How to take Swedish Bitters? "Swedish bitterness" ("Doctor Theiss"): indications, application, reviews

How to take Swedish Bitters? "Swedish bitterness" ("Doctor Theiss"): indications, application, reviews
How to take Swedish Bitters? "Swedish bitterness" ("Doctor Theiss"): indications, application, reviews

Medications containing herbal ingredients are especially popular with those who are skeptical of traditional medicine. It should be noted that such funds are sold in almost all pharmacies. Their main advantage is not only efficiency and fast action, but also inexpensive cost compared to traditional medicines.

swedish bitterness
swedish bitterness

One of the most popular herbal remedies is Swedish Bitters. The use of this drug is indicated for many diseases. Which ones, we will tell a little lower.

General information

What is Swedish Bitters? Reviews claim that this is a herbal collection intended for the treatment of various diseases. Ready infusion is used for pain in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to normalize digestion, cleanse the blood and liver.

"Swedish bitterness" consists of 22 herbs. In mythey were recommended by the famous Austrian writer and healer Maria Treben. According to her, such a remedy removes all toxins from the body, and also cleanses the kidneys, blood, intestines and liver well.

It should also be noted that taking Swedish Bitters helps to get rid of the symptoms of certain gastrointestinal diseases (for example, nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, etc.).

Shape and composition

What is the release form of Swedish Bitters? Reviews report that such a drug is sold both in finished form (alcohol tincture) and in the form of a mixture of herbs, which is intended for self-preparation of a medicinal balm.

What components does the tool in question contain? According to the instructions, this herbal preparation consists of:

  • root mine;
  • aloe vera;
  • club club;
  • saxifrage femur;
  • stemless thorn;
  • Veronica officinalis;
  • marshmallow;
  • gentian root;
  • swedish bitters application
    swedish bitters application
  • calamus root;
  • camphor laurel;
  • candice sugar;
  • mistletoe;
  • myrrh;
  • royal walnut;
  • rhubarb root;
  • safflower dye;
  • senna leaves;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • theriaca;
  • Potentilla;
  • wormwood;
  • turmeric rhizomes.

Pharmacodynamic indicators

How it workspreparation "Swedish bitterness"? This tool directly affects the metabolic processes and the functioning of the digestive system. When taking the tincture inside, its complex effect on the entire digestive system, as well as the elimination of toxins is noted.

Senna leaves and rhubarb root stimulate intestinal motility, aloe vera promotes the production of enzymes, reduces inflammation and stimulates appetite. As for the calamus root, it has a bactericidal effect, heals wounds and normalizes the work of the National Assembly.

Such components of the tincture as theriaca, gentian root, cinquefoil and others improve digestion and appetite, stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and gastric juice.

swedish bitters reviews
swedish bitters reviews

Features of herbal remedy

What is remarkable about "Swedish Bitterness"? When this drug is taken orally, it stimulates the functioning of the digestive tract, restores damaged mucous membranes, enhances the production of enzymes, and also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Collection, balm and tincture

How should Swedish Bitters be used? The use of such a drug is indicated only after the preparation of a special tincture. It should also be noted that the complex of herbs, which is part of the agent under consideration, stimulates the work of the stomach and salivary glands. Also, this drug activates the production of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility and improves immunity.

Balm "Swedish Bitters" ("Doctor Theiss") has gained immense popularity among consumers,due to its ability to restore the digestive system and cleanse the body. To date, two formulations of this remedy are known: a large and a small balm. The first balm contains 22 herbs, and the small balm contains 11 plants.

The Swedish Bitters tincture, the instructions for which are described below, is prepared on an alcohol basis. To prepare such a preparation, you will need a dry collection of medicinal plants (sold in pharmacies) and alcohol (you can use high-quality vodka).

swedish bitters instruction
swedish bitters instruction

After mixing the two mentioned ingredients, they must be kept in a dark place for two weeks. In this case, the products should be stirred regularly. After a while, the tincture needs to be filtered through a fine sieve and taken according to the doctor's recommendations or instructions.

Swedish Bitters: Indications

For what purpose is the remedy in question used? This herbal preparation can be used both externally and orally.

Doctors say that bitter compresses are good for pain that occurs during inflammation of the joints, as well as for tightening wounds, pustules and after insect bites (for speedy healing).

As for the oral administration of the tincture, this method is actively used for weak gastrointestinal tone, secretory dysfunction of the stomach and pancreas, as well as for bloating, constipation and biliary dyskinesia.

Contraindications for the use of tincture

Abouthow to take "Swedish bitterness", we will tell a little further. It should be noted that this drug is contraindicated in pregnant women. Also, it can not be used in case of individual intolerance to some of the plants that make up the tincture, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, liver failure and under the age of 12.

how to take swedish bitters
how to take swedish bitters

How to take Swedish Bitters?

Use this remedy for the treatment of certain diseases should be only after consulting a doctor. You should also read the attached instructions. According to the latter, the dosage of this drug is one large spoon twice a day. If desired, this medication can be taken 1 dessert spoon three times or four times a day.

If you do not like the taste of this product, then you can pre-diluted it in a glass of water, tea or non-acidic juice.

The course of taking this drug is usually two weeks. After this time, you need to take a short break, and then (if necessary) repeat the treatment.

External use of medication

As mentioned above, "Swedish Bitters" can be used not only for oral use, but also for external application. In this case, compresses are made. They are applied directly to the affected area. Before such a procedure, the skin area should be lubricated with a greasy ointment or ordinary vegetable oil.

As a rule, compresses with Swedish Bitters are kept on the painfularea for about 2-3 hours. Although experts say that the duration of therapy with this drug in each case is individual.

swedish bitterness testimony
swedish bitterness testimony

Actions of secondary character

In most cases, "Swedish Bitters" ("Doctor Theiss") is very well tolerated by patients. Only in some cases, such a remedy can cause allergic reactions.

Herb Overdose

With the external use of the drug "Swedish Bitters" in high doses, no adverse effects occur. As for taking the medicine inside (in excessive amounts), this can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, as well as feelings of nausea and dizziness.

Drug Interactions

According to the instructions, the drug in question may enhance the therapeutic effects of certain drugs. Therefore, this tincture is recommended to be taken 35-65 minutes before the direct use of other medicines.

Consumer Reviews

Swedish Bitters has a huge amount of positive feedback. After starting therapy with this remedy, most patients notice a noticeable improvement in their condition, as well as a decrease in pain and inflammation.

According to consumer reports, the drug in question helps to heal ulcers, wounds, reduce headache and toothache, joint and ear pain. In addition, this herbal remedy helps to normalize the menstrual cycle in women, reduce hemorrhoidalknots, etc.

how to take swedish bitters
how to take swedish bitters

Due to the alcohol content of this medicine, it is not recommended for people with epilepsy or brain damage.

During storage, sediment may form at the bottom of the vial or bottle. This feature of the drug does not affect its therapeutic properties.
