In the article, consider the instructions for yohimbine hydrochloride.
Yohimbine is often used for weight loss, the action of its herbal composition is aimed at reducing body weight. The main purpose of the drug is to increase potency, libido, and the secondary is to burn fat in the body. If you regularly use Yohimbine, a particularly noticeable effect of losing weight is achieved: up to twenty kilograms per course.

What is Yohimbine?
A rare tree growing in Africa is called Yohimbe. The juice and bark of the plant were first used by people at the end of the last century. Scientists have found that the use of an alkaloid can increase male sexual desire, makes a person cheerful. The action of the yohimbine hydrochloride component for weight loss has no analogues. People who took the drug lost weight very quickly, even if they did not resort to special physical exercises, although they did not initially set such a goal, since they drankmedical recommendation for a drug for a completely different reason.
Modern products based on yohimbine hydrochloride and available in pharmacies contain a complex that is designed to block the alpha-2-adrenergic receptor. The result is that calories entering the human body are not sent to fat due to a change in metabolism. There is a blocking of adrenoreceptors, so the nutrients do not get into the fat. Taking the medicine helps to reduce weight due to caffeine, ginseng, Siberian herbs and other substances in its composition. Yohimbine includes:
- ginseng - gives a healing effect, speeds up metabolism;
- caffeine - promotes a surge of strength and vigor;
- chromium compounds - reduce a person's appetite;
- different kinds of vitamins - make up for their deficiency when losing weight;
- ginger - speeds up metabolism by increasing body temperature;
- Eleutherococcus is an immune elixir from Siberia.

Natural plant ingredients along with yohimbine hydrochloride change the material metabolism so as to destroy fat cells and turn them into muscle cells. Weight is lost by burning fat. The composition of the drug is safe for most patients, however, people who suffer from high blood pressure should only take the supplement after consulting a specialist. The instructions for the drug say how the tablets are correctly distributed throughout the day, as well as the features of the choicean effective weight loss course for a person.
The effect of yohimbine
It is necessary to consider in more detail the features of the action of yohimbine hydrochloride. An extract from the tree bark, tablets or tea containing the active ingredient are aimed at activating the natural processes of burning fat. The specific effectiveness of the drug is also achieved with high physical exertion - aerobics, fitness, bodybuilding. In weight loss, yohimbine has no analogues. Weight loss is observed during the first three days of taking the drug - it takes up to five kilograms during this time.
Yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss
On the one hand, alkaloids effectively increase the speed of blood movement in the body, on the other hand, the medicine supplies all cells with the necessary substances, makes fat cells release all the accumulated energy. Can yohimbine be used for weight loss without additional effort and diets? Answer: yes, this is possible, but for the full effect, you will need to review your diet, as well as calorie restriction. The drug is best combined with sports activities.

Sports use
Athletes and those who are fond of sports loads have heard about the benefits of this substance in bodybuilding. It is added to almost any sports drug. According to the instructions for yohimbine hydrochloride, the result is an increase in body temperature, especially during power loads, as well as an acceleration of the heart rate during exercise. More simplebecome exercises with a barbell in the gym due to a surge of strength. A noticeable effect is observed after the first use of the supplement.
How to take for weight loss?
People, purchasing the drug for the first time, are interested in how to take yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss. This substance is sold in several forms, the main ones are tea or tablets. The use of the drug for the purpose of losing weight does not require the patient to consult a specialist, except in cases where a person has severe chronic diseases. If the choice stops at tea, then the system for taking it is not so strict, it includes one or two teaspoons of dry matter. This dose requires a glass of water (250 milliliters). Water should be hot, but not boiling water. You need to warm up to a temperature of about ninety degrees, you can not boil. Ready tea is recommended to drink on an empty stomach. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger is dulled, the calorie norm is not exceeded during meals: at breakfast, at lunch or at dinner. The finished tea has a refreshing pleasant taste. It is also allowed to drink it during the day as a soft drink, it can be replaced with carbonated drinks, teas and coffee.

Amount of weight loss pills
There is a specially established scheme for the use of yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss, which differs from that if a person is actively involved in sports to build muscle mass. The main principle is not to forget that the active component begins to act withoutimmediately, but after two or three hours. In this case, the dosage of yohimbine hydrochloride tablets should not be more than ten milligrams. It is better to start with a minimum amount - one tablet per day. A specific scheme is established depending on the body weight of a person, the course lasts from two to ten weeks.
Yohimbine for women
Capsules and tablets contain hydrochloride in a more concentrated formulation. There are no herbal ingredients in it. You can use the substance yohimbine hydrochloride and women, depending on what goals they face. It affects the central nervous system, speeds up thought processes and reactions. Tablets should be taken in the morning to avoid insomnia and agitation. A day is allowed to drink no more than two capsules. It is believed that the drug is harmful to girls, but this opinion is erroneous: it does not cause an imbalance of hormones.

Yohimbine hydrochloride for men
The drug was originally prescribed as a remedy for erectile dysfunction, and therefore for men it is especially effective and beneficial for blood testosterone levels and he alth. Sports training and sports enthusiasts appreciate it for helping build muscle. Both bodybuilders and men who want to get rid of excess body weight can take it.
Side effects
The side effect of a substance is determined by the characteristics of its effect on the nervous system. According to reviews of yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss, if the dosage is not observed or there areconcomitant diseases, undesirable effects may appear. When using dietary supplements for the first time, you need to limit yourself to a small dosage and observe your condition for some time. Side effects are manifested in the form of the following symptoms: headache, overexcitation, nausea, insomnia and trembling. An important point: tablets or capsules should not be taken immediately after or before meals. The desired effect almost disappears, especially for the release of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to withstand the interval between meals and funds - three to four hours. Due to the surge of strength, a person experiences a sucking feeling in the stomach. Any digestive disorders (for example, gastritis) are a contraindication for use.
Contraindications for use
The substance has its own contraindications - these are diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, they are disorders of the nervous system - taking antidepressants, schizophrenia, etc. It is undesirable to take the drug to patients with duodenal ulcer and stomach, gastritis, pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Care must be taken when taking to avoid an allergic reaction, and it is also recommended to avoid the use of antidepressants and alcohol.

The pharmacy chain offers a number of drugs that contain a synthetic extract of yohimbine both in its pure form and in combination, along with other substances. Basically, these are medicines that can be purchased without a prescription - stimulants of male potency, dietary supplements. Preparations for weight loss withYohimbine can be purchased online or at sports nutrition stores.
The most popular yohimbine hydrochloride based products are as follows:
- "Yohimbe Forte" ("Evalar"). In addition to the active ingredient, it contains ginseng extract, selenium and zinc, which increase the stimulating effect on male potency.
- "Yohimbine Spiegel". Increases libido, relieves a man of erectile dysfunction and increases efficiency.
- Yohimbine Primaforce. Source of natural yohimbe extract, found only in sports nutrition stores.
- "Achiv". A natural product with general strengthening properties, it is used to stimulate and support female and male libido.
The cost varies greatly depending on the manufacturer and the number of tablets, but in general it is quite affordable.
In any of the listed drugs, the main component is yohimbe extract. They are produced by different companies, and therefore have different trade names.
There are also analogues with other active substances: "Zhuydemen", "Viardo Forte" and "Viardot", "Spermaaktin", "Damiana forte", "Potentsin", "Vuka Drive", "Nambao Extra", " Monolith.”

Reviews about this substance
Let's look at Yohimbine Hydrochloride reviews.
The dangers and benefits of this drug can be discussed based on the opinions of consumers and doctors. Experts note the relative safety and natural composition. If you need a natural remedyFrom among the nutritional supplements that help solve weight loss problems and can help in sports training, yohimbine hydrochloride, according to reviews, is an effective and sought-after remedy.
Men who take this remedy note that libido and potency really increase after 1-2 weeks of use.
People who use the drug to build muscle or lose weight are also satisfied with the effect. It helps for 5-6 weeks.