To know which medicines for colic in newborns are the most effective, all parents, without exception, should. After all, this is a problem that the vast majority of babies face. Intestinal colic is called bouts of painful crying, which are provoked by acute pain in the abdomen. In this article, we will tell you how to deal with this condition, which drugs are considered the most effective.
Features of the state

There are a lot of medicines for colic in newborns. Choosing the most effective is an important task for young parents. Intestinal colic is a painful condition that worries the baby about three times a week for at least three hours.
This syndrome occurs during feeding or immediately after it. Acute pain causes intestinal spasm and excessive gas filling. Because of this, the baby becomes toorestless, raises legs, constantly cries. As a rule, colic appears in the late afternoon. It is believed that their main cause is the adaptation of the still immature digestive system of an infant to the conditions of existence outside the mother's womb.
This condition is accompanied by low motor function of the intestine, weak activity of digestive enzymes, unstable intestinal microflora. The appearance of colic is facilitated by violations of the baby's diet, improper feeding technique, the baby's temperament and even the emotional situation in the family.
Colic is a temporary discomfort for the baby. In this case, as a rule, it is not possible to identify any organic disorders. After the passage of feces and gases, they pass by themselves. However, it is not necessary to wait for this, there are many ways to help a child to relieve pain. Now there are many drugs for colic in newborns.
Medics have been studying this functional disorder for quite a long time, but it did not bring any tangible results. There is still no consensus on the cause of the origin of intestinal colic. Because of this, it is impossible to advise a universal drug that will suit everyone without exception.
To stop the pain syndrome, drugs for colic in newborns are selected in several stages. First they try carminative herbal preparations, then simethicone medicines, and finally enzymatic ones.
In addition, experts advise to initially review the dietnewborn during lactation, use physical methods of calming the baby, with artificial or mixed feeding, try different mixtures. If these methods do not bring results, you can try to give medicines to newborns for colic and gas. The child should be given the opportunity to cope with the problem on their own.
Herbal remedies

Herbal medicines help to eliminate spasms and reduce gas formation. As a rule, they contain extracts of anise, fennel, cumin, peppermint, dill. One of the most effective drugs for colic in newborns is the drug "Plantex". Some studies claim that it helps to get rid of colic in more than 90% of newborns from the age of two months. Especially if the disorder is mild.
The basis of many herbal remedies is the essential oil of fennel, which effectively stimulates the digestive processes. It helps to improve the motor activity of the digestive tube, the production of gastric juice. The active ingredients in its composition reduce the concentration of gases, relieving spasms.
"Plantex" for colic is prescribed one sachet per day. It is a tea granule that can be added to formula or breast milk. It should be noted that Plantex contains lactose, so the drug is contraindicated in patients with lactose deficiency.
It is worth emphasizing that vegetablefunds help only in the early stages. If gas formation is strong or the attack has already begun, they are already ineffective.
If the main cause of colic is excessive gas filling, then drugs based on simethicone are used. It is an activated dimethicone that acts as a defoamer. With its help, gas bubbles are destroyed, their further formation in the mucus of the digestive tract or intestines is blocked.
Among the benefits of simethicone are maintaining the balance of microflora in the intestines. In addition, it does not form addiction, does not affect the absorption of food and the secretion of gastric juice, it is completely excreted from the body with feces.
Due to these properties, such drugs are considered one of the best colic medicines for newborns. However, it makes sense to take them only at the time of the attack. Among the top medicines for colic in newborns based on simethicone, there are Sub Simplex, Bobotic, Espumizan. Consider each separately.

Cure for colic for newborns "Bobotik" Polish production. It contains 66.6 mg of simethicone per milliliter. You can give the drug to a child as soon as he turns one month old. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the American "Sub Simplex" is almost 70 mg / ml. The main advantage is that the child is allowed to use it from the moment of birth. The German "Espumisan" contains 40 mg of simethicone. It is designed for childreninfancy.
Studies on what drugs can be given to a newborn with colic show that of the listed drugs, Sub Simplex is the most effective. During an attack, it helps more than 90% of babies. The drug is pleasant to the taste, easily soluble in milk and milk formula. It is worth noting that this is a lactose-free remedy, so there are no restrictions when taking it. Moreover, it can be given in combination with other drugs. However, "Sub Simplex" does not help with violations of the motor activity of the intestine due to its immaturity.
Intestinal microflora disorders

If the main cause of colic is a disorder of the intestinal microflora, completely different drugs should be given. After the birth of a child, the microflora is formed in a newborn very slowly. At the same time, most experts consider the effectiveness and reasonableness of the use of biological products and enzymes in attempts to cope with colic to be controversial. When the balance of he althy flora is disturbed, they most often speak of an early sign of the development of the disease.
As a result of the examination of the contents of the intestine, almost 90% of infants reveal a disorder of microbiocenosis. What is considered a serious risk factor for excessive gas formation. This affects the motor activity of the intestine, preventing pain.
Judging by the reviews of drugs against colic in newborns, Lactazar is among the leaders. This is an effective and inexpensive tool.domestic production. Its action is based on the fight against undigested protein. The key component of the drug is lactase. It promotes the breakdown of protein in the intestines, as a result of which the baby gets rid of the discomfort that occurs after feeding. It should be noted that this tool is considered a dietary supplement. The manufacturer claims that it is not capable of harming the child, as it interacts with mother's milk.
It is recommended to take it before each feeding. The contents of the capsule must be diluted in water or warm milk. Reception is possible from the first day of life. Contraindication to use is only individual intolerance.
Communicating with mother
In 2006, American scientists analyzed the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a way to calm the baby during an attack of colic. It turned out that a positive calming effect was established from certain actions of the mother. 87% of newborns felt better from carrying, 82% from breastfeeding, 67% from walking, 63% from motion sickness.
The main hypothesis is the version that the contact of the baby's belly with the surface of the mother's body creates effective obstacles to stretching the walls of the intestine with gases. The physical and emotional connection with the mother helps a lot.
Another group of effective drugs - enterosorbents. There are many reviews of what to do with colic in newborns. The medicines that are advised in this case help to containtoxins and allergens. They absorb pathogenic microflora, as well as harmful products of its vital activity, removing them from the body in a natural way. It is believed that enterosorbents are indispensable if colic is caused by an allergic reaction of the body.
In addition to the main function (removal of intoxication), they also increase the body's immune resistance. They cleanse the body of toxins, improving the overall condition of the baby.

Now consider what medicine to give a newborn for colic, if they are caused by allergies. The domestic remedy "Enterosgel", which is a paste for oral administration, helps well. It is used to effectively relieve allergic symptoms of any origin. Among the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the components.
Most are satisfied with this tool, however, some note that its duration is very short. For infants, the dosage is half a teaspoon, which should be mixed with water in a ratio of one to three. You can also use infant formula or breast milk instead of water. This drug should be taken six times a day, that is, with almost every feeding of the child throughout the day. Please note that you should first consult with a specialist.
Among the disadvantages of this drug is its high cost and rapid consumption.
Positive effects of probiotic use claimedresearchers at the Faculty of Pediatrics, based at the Russian Medical Academy.
Probiotics are a class of microorganisms that are used for all sorts of therapeutic purposes. They also include biologically active additives and food products containing live microcultures. They play a big role in the normalization of the intestinal microflora, especially in infants. It is due to probiotics that it is possible to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria that ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. For example, these funds are mandatory prescribed when it becomes necessary to undergo antibiotic treatment.
Quickly remove the symptoms of intoxication helps the drug "Linex". It is a probiotic designed to regulate microflora. It can be bought in powder or capsule form. It is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, accompanied by flatulence, with allergic reactions, abdominal pain. The tool has a high performance, but is not recommended for hypersensitivity to individual components, as well as intolerance to dairy products.
For children, a product called "Lineks Malysh" is being produced. It is a powder intended for the preparation of a suspension. From birth to two years, it is recommended to give one capsule three times a day. Before this, you should definitely consult with a pediatrician.
The entire contents of one capsule is poured into a spoon and poured with a small amount of baby food, water or breast milk. pay attention tothat the liquid should be warm, but not hot.
Baby Calm

Based on the feedback from young parents, we can highlight some of the most effective means. For example, this Israeli medicine for colic in newborns "Baby Calm". In fact, it is a dietary supplement.
It has a carminative effect, eliminating flatulence in an infant in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by bloating. The product is produced in bottles with a dispenser. This Israeli remedy for colic in newborns contains dill, anise and peppermint vegetable oil. Each of the components has a particular effect. Fennel oil has a carminative effect. In addition, it relieves spasm, having an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Anise oil, relieving spasm, activates the activity of the intestines, and peppermint oil has calming properties.
"Baby Calm" begins to act as soon as it is in the gastrointestinal tract. In its dosage form, it is a concentrated mixture of vegetable oils, which should be diluted with water to an emulsion state. Chilled boiled water is used, which is poured directly into the vial. The infant should be given ten drops before each feeding.

Another effective drug - "Kuplaton". It helps not only to eliminate colic, but also to cure flatulence. This is the Finnish cure forcolic in newborns, which, when ingested, completely eliminates or significantly reduces flatulence. Helps to eliminate pain in infants, softens and accelerates the process of removing gases from the intestines.
Release "Kuplaton" in the form of drops of white or yellowish color for oral administration. The main active ingredient of this drug is dimethicone. It also contains sodium saccharin, silicon dioxide, sorbic acid, polyoxyethylene stearate, sterile water, glycerol monostearate.
This drug also helps adults. During pregnancy and during the period of feeding a newborn, there are no restrictions on the use of this remedy, since it is not absorbed in the stomach and does not pass into breast milk.
For a child under six months old, give it four drops before each feeding, adding to breast milk or water.