"Baziron AC" helps with acne? "Baziron AS": cheaper analogue and reviews

"Baziron AC" helps with acne? "Baziron AS": cheaper analogue and reviews
"Baziron AC" helps with acne? "Baziron AS": cheaper analogue and reviews

In the life of most people there comes such an unpleasant moment when the skin of the face begins to deteriorate. There are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, but the main one is a change in the hormonal background, and most often in adolescence. Each person faced with this problem begins to panic looking for information about existing and effective remedies for acne. Today we will talk about a drug called "Baziron AS". Price, reviews, instructions for using this tool are presented in this article.

What is acne? Reasons for its appearance

In a few words, acne is a manifestation on the skin in the form of pimples and acne. This is a kind of inflammation that forms inside the sebaceous glands as a result of their blockage. The more sebaceous glands on the skin, the more likely it is to develop acne or pimples, since sebum is the most favorable environment for bacteria to live.

Baziron AS for acne reviews
Baziron AS for acne reviews

Acne drug groups

Modern medicine offers 7 main groups of medicines that can be thrown to fight the manifestations of acne:

  • Simple topical preparations for acne.
  • Antibiotics for external use.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs for external use.
  • Retinoids for external use.
  • Antibiotics for systemic use.
  • Retinoids for systemic use.
  • Oral hormonal contraceptives (taken by women).

Topical medications used to treat mild acne have approximately the same spectrum of action, but may not be tolerated by some patients. They can be divided into groups according to the active substance in their composition:

  • Medications containing benzoyl peroxide.
  • Retinoids.
  • Drugs based on azelaic acid.
  • Drugs based on sulfur.
  • Medications containing salicylic acid.
  • Zinc-based preparations.
  • Preparations containing several active ingredients.

Pharmacodynamics. Price

Baziron AS is very popular among modern anti-acne products. Such a drug also has a cheaper analogue, but more on that later. To begin with, let's pay attention to the high rates of effectiveness of this drug.

baziron as price reviews
baziron as price reviews

Baziron is based on benzoyl peroxide. This active substance has a detrimental effect on microbes that multiply on the skin and inside the sebaceous glands, thereby destroying the very cause of inflammation. ExceptIn addition, the drug normalizes the production of sebum. Has a keratolytic effect, improves tissue oxygenation.

The cost of this medicine is about 700 rubles, but this is a rather modest price for clear skin and a happy smile on a flawless face.

Varieties of "Baziron AS"

"Baziron AC" is available in the form of a gel, which may have a greater or lesser concentration of benzoyl peroxide. You can choose a preparation containing 2, 5, 5, and also 10% of the active substance. The volume of the tube in which it is produced is 40 g.

Instructions for the drug

Indications for the use of the gel is the presence of acne. "Baziron AS" has a fairly simple scheme of application - it is enough just 2 times a day to rub the gel into the areas of skin damaged by acne with light movements. You need to pay attention only to the fact that it can not be applied to the places of skin lesions, as well as mucous membranes. Otherwise, the gel must be immediately washed off with warm water.

baziron ac instruction reviews
baziron ac instruction reviews

If the patient notices irritation on the skin after applying the drug, then it should be immediately canceled for a while. As soon as the signs of irritation pass, the gel can be tried again in a small amount. The course of treatment is 3 months, but it can be extended by a dermatologist.

baziron as for sensitive skin
baziron as for sensitive skin

You need to know that the combined use of Baziron with other drying agents can aggravate the condition of the skin. In addition, badthe combined use of the drug with sunbathing affects the appearance. That is why "Baziron AS" for sensitive skin is not a gentle medicine enough, and a gel with a lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (2.5%) should be applied.

The use of the gel during pregnancy is undesirable, but can be prescribed if there is an urgent need for this for the mother. If the patient is less than 12 years old, then he also cannot use Baziron AS. A cheaper analogue will have approximately the same contraindications.

Reviews about "Baziron AS"

The drug has a fairly high rating among drugs of its type: wherever you look, Baziron AS gets at least 4 stars out of 5 everywhere. Price, reviews - all this is useful to know before purchasing. However, do not be confused by the high cost: the medicine is really very effective, moreover, according to users, it is quite economically spent. Many patients say that after 3-4 weeks a lasting improvement can be seen: acne is dried, new ones do not appear.

The only thing that most often interferes with general joy is that if the gel is used often enough, redness and peeling begin to appear on the skin. But even these single side effects cannot be compared with the “charm” of acne or acne. Isolated cases speak of an allergy that has appeared.

Baziron AC helps with acne
Baziron AC helps with acne

The greatest effect can be achieved by combining the diet and Baziron AS gel. This complex helps with acne and faster, andmore efficient. This can also include the rejection of bad habits.

Analogues of "Baziron AS"

"Baziron AS" is the main representative of drugs containing benzoyl peroxide, but not the only one of its kind. In his group, you can also record such drugs as Benzacne, Desquam, Proderm, Eclaran. "Benzakne" is made in Poland. Desquam and Proderm are produced by an American company, Eclaran is the brainchild of the French factory Pierre Fabre. All of them contain an active substance in an amount of 2.5 to 10%, like Baziron AS itself. Unfortunately, you will not be able to find a cheaper analogue among products containing benzoyl peroxide: they all cost more than Baziron. But you can choose a more budgetary tool from another group.

baziron as analogue is cheaper
baziron as analogue is cheaper

In terms of their pharmacological action, the "brothers" of Baziron are Differin, Zinerit, Skinoren, Curiosin. A distinctive feature is the active component: Differin has adapalene, Zenerite has zinc and erythromycin, Skinoren has azelaic acid, Curiosin has zinc hyaluronate. It is impossible to answer unequivocally which is better - "Baziron AS" or "Zinerit", since the drugs are different, although they are aimed at fighting the same bacteria.

Opinion of cosmetologists

What do experts think about thismedicine like Baziron AS for acne? Reviews of cosmetologists about this drug differ, and they are based on this.

Those who are in favor say that in combination with retinoids, Baziron AS stimulates skin flaking and cleansing of pores. That is why it is combined with professional care and included in complex cosmetic schemes.

baziron ac or zenerite
baziron ac or zenerite

Opponents of the drug say that its effectiveness is not confirmed in practice, considering it the cause of contact dermatitis. That is why most of the cosmetologists in this camp advocate the use of antibiotics to treat acne.

Doctors' opinions

In the instructions for any drug, advice is given: do not take any action on self-treatment. Any use of medication must be prescribed by a doctor.

A good dermatologist won't prescribe anything without a thorough examination. The appearance of the skin will say a lot, but this is not enough, you need to do a general blood test, hormone analysis, and so on. It is the doctor who decides whether the patient needs to use Baziron AS for treatment. A cheaper analogue can also cope with this task if the patient has a mild form of acne. It also takes into account the fact that different types of skin are suitable for a certain medicine, you may need a drug not analogous, but from a completely different group.

Regarding "Baziron", most doctors agree that this is a fairly effective product. Most of them agree that one of the best acne medications is"Baziron AS", instructions, reviews of which are discussed in this article. The patient should apply the medicine only on clean skin, monitor their diet and lifestyle, and be less in direct sunlight.

With moderate and severe acne, the doctor makes up a complex therapy for individual treatment. This once again proves that one cannot do without the opinion of a specialist. Most likely, the doctor will add antibiotics or antiandrogenic drugs to external preparations. Increasingly, dermatologists are prescribing retinoids for this degree of disease.
