Unfortunately, but inflammatory and erosive diseases of the female genital organs have become one of the most common problems in the modern world. Every second woman who has gone through pregnancy and childbirth is faced with the appearance of erosion. One of the reasons for its occurrence is mucosal injury during the birth of a child. The second most common cause is frequent inflammation and change of sexual partners.
Still some ten years ago, the only way to treat erosion was "cauterization", or diathermocoagulation. The smell of burnt meat, unpleasant pain during the recovery period and not always a positive result. And most importantly, this method is suitable only for women who have given birth. But thanks to the efforts of pharmacologists, drugs have appeared on the pharmaceutical market that can cope with this "scourge" without surgical intervention. One of them is Dalmaxin (candles).
What is the miracle drug?
The composition of the drug includes thiotriazoline, which is well known as a protector of the heart and liver, as well as a substance that accelerates the delivery of oxygen in the body. One of the features is the restoration of cell membranes of tissues. It is this that is the basis in the processes of tissue healing. Thiotriazoline has immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effects.

Thiotriazoline is available in the form of tablets, intravenous solutions, eye drops and suppositories. In gynecology, they are used more often as an auxiliary component in the systemic treatment of cervical erosion.
"Dalmaxin" (candles): instructions
The indications for this medication indicate that it can be used for:
- treatment of chronic liver diseases (all types of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis);
- treatment of damage to the intestinal mucosa, complicated by the inflammatory process, as well as fissures of the anus and rectum;
- in gynecology - to restore the mucosa after surgery, as well as erosion of the cervix and vagina.
"Dalmaxin" (candles) is used only for adults, for at least four weeks. Depending on the disease, the number of suppositories used per day can vary from one to two. The more appointments, the shorter the course of treatment.

The active substance normalizes fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism of liver cells. Accelerates the production of bile, reducing the load on the diseased organ.
Contraindications and adverse reactions
The drug has no significant contraindications. "Dalmaxin" (candles) is not desirableuse for people with hypersensitivity to thiotriazoline and allergies.
It is worth recalling that side effects are possible when using even the most harmless drug. Dalmaxin (candles) is no exception. Instructions for use include those reactions that even one tester out of a thousand had:
- redness, skin rash in the form of a small rash or papules, anaphylactic shock;
- shortness of breath, angioedema;
- dizziness, weakness, tinnitus;
- nausea, vomiting, bloating, dry mouth;
- increased heart rate, blood pressure, pain in the heart area.

With caution, you should use "Dalmaxin" for people suffering from chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, especially the kidneys. Thiotriazoline is mainly excreted with their help. This is due to the rate of its absorption into the bloodstream, half-life and excretion of "waste material".
What are they saying?
It is worth noting that "Dalmaxin" (candles) is used most often in the complex treatment of erosive processes of the intestinal mucosa and the female reproductive system. Although in some cases it is indispensable for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

"Dalmaxin" (candles) has a variety of reviews, but most often it is a positive effect that is noted. It is women who have undergone recovery after various cauterizations (cryo-, diathermocoagulation) and who have received the most positive feedback about the drug.injuries of the mucous membrane and tissues of the vagina during childbirth.
After a ten-day course, accelerated healing is noted, a decrease in discomfort in the groin area. The only drawback was the lack of an applicator for insertion.
Negative feedback candles received from those who are sensitive to the drug. In women who used Dalmaxin (candles) intravaginally, there was a burning sensation of the mucosa in the first three days, which passed on their own without discontinuing the drug.
Children, pregnant and lactating
No less relevant is the question of the use of such a "magic" medicine for pregnant and lactating women. After all, many expectant mothers are familiar with the problem of anal fissures.
Since there has been almost no research in this area, and thiotriazoline tends to be absorbed into the bloodstream, it is not recommended to use Dalmaxin (candles) for pregnant and lactating women.

In rare cases, when the benefit to the patient outweighs the harm to the fetus or child, it is possible to use Delmaxin. This drug is not used for children.
Weigh the pros and cons
If you have any doubts about whether to use Dalmaxin (candles), instructions, reviews will help you figure this out.
It has long been proven that people trust the opinion of others much more willingly than the opinion of specialists. But do not forget that the attending physician offers drugs for treatment with an eye to the specifics of the disease and the characteristics of your body.
It can be usedadults without any restrictions. It is well tolerated, in rare cases causing allergic reactions in the form of rashes, burning of the mucosa, dizziness and nausea. "Dalmaxin" (candles) is a safe, and most importantly, effective drug.
The only case in which it is necessary to stop the drug is dizziness and weakness that occurred in the driver of the car. Although there was no direct evidence of the impossibility of using various mechanisms during the period of treatment with this drug.
Any inflammatory process in the body causes a lot of inconvenience. The aching pain that appears at the peak of the disease should make it clear to the person that there is a great need to undergo an examination and a course of treatment. A disease detected in time makes it possible to effectively, and most importantly, less painfully for the body, get rid of the disease that has appeared.