Stomatitis is a common lesion of the oral mucosa. It is not dangerous. To diagnose it, no specific tests are needed, as a simple examination by a dentist is sufficient.
Why does it occur? What symptoms indicate its presence? How to prevent the occurrence of this disease? And most importantly - what medicines for stomatitis are the most effective? This and much more will be discussed now.
Inflammation of the oral mucosa occurs for a variety of reasons. Stomatitis can appear as an independent disease or as a symptom of systemic pathologies. Predisposing factors and probable causes (exact pathogenesis unknown) include:
- Poor nutrition and lack of a balanced diet.
- Penetration of pathogens of infectious diseases into the human body. These include mycoplasmas, viruses and bacteria.
- Age. The elderly and children are more likely to develop the disease.
- Thermal or mechanical damage to the oral cavity.
- Dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea, prolonged elevationfever, increased urination, insufficient fluid intake and blood loss.
- Excessive or insufficient oral hygiene.
- Poorly fitted or poorly made dentures.
- Taking drugs that reduce saliva.
- Smoking.
- Prodromal stage of HIV infection.
- Hormonal disorders/fluctuations.
- Lack of folic acid or iron, beriberi.
- Anemia.
- Presence of malignant tumors in the pharynx, nose or neck.
- Side effects of chemotherapy.
Also often the cause of the disease is the use of cleaners and toothpastes, which include sodium lauryl sulfate. This substance has a dehydrating effect. Oral tissues dry out and become vulnerable to many irritants - food acids, for example.

Before we turn to the consideration of drugs for stomatitis, you should list the signs that indicate the presence of such a disease. Here are some symptoms you should see a doctor for:
- Slight redness on the mucosa (early stage).
- Swelling in the same area and a slight burning sensation (development of the disease).
- Appearance of oval or round sores.
These formations also have specific features. The characteristic of sores can be distinguished in the following list:
- They are solitary and shallow.
- You can see a white or gray film in the middle. It is thin, but very close to the ulcer.
- Tissue education looks he althy, normal.
- The ulcer has smooth edges surrounded by a red border (halo).
These "corns" cause a feeling of discomfort. They are painful. Because of them, it is not possible to eat and drink normally. There are even difficulties when trying to move the tongue or lips.
How to choose a medicine?
Of course, therapy is prescribed by a doctor. The medicine for stomatitis in adults and children is selected depending on the cause of the disease and its form. If the lesion is due to an allergy, one drug is prescribed. If its appearance is provoked by infection with parasitic bacteria - a completely different drug.
It should also be noted that all existing medicines for stomatitis in the mouth in adults and children are divided into two groups. Taking some drugs is aimed at eliminating inflammation, while others are aimed at relieving pain.
Here's what to consider when choosing the right medicine for yourself:
- You can cope with candidal stomatitis by rinsing your mouth with soda solution or herbal infusions. Children in this case are prescribed antifungal drugs, which include Nystatin, Fluconazole, Malavit.
- Herpetic stomatitis is treated by taking antiviral drugs. You can use not only Acyclovir, but oxolinic ointment and Viferon.
- If an allergic form of the disease is diagnosed, then antihistamines are used -Parlazin and Suprastin.
- In case of catarrhal disease, rinsing with antiseptics is carried out - preparations with baking soda, borax or hydrogen peroxide. An excellent pain reliever is Instillagel and Kamistad gel.
- If a person has ulcerative stomatitis, then he will have to undergo a course of immunostimulating drugs with the parallel use of solutions for irrigation of the mucous membrane. Antiviral ointments are also recommended - oxolinic and interferon.
- To eliminate lesions of the ulcerative necrotic form, Trypsin and Metronidazole are prescribed.
- Solcoseryl ointment, taking vitamin complexes and a drug such as Imudon helps to cure aphthous stomatitis.
There is no universal remedy for getting rid of the disease. Therefore, it is not recommended to choose a medicine for stomatitis on your own. First you need to determine the cause of the disease.

Effective Pills
When choosing a medicine for stomatitis in the mouth, one must take into account a lot of different factors, including the presence of allergic reactions. The doctor prescribes drugs, of course, after the examination. But the most common are the following:
- "Decatilene". It is a highly effective antiseptic that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Strepsils. A well-known antimicrobial drug that is produced in the form of lozenges. Its active substance is lidocaine. With regular use of such lozenges, the drug removesinflammation and relieve painful symptoms.
- "Chlorophyllipt". Antibacterial tablets. It treats various inflammatory processes and stomatitis of various forms. With individual intolerance to the components, there may be swelling of the lips or tongue.
- "Sebidin". Another effective cure for stomatitis in the mouth. It can not only deal with this lesion, but also have an effect against staph and fungal infections.
- "Acyclovir". A highly effective antiviral agent, the regular use of which not only helps to cure the disease, but also prevents its recurrence.
- Gexoral Tabs. These tablets are able to cope with various lesions of the oral mucosa due to their disinfectant and antiseptic properties. There are contraindications, so you need to read the instructions before using it.
All of the listed pills can help to cope with the disease, but it is up to the doctor to decide which medicines to treat stomatitis. He will select a drug that will not only be the most effective, but also will not harm the person.

Listing effective drugs for stomatitis, it is worth talking in more detail about such drugs. There are many ointments that can help in eliminating this disease, but here are the most effective ones:
- "Holisal". The main active ingredients of the drug are cetalkonium chloride and choline salicylate. Ointment relieves paineliminates inflammation, and also reduces the temperature. Most importantly, it works within a few minutes after application.
- Oxolinic ointment. It can be called universal, as it helps with many forms of stomatitis. There are no contraindications. Such a tool is approved for use even by children and pregnant women.
- "Nystatin". The active substance of this ointment is a polyene antifungal antibiotic. The molecules of this agent quickly penetrate the virus membrane and destroy it. Apply the ointment in very small quantities. And not on the affected area, but first on cotton wool or gauze.
- "Acyclovir". We have already mentioned a similar drug in the form of tablets. Ointment also deserves attention. Its component is an analogue of DNA (deoxyguanosine). This complex compound easily attacks the DNA of the herpes virus and destroys its structure. As a result, he simply cannot have an effect on the mucous membrane.
- "Methyluracil". An effective medicine that helps get rid of stomatitis in the mouth in children (also suitable for adults). The ointment improves tissue regeneration, eliminates pain and inflammation.
- "Solcoseryl". The action is similar to the ointment, which was described in the previous paragraph. This is cow blood dialysate. It is an excellent healing agent, a stimulator of the development of new cells and an excellent antiseptic. It forms a film and stays on the mucosa for several hours.
- Metrogil Denta. An antiprotozoal and antimicrobial agent that kills bacteria, including those that cause stomatitis. His approach is combined with the receptionantibiotics.
- Kamistad. An excellent medicine for stomatitis in adults, which has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. For greater effect, it is recommended to rub it into the mucous membrane. Children under the age of 12 should not be used.
- Viru-Merz Serol. The main active ingredient of this medicine for stomatitis is tromantadine, which can even cope with herpes. Eliminates burning, itching and pain.
- Tebrofen ointment. It has an antiviral effect. A high-quality medicine for the treatment of stomatitis, the duration of which should not exceed 7 days, but must be applied three times a day. Therapy is carried out with caution - side effects may occur in the form of allergic dermatitis.
Whatever ointment a person uses, before using it, it is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the mouth with an antiseptic. And apply the product only after the antiseptic dries.

Solutions and concentrates
There are three effective medicines for oral thrush in adults that also need to be considered. These are cheap but good remedies:
- "Iodinol". The small bottle contains molecular iodine, which has a wide spectrum of action. Previously, they were treated with varicose ulcers, chemical burns, postoperative pustules and chronic tonsillitis. This remedy has disinfecting and antiseptic properties and, importantly, it is suitable for treating ailments in children and adults. You just need to dilute in a glass of water 50 ml,mix, and then rinse your mouth with the resulting composition. You can also make lotions.
- "Sodium tetraborate". Another effective cure for stomatitis in adults. It is a glycerin solution that has a positive effect on the affected tissues, accelerating their healing. It is also an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medicine. They need to lubricate the cotton swab and smear the painful areas.
- "Fukortsin". Here is another remedy for stomatitis that can help. The composition of this tool includes acetone, fuchsin, boric acid and resorcinol. Such a complex of substances has a drying and antimicrobial effect. "Fukortsin" should be used for point applications. But this medicine for stomatitis for children is not used. They and pregnant women are prohibited from using it.
Drugs for children
Above, it was described in detail how to treat stomatitis in adults. There are many medicines, but not all of them are suitable for children. But even the smallest ones have to take antiviral drugs and immunomodulators to eliminate such a disease.
Children are allowed to be treated with the following medicines:
- Antiviral: "Viferon" and "Acyclovir". For children over two years of age, the dosage should be the same as for adults. For anyone younger, it is halved.
- Antiseptic: Miramistin. Rinse your mouth with the solution 4 times a day for 1 minute, or treat the cavity with a gauze swab dipped in the solution.
- Symptomatic: antipyretics are prescribed ifThe child's temperature is over 38°C. At lower rates, their intake is not advisable, as they reduce the production of interferons and create an obstacle to the formation of full-fledged immunity.
- Immunomodulatory: sodium nucleinate, "Amiksin", "Immunal", "Imudon". There are also special toothpastes for children, the use of which is aimed at increasing the immunity of the oral mucosa. Their composition usually includes glucose oxide, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin. It is recommended to pay attention to pastes called SPLAT - they are considered the most effective.
- Antiallergic: Tavegil, Diazolin, Claritin, Suprastin.
In addition to the listed funds, it is also necessary to give the child vitamins. The use of painkillers, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory is allowed only in severe cases of the disease.
As a rule, the pediatrician prescribes them only if a bacterial infection joins a viral infection, or ulcerative gingivitis begins to develop. It is better, of course, to do with physiotherapy (UV irradiation) and regular preventive sanitation of the oral cavity.

Generic drugs
Medications that are convenient to use and also suitable for the vast majority of patients should be highlighted in a separate list. These include:
- Painkillers: Lidocaine Asept, Kamistad-gel, Instillagel, Theraflu Lar, Stopangin 2A.
- Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory: Faringosept, Sebidin, Lyzobakt,"Stomatofit", "Holisal".
- Healing: Solcoseryl-paste, methyluracil 10% ointment, Carotolin, Olazol, Propolis spray, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil.
Some of the listed drugs are natural biostimulants and antiseptics. Others are multicomponent medicines with a wide range of activities.
In any case, if you decide to start taking this or that remedy without prior medical consultation, you should at least read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to studying the list of contraindications and possible consequences.
Folk remedies
The above listed a variety of drugs that can help in the treatment of the disease under discussion. But many people are sure that the best cure for stomatitis is still folk remedies. They can be applied too. If not as the main medicine, then as a prophylactic for sure. Here are the most popular recipes:
- Crushed oak bark in the amount of 20 grams, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Then remove, cool and strain. Use decoction for rinsing.
- A handful of tea rose petals should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Rinse your mouth with infusion after each meal.
- In equal proportions, mix sage, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile, aloe and yarrow. You can add willow bark and a little celandine. Repeat the steps from the first recipe. Also use as a rinse.
- St. John's wort coarsely chopped, loosely fill a jar with it and pour over medicalalcohol. The ratio should be 1 to 10. For 14 days, send the future tincture to a dark, cold place. Strain after time. Add 40 drops to half a glass of water and rinse your mouth twice a day.
- Pass 3-4 cloves of garlic through the press. Stir sour milk (1 tablespoon) into the gruel. Treat the mucous membrane with the resulting ointment at least three times a day.
- Heat a spoonful of liquid honey in a water bath. Add there the same amount of olive oil, raw chicken protein and novocaine 0.5% (one ampoule will be enough). Mix thoroughly and use to lubricate the affected surface.
- Fill a glass with half crushed burdock root, pour hot sunflower oil, preferably unrefined (100 ml is enough). Leave to infuse for a day. Then boil and cook for 15 minutes. This ointment can also be used on mucous membranes.
The advantage of these funds lies in their natural origin. But, nevertheless, if the disease causes severe discomfort, then it is better to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. They will work faster, and the effect will be stronger.

Earlier, much has been said about how to treat stomatitis. Medicines are not cheap, and the recovery process takes a lot of time, so it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease. Prevention includes:
- Quitting alcohol and smoking, or reducing alcohol and nicotine tominimum.
- Smart oral care.
- Timely treatment of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
- Change to a he althy lifestyle.
- Balanced nutrition.
- Limit contact with people suffering from stomatitis.
- Washing hands.
- Prevention of mucosal injury.
- Regular visits to the dentist (at least once a year).
- Perform processing of baby's toys.
- Wet cleaning.

All of the above will help to avoid both stomatitis and many other diseases. And if the signs of the disease have made themselves felt, then you should immediately sign up for an examination with a specialist.