Often the cause of frequent problems with the gastrointestinal tract are parasites. A person does not pay attention to problems with the stomach, believing that the reason lies in the wrong diet and you need to choose the appropriate diet. However, he is in no hurry to see a doctor. They interfere with employment at work, at home, rest and much more, which is why the trip to a specialist is postponed further until the condition of the intestine worsens completely.

In the meantime, parasites destroy beneficial bacteria and lead the body to intoxication and lower immunity with the products of their vital activity. But nevertheless, you can get rid of them, and one of the most effective means for this is Mebendazole, instructions for use, patient reviews of which indicate that it can really help.
In what form is Mebendazole produced
This drug is available in tablet or chewable tablet form under the trade name Mebendazole Ameda. They are packaged in blisters of six pieces, which, in turn, are packed in a cardboard box. Each box contains one blister-standard with instructions fordrug use.
Indications for use
"Mebendazole", patient reviews are only positive. They note the effectiveness of the drug against all known types of parasites.
The indications for taking this drug demonstrate its capabilities:
- enterobiosis - the presence of pinworms in the body;
- ascariasis - the presence of ascaris (roundworms);
- trichocephalosis - the presence of other types of roundworms - whipworms;
- strongyloidiasis - the presence of strongyloid parasites;
- echinococcosis - when tapeworms are detected.
Available on the drug "Mebendazole" reviews of experts indicate that when it enters the stomach and intestines, it creates an obstacle to the formation of tubulin and other substances that create favorable environments for the development of parasites. The drug practically does not enter the bloodstream and is excreted from the body naturally.
Side effects
With a high level of parasite concentration in the body at the beginning of taking the medicine, the following phenomena may be observed:
- abdominal pain;
- diarrhea;
- nausea with or without vomiting;
- urticaria;
- possible headaches.
Rarely, when taking increased doses, a decrease in the content of neutrophils in the blood can be observed.

Do not use the drug:
- children under two;
- pregnant and nursing mothers;
- for Crohn's disease;
- for ulcerative colitis;
- for kidney failure.
Application patterns
First of all, it should be borne in mind that the recommendations for taking the drug vary. It depends on the type of parasites, the age of the patient and the duration of the course of treatment. But in any case, "Mebendazole", reviews of which we bring to your attention, is able to save a person from parasites.
Next, exemplary treatment regimens will be presented. However, only a doctor should select a scheme for a particular patient. It is designed to examine the materials submitted for analysis and, based on the results of the studies, prescribe a certain dose of the drug, the frequency of its administration and, of course, the duration of the course of treatment.
So, in the presence of such parasites as pinworms, "Mebendazole" is applied once and, as a rule, works flawlessly. The difference is only in dosages. Adults - 100 mg, children - 25-50 mg.
In the presence of more serious parasites (roundworm, whipworm), you should take the same 100 mg, but already twice a day. In addition, the duration of treatment, which is three days, changes. The same order of therapy for trichocephalosis, ankylostomiasis. With strongilloidiasis and teniasis, the treatment regimen does not change, except for the dosage - 200 mg for adults and 100 mg for children.

Echinococcus is considered the most dangerous parasite. From this type, the manufacturer recommends the largest dosage compared to the previous ones - 500 mg of the drug twice a day for the first three days. In the next three days, the same amount is applied, but already three timesper day.
If a person lives in an environment where there is a possibility of re-infestation with parasites, the treatment should be repeated after two to four weeks for prevention.
Let's make a reservation that the whole family should be treated for parasites with strict adherence to the dosage and frequency of taking the drug for each family member. And, of course, the duration of the course of treatment must also be taken into account.

According to the expert reviews available on Mebendazole, tablets are best swallowed whole (we are not talking about the chewable form of the drug), you can add them to food. After that, be sure to drink plenty of water.
Duration of treatment and order of dosage should be established by the doctor based on the studies performed. With the recurrence of symptoms indicating the presence of helminths, another course of treatment is carried out.
In case of an overdose of "Mebendazole" may be observed:
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- abdominal pain.
Severe overdose is characterized by impaired liver activity, the development of hepatitis and a decrease in neutrophils. Since no antidote against "Mebendazole" has been created to date, it is recommended to cancel the drug and take the necessary measures to remove it from the body - gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic treatment.
An analogue of the described means is "Pharmland". From also differs considerable efficiency. Like Mebendazole, Pharmland,reviews of which note its quick help, is in significant demand.
Interaction with other drugs
According to the researchers, there is no need to take additional drugs during the course of treatment, as well as adhere to certain diets. But when taking it, the use of alcohol and the use of ethanol-containing drugs is prohibited. The use of alcoholic beverages is allowed only a day after the completion of the course of treatment.

The drug "Cimetidine" slows down the absorption and excretion of "Mebendazole", causing the accumulation of its substances in the body. The drugs "Carbamazepine" and "Phenytoin" reduce the amount of "Mebendazole", especially when the above drugs are used in combination.
In patients with diabetes mellitus, the use of this drug is characterized by a decrease in the need for insulin. Although this is a positive thing, you still need to monitor your blood sugar levels.
Storage rules
First of all - remove as far as possible from children in an inaccessible place, preferably with a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is four years. The same rule applies to chewable tablets, but the recommended temperature for them is between 8 and 25°C and a shelf life of two years.

A few words about pinworms
Pinworms are worms that are quite common in both children and adults who ignore hygiene. Fortunately, today these parasites are thoroughlystudied and perfectly treatable, so if you find them, you should not worry, but you also do not need to let it go. First of all, consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Pinworms are the causative agents of enterobiasis. A characteristic symptom of their presence in the body is itching in the anus, aggravated in the evening or at night. In addition to this, teeth grinding, fatigue, and poor appetite are observed. If these signs are found, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and treatment.
The analysis consists in taking biological material from the anus with a cotton swab or a special adhesive tape. The taken material is examined under a microscope and on its basis it is possible to draw a conclusion about the disease.
Pinworms are excreted from the body, as a rule, with a short course of treatment - a single use of the drug "Mebendazole" (patient reviews fully confirm this). After taking the drug, it is necessary to take the test again to exclude the presence of pinworms. However, if the doctor recommends, for prevention, you can repeat the drug after a couple of weeks.

With other types of parasites, according to the instruction available for the drug "Mebendazole" (patient reviews also confirm it), a different course of treatment is prescribed. We wrote about all this above.
About the high level of hygiene
Despite the numerous positive reviews about the drug "Mebendazole", we must not forget about the prevention of the appearanceparasites. First of all, keep the body clean. Everyone should know the main rules:
- antibacterial hand hygiene before eating and after toileting with soap and water;
- keep nails clean (should be trimmed regularly);
- meticulous heat treatment of meat, fish and other foods when cooking.
If these rules are followed regularly, the risk of infection with worms is minimal. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of acquiring more severe ailments, which are then difficult to get rid of. And when infected, it is important to start taking Mebendazole on time. Reviews of parasitologists confirm its high efficiency and wide spectrum of action.