - reduces inflammation and promotes a speedy recovery.
Quartz lamps are actively used in the treatment of children, because they do not cause pain. They can be used both as an additional therapy and for preventive purposes. For example, during seasonal exacerbations or epidemics.
Healing effect

The desired result from therapy depends on the wavelength of ultraviolet light, the depth of its penetration and the period of exposure.
Efficiency of using quartz lamps:
- Wavelength up to 295 nm (medium wave radiation) has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic and desensitizing effects.
- Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is formed, which prevents the development of rickets.
- When directly exposed to a pathogenic microorganism, quartz acts bactericidal, while increasing the protective functions of the body.
- Ultraviolet affects metabolic processes in the body, is involved in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium.
Due to the wide spectrum of action of ultraviolet radiation, it is actively used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Quartzation of the nose and throat with a cold or rhinitis occurs when using short-wave radiation.
Treatment duration and frequency

When carrying out the throat quartzization procedure at home, it is worth remembering that the first session should be the shortest. As a rule, it lasts from 30 seconds to a minute. Further, the duration of the sessions gradually increases. Depending on the period and frequency of use of quartz lamps, the duration of treatment can be up to 3-5 minutes.
The value here is not so much the duration as the number of sessions. Only one session of quartzing can be carried out per day. On average, the number of sessions is 5-6. The maximum duration of quartzization of the nose and throat for children should not exceed 6-7 days, but the duration of each session should not exceed 1-3 minutes.
The procedure for disinfecting rooms using quartz lamps has no contraindications. But when carrying out quartzing of the throat, the child needs to take into account some factors during which to use ultraviolet radiationnot recommended.
Contraindications to the procedure include:
- inflammatory processes during the period of exacerbation;
- presence of neoplasms in the body;
- the body's tendency to bleed;
- disturbances in the endocrine system;
- heart failure;
- active tuberculosis;
- hypertension;
- disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract (ulcer);
- UV sensitivity.
The procedure (regardless of the affected area) is not performed at elevated body temperature. It is also not recommended to carry out quartzization immediately after a serious illness by a person. Here it is important to allow the body to recover and fully recover.
How to use a quartz lamp yourself?

For the procedure of quartzization of the nose and throat at home, special devices are used. They are designed for both children and adults. But here it is important to follow the instructions for the device, as well as adhere to the doctor's recommendations.
Algorithm for using a quartz lamp at home:
- Safety. For this purpose, special protective goggles are used, which are attached to the device. It is also worth covering all unprotected areas of the body.
- Turning on. The device is turned on and left for at least five minutes in order for it to switch to the optimal mode of operation. Only then can the session begin. The duration of the first procedure is from 30 seconds to a minute,then increase each manipulation by half a minute or a minute, depending on the doctor's recommendations.
- Reuse.
When quartzing the throat, you can use the lamp and several family members at once, both as a home treatment and prevention. To do this, the lamp must be turned off for at least 20 minutes. Also, when you turn it on, you should give it time to reach the optimal operating mode within five minutes.
The procedure of quartzization can be carried out by one person only once a day. Violation of this rule can lead to unpleasant consequences, namely, a burn of the mucous membrane of the nose or throat. Also, do not use a tanning device. There should be no plants or pets in the area affected by quartz.
Features of therapy

Due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation in a certain wave range, inflammation is reduced at the site of exposure. That is why quartzing of the throat is so often used by physicians in their practice. The procedure is used as an additional therapy, not the main one.
The effectiveness of the procedure lies in the fact that the inflammatory process is actively eliminated, acting directly on the site of development and reproduction of bacteria. UFO also has an analgesic effect. This practice is actively used for treatment or prevention in children. The manipulation itself, which lasts a maximum of five minutes, is painless. Therefore, most children tolerate it easily. For throat treatmentor nose, special nozzles in the form of cones are used.
Apparatus for quartzing the throat and nose

Most often, for home use in diseases of the nose or throat, the device "Sun" or UFOK-01 is used. The device weighing up to 1 kg comes with several attachments for use in different areas, as well as safety goggles. The kit also includes a biological dosimeter, with which you can make an individual calculation of the biodose of radiation.
Quartz lamp "Sunshine" is used for:
- quartzing the throat and nose with cone nozzles (tubes);
- disinfection of a small room;
- treatment of skin diseases;
- prevention of disturbances in metabolic processes;
- when there is not enough sunlight.
In this case, use the lamp carefully, especially if the child has not yet turned three years old. In this case, it is better to carry out the quartzization procedure in a hospital.
The technique of quartzing depends directly on the disease. So, with acute pharyngitis, ultraviolet should act on the back surface of the pharynx. The procedure is carried out daily, starting with 0.5 biodoses, and gradually increasing to 2 biodoses. In chronic tonsillitis, both tonsils are irradiated in turn. In this case, you can carry out therapy as a preventive measure several times a year.
Application features
In the absence of contraindications to quartzing of the throat, it is worth knowing the features of using home UV devices.
Quartz lamp for home use has a number of features, namely:
- With influenza or SARS, UVR can be used not only in the acute period, but also in the process of recovering the body after an illness. A special nozzle is used to irradiate the posterior pharyngeal wall and nasal cavity, since this is where the largest breeding ground for bacteria is. The duration of the course is up to 10 days.
- In acute or chronic rhinitis, you can use UVR on the soles, which has a positive effect. The lamp is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the surfaces of the legs. The duration of the procedure can take 15 minutes, it can be carried out for five days. Quartzing a small child is carried out directly into the spout, which is previously cleared of snot.
- In acute laryngitis or pharyngitis, UV radiation affects the back of the neck and the front of the chest. The duration of the procedure can reach 10 minutes, sessions are carried out for 4 days. Throat quartzization is carried out using a tube, starting from one minute (up to 3 minutes maximum), the course lasts up to seven days.
A quartz lamp for home use can be purchased by anyone. It is used as adjunct therapy or prophylaxis. The procedure for quartzing the throat and nose is well tolerated by children, since the manipulation is painless. It is important here to adhere to a certain frequency, duration of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as dosage. Before using quartz, you should read the contraindications.