Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews

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Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews
Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Video: Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Video: Erythromycin ointment: indications, instructions for use, reviews
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For various infections of the skin and mucous membranes, antibacterial external agents are often used. One of the most common drugs is "Erythromycin" ointment. It is used for ophthalmic or dermatological diseases caused by microorganisms resistant to other antibiotics.

General characteristics

The antibiotic "Erythromycin" belongs to the group of macrolides. They are effective against gram-positive bacteria and are used for intolerance to penicillins. "Erythromycin" has bacteriostatic activity against staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia, mycoplasmas and other microorganisms. But most gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses, are resistant to it. "Erythromycin" is better tolerated than antibiotics of other groups, rarely causes side effects. But microorganisms quickly develop resistance to it. "Erythromycin" ointment is applied topically, the active substance does not penetrate into the blood and does not bind toproteins, so rarely has systemic side effects.

The main active ingredient of the ointment is the antibiotic erythromycin. It contains 10,000 units in 1 gram. The basis of the ointment is anhydrous lanolin, and 40% of it consists of petroleum jelly. In addition, it contains excipients: pyrosulfite and sodium disulfite. They contribute to better penetration of the active substance into the tissues and increase its activity. "Erythromycin" ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes of 3, 5 and 10 grams. Its color varies from light yellow to dark yellow.

erythromycin ointment
erythromycin ointment

What effect does

Erythromycin is a bacteriostatic macrolide antibiotic. But when applied externally, it also has a bactericidal effect. Erythromycin binds to the ribosomes of microorganism cells and blocks protein synthesis. Basically, the drug prevents the growth of bacteria. And in large doses, it destroys them. But not all microorganisms are sensitive to its action. This antibiotic is active mainly against gram-positive bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasmas, chlamydia. Many fungal microorganisms, viruses, and anaerobic bacteria are insensitive to the effects of erythromycin. The ointment is used for many infections of the skin and mucous membranes in dermatology, ophthalmology and gynecology, as well as in the treatment of acne.

erythromycin ointment
erythromycin ointment

Indications for use

If you have any infectious diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor. Notit is worth using any drugs on your own. Only a specialist knows what helps "Erythromycin" ointment. This drug is often prescribed for diseases caused by bacteria that are insensitive to other antibiotics. Apply ointment in such cases:

  • for infected wounds;
  • bedsores, trophic ulcers;
  • 1st degree burns;
  • youthful acne, furunculosis;
  • for infectious eye diseases;
  • eczema, impetigo;
  • with vulvitis, chlamydia;

Treatment with "Erythromycin" ointment is most often prescribed for gynecological infections and eye diseases. You can also use it as a prophylactic for skin damage to prevent infection.

indications for use
indications for use


Assign "Erythromycin" ointment to adults and children. But during pregnancy and lactation, it is advisable to use it only under strict indications. Although erythromycin, when applied topically, does not cross the placental barrier and does not accumulate in breast milk. It is contraindicated to use this drug only in the presence of individual intolerance or allergy to antibiotics of the macrolide group. In addition, renal dysfunction, as well as liver disease in the patient, should become an obstacle to treatment. In case of intolerance to erythromycin, no preparations containing it can be used. These are ointments "Benzamycin", "Kpinesfar", "Zinerit".

Side effects

AntibioticsThis group is better tolerated than others, therefore, "Erythromycin" ointment is often prescribed for children, even infants. Side effects with its use are rare, mainly with overdose or long-term use. It is also possible the appearance of an allergic reaction with intolerance to the components of the ointment. This causes skin itching, hyperemia, peeling and irritation of the skin. If such reactions do not disappear after 2-3 days of application of the ointment, the drug must be discontinued. In severe cases of intolerance, dizziness, swelling, and difficulty breathing may occur.

Sometimes local immunity is also reduced, due to which re-infection occurs. And since bacteria quickly develop addiction to the drug, it is more difficult to treat such diseases. It is also possible the development of candidiasis. Especially often this happens when the treatment period is exceeded. Therefore, if there is no improvement in 4 weeks of using the ointment, it is necessary to change the drug.

side effects
side effects

"Erythromycin" eye ointment

This drug is often used in ophthalmology, so the ointment is called eye. It is effective for trachoma, blepharitis, keratitis, chalazion, the appearance of barley. An ointment is prescribed after ophthalmic operations to prevent infection. "Erythromycin" ointment for conjunctivitis is not always used, since this disease can be of a viral or allergic nature.

The ointment is carefully placed behind the lower eyelid. Before this, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with a solution of "Furacilin" or a decoctionchamomile. Apply the drug 3-5 times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology. Typically, the therapeutic course is 2 weeks, but in the treatment of trachoma, it can increase to 3 months. If there are improvements before the end of the course of treatment, the drug is not canceled, it is possible to reduce its dosage - switch to 1-2 single use. In severe cases, after treatment for another 2 weeks, an ointment is applied every 2 days.

Sometimes the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the ointment. In this case, after application, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, dryness and burning sensation occur. If these effects do not disappear after 15-20 minutes, the ointment can no longer be applied. It is necessary to warn the doctor about these reactions, you may have to change the drug to another one.

eye ointment
eye ointment

"Erythromycin" ointment for acne on the face

This is a fairly common way to use the drug. Moreover, the ointment helps against youthful and vulgar acne, acne and furunculosis. Apply it if there are a lot of acne, and conventional remedies do not help get rid of them. The course of application of "Erythromycin" ointment should be long, it is not recommended to interrupt it earlier, since the condition may worsen with the development of purulent acne. Therefore, the drug is used for at least 10 days.

Apply the ointment to the skin in a thin layer, only on the affected areas. Treatment can be combined with other anti-acne products, but their use should be separated in time by at least an hour. For the treatment of acne, it is better to use not an ointment, but a gel with the same composition, sohow it clogs pores less and contains additional components to cleanse the skin. It is recommended to apply the drug 2-3 times a day. If it is impossible to use this ointment, it can be replaced by analogues. The drugs "Zinerit", "Levomekol", "Synthomycin" and others have an antibacterial effect.

erythromycin for acne
erythromycin for acne

Application features

"Erythromycin" ointment should be used only after a doctor's prescription. The method of its application, the duration of treatment and dosage depend on the type of infectious disease and the severity of its course. Usually apply the drug in a thin layer on the affected skin. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, as a thick layer of ointment can block the air supply and create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. If the ointment is applied to purulent wounds, you must first clean them.

Use the ointment most often 2-3 times a day, but in the treatment of burns - no more than 3 times a week. Therapy is usually prolonged, but it is not recommended to use erythromycin for more than 2 months, since superinfection may develop. In the treatment of children, the dosage should be set individually by the doctor. For babies up to a year, the drug is prescribed only if there are strict indications and under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, it is desirable to limit yourself to the minimum dosage and a short course of treatment.

application rules
application rules

Drug Interactions

"Erythromycin" ointment is often prescribed as part of complex treatment. But atjoint use with other drugs, their compatibility must be taken into account. First of all, it is undesirable to use this drug along with other antibiotics. Erythromycin reduces the effectiveness of penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems. It is incompatible with Lincomycin, Chloramphenicol and Clindamycin. It is necessary to warn the doctor about the need to take "Theophylline", "Caffeine", "Cyclosporine", "Carbamazepine" and some other drugs. If, together with the ointment, various cosmetic products are used, for example, containing abrasive substances, the risk of developing allergic skin reactions increases.


One of the most common antibacterial external preparations is "Erythromycin" ointment. Reviews note that it rarely causes side effects. In addition, this drug is popular for its low cost. The price of a tube is from 50 to 120 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and dosage. Reviews note that, despite the low price, the drug is very effective. After 2-3 days of use, it helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of bacterial infections. Most often, the ointment is used in the treatment of eye diseases. It quickly relieves itching, cleanses the eyes of pus. Erythromycin ointment is also effective for acne. There are a lot of positive reviews about this use of the drug. People note that the ointment helped to quickly clear the skin. And negative reviews are mainly associated with improper use of the product or the appearance of allergicreactions.
