Seven years ago, the American film "The Field of Darkness" was released. According to the plot, the performance of the hero's brain increased hundreds of times immediately after taking a drug called NZT. Many viewers, after watching the film, wanted to know if the NZT pill actually exists.

Mystery pills
In the film "The Area of Darkness" we are talking about the fact that a person uses the potential of his brain only by 10%. In order to wake up the remaining 90%, scientists in a secret laboratory developed a special drug NZT 48. Its reception made it possible to turn the human brain into a real supercomputer. Unfortunately the NZT 48 tablet wore off after 24 hours and needed to be taken again.
Real research scientists refute the theory of 10%. The fact is that the brain is very expensive for the body. It requires more than 20% of oxygen and nutrients, while it makes up only 2% of body weight. Based on these data, scientists concluded that such a large brain could not have appeared if there was no need for it. Moreover, during the longresearch specialists have not found areas that would not have been involved.
There is also good news: intelligence can be developed constantly. There are special exercises that allow you to develop logical thinking, the ability to predict and increase the amount of working memory. Drugs have also been developed to help stimulate the brain. Unfortunately, they are nowhere near as powerful as NZT tablets, however, the effect of taking them can also be seen.
Modafinil is gaining more and more popularity in the West. To increase efficiency, it is used by students, office workers and even the military. Only 600 mg of the drug helped American pilots go 40 hours without sleep. At the same time, the speed and accuracy of the reaction of the military remained at a high level. "Modafinil" is actively used by American police. There is information that the drug is also present in the ISS astronauts' first aid kit and is taken to optimize performance during fatigue.

"Modafinil" is an analeptic. It was developed to treat drowsiness that is associated with narcolepsy. It was noticed that after taking the drug, short-term memory is significantly improved. Therefore, "Modafinil" began to be used more and more not for the treatment of narcolepsy, but to suppress the need for sleep and improve performance. It is often used by American students, especially during sessions. As well as office workers.
Of course, NZT pills are much more effective, but unlike them, "Modafinil" is a drug that really exists. Despite this, it will not be possible to freely purchase it, in Russia it is illegal. While in the US it is no problem to buy it.
Glycine is sometimes referred to as the budget version of NZT pills. It is the most popular over-the-counter drug. "Glycine" refers to non-essential amino acids. It has an antidepressant and sedative effect, increases mental performance and mood, reduces conflict and aggressiveness. It also improves memory and enhances concentration.
"Glycine" is prescribed with a decrease in mental performance, in stressful situations, after traumatic brain injuries. The maximum daily dose is 300 mg or three tablets. Taking "Glycine" can provoke the development of such adverse reactions as conjunctivitis, weakness or urticaria.
Serotonin and melatonin
One of the most important neurotransmitters is serotonin. It is responsible for a good mood and the ability of the brain to process information. Scientists have come to the conclusion that a high level of serotonin helps a person to think logically and more rationally, increases attention to small details. The lower the level of the hormone, the more the person will suffer from defocusing of consciousness.

The body produces serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan. By using products that contain it,a person improves brain function. Tryptophan is found in cheese, meat, fish and peas. In addition, many antidepressants can increase serotonin levels. And also melatonin tablets.
The drug stimulates the production of serotonin. Taking the drug increases physical and mental performance, successfully fights the manifestations of depression, and alleviates stress reactions. Unfortunately, melatonin causes drowsiness, so working 24 hours a day will not work.
Everyone who remembers the NZT pill knows about its side effects. These are palpitations, migraines, unusual dreams, aggressiveness, memory impairment, thirst and drowsiness. All of these reactions can also be observed in people who abuse melatonin.
Prohibited Stimulants
Some fans of the movie "Field of Darkness" are sure that the basis of NZT pills is cocaine. The history of its use has more than five thousand years. For example, the Incas specifically cultivated coca bushes. They used the leaves for chewing. Coca was inaccessible to commoners. It was distributed only among the priests and the highest nobility. Strictly metered portions of coca leaves were given to the messengers who delivered the mail. The Incas did not use mounts, and to speed up the warrior's march on foot, he was allowed to take a stimulant.

Many famous writers are known to have used cocaine. This increased their efficiency and allowed them to see images inaccessible to mere mortals. For example, writer Stephen King has two of his bookswrote entirely under the influence of drugs. Subsequently, he said that he did not remember their contents at all.
The mysterious Edgar Poe, Jules Verne, Emile Zola and Arthur Conan Doyle also had a habit of sniffing cocaine. The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, became so addicted to the drug that he taught almost all his friends and his fiancee to it. The Austrian psychologist has long been convinced that cocaine is the panacea. Subsequently, Freud was condemned by colleagues for promoting drugs and tried more not to mention them in his works.
Cocaine intake really causes euphoria, increases activity and efficiency, allows you to do without sleep for a long time. This drug causes a strong mental dependence, the result of which is often suicide. In addition, the substance has a negative effect on all human organs and systems. There are no proven drugs to treat cocaine addiction.
Conspiracy theory version
Some people continue to believe that the NZT pill is real, but with a slightly changed name. On conspiracy forums, you can find information that in 2010, the American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, together with the Australian company NSA, carried out several experiments in Africa. The aim of the study was to study human brain activity and the possibility of increasing the potential of the brain.

As a result of the experiments, NZTS 252 tablets appeared. Within seven days after taking the potentialbrain of patients increased by 58%. After that, the US authorities banned the production of the drug for mass use. An overly intelligent population could become a threat to the government. The production of the drug was limited only to the "golden elite".
Underground sellers
After the release of the film "Region of Darkness", there were many different sites in the US that offered NZT pills. At first, sellers asked for $800 for one tablet. But after a few months, the cost of the drug fell to $35.

The customer who made the purchase received an envelope containing two pills and a flash drive with instructions. Most likely, the popularity of the film allowed many Internet scammers to enrich themselves well. Either the mysterious NZT pill really exists.