Cold diseases accompany some of us at any time of the year. The cause can be various kinds of viruses and bacteria, as well as allergic reactions. This ailment annoys both adults and children, so many are interested in the question of which nasal drops have the greatest therapeutic effect. Of particular concern is the problem of treating rhinitis of parents of children of preschool and middle age.

Rhinitis medications
On sale today you can find many drugs designed to treat inflammation of the nose. They often come in the form of nasal drops. But they all have a different composition. Some include extracts of medicinal herbs, others are based only on chemical compounds, and still others contain antibiotics.
In order not to cause addiction to any drug and not to deprive yourself and your loved ones of sustainable immunity, you should be careful about the contents of medicines, even when it comes toremedies for the common cold. This is not a harmless disease that annoys nasal congestion. Its complication is often sinusitis. Therefore, for effective treatment, not quite simple medicines are used.
Not every cold medicine can help cure it. An independent initiative does not always lead to the desired effect, since the patient himself cannot determine why he is dripping under his nose - due to a bacterial or viral infection, or maybe this is the influence of growing adenoids or a reaction to the flowering of a plant.
Therefore, a runny nose should be treated in the same way as any other disease - under the supervision of a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the level of inflammatory processes raging in the nose and advise an effective drug. Doctors today often prescribe treatment with "Rinofluimucil" - nasal drops.

According to the reviews of many who used them, they are very effective. And most of the positive characteristics of this drug are noted by parents of young children, who often have a runny nose.
What is Rinofluimucil?
This is a nasal spray or drops produced by the Italian company Zambon S.p. A. The main active ingredients of the drug are acetylcysteine and tuaminoheptane, which have an active effect on microorganisms. Auxiliary components - methylhydroxypropyl cellulose, dodecahydrate, dithiothreitol, disodium editate, dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, mint flavor, sodiumhydroxide, ethyl alcohol, purified water, benzalkonium chloride, sorbitol.
Rinofluimucil drops, the price of which is 240 rubles today, are mostly used in the treatment of adults and children older than preschool age. It is very comfortable to dose the solution with a special pipette contained in the vial.

But the aerosol or spray "Rinofluimucil", the price of which is 280 rubles, is more of a medicine for babies. The comfortable atomizer allows you to instantly drop your nose without tears or fuss and at the same time prevent overdose.
Pharmacological properties of the drug
Drops in the nose "Rinofluimucil" instruction characterizes as a vasoconstrictor mucolytic agent, significantly reducing inflammation and swelling of the mucous tissues of the nasal cavities. Due to the outflow of fluid from the nasal sinuses, stimulated by active substances, drainage functions are restored and nasal unimpeded breathing.
Acetylcysteine causes thinning of mucus, tuaminoheptane reduces tissue swelling.
Who is prescribed drops "Rinofluimucil"?
This medicine mainly treats sinusitis, acute, vasomotor and chronic rhinitis. It is attributed to both adults and children over the age of three.

Drops or spray are instilled into the nose, but an inhalation method of treating the common cold with this drug is also possible. They resort to it in cases of prolonged course of the disease, thick mucous formations. Drops "Rinofluimucil" forinhalations can be used by the traditional method, diluting the vasoconstrictor in warm steaming water, or follow the new method, performing procedures using a medical device - a nebulizer.
Who is the medicine not suitable for?
It is unacceptable to take Rinofluimucil drops by pregnant women, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, and glaucoma.
This medicine is not suitable for patients with hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug.
Possible side effects
Despite positive feedback, these drops can cause palpitations, pressure surges, tachycardia. From the side of the central nervous system, excitation is sometimes observed.
Feeling dry in the nose, mouth and throat is not normal. Also, this drug is addictive and should not be used for more than a week.
What analogues of Rinofluimucil drops exist?
Since this medicine is not suitable for everyone, due to the large range of drugs for the treatment of the common cold, many people prefer to use medicines identical to this remedy.
If you select analogues of drops "Rinofluimucil" by component composition, then there are no such ones. And if we evaluate medicinal preparations by their properties, then many instead of this medication stop at Nazik spray, Adrianol, Pinosol and Evkasept drops, Rhinopront and Coldakt capsules. Which analogue of "Rinofluimucil" to use depends on the diagnosis of the patient. After all, some drugs are effective at the onset of the disease, while others are applicable.with prolonged inflammation.
Comparison of the effectiveness of the drugs "Rinofluimucil" and "Vibrocil"
The above medicines, which are applicable for the treatment of various causes of the common cold, do not always help get rid of the obsessive ailment, accompanied by the release of mucus of various consistency. Very many in practice also experienced such an analogue of "Rinofluimucil" as "Vibrocil" drops. Their effectiveness is higher than that of the drug in question, since they contain anti-allergic components. The drug "Vibrocil" is allowed from the first days of life.
It is available in the form of a gel, drops and spray. The active substances dimethidene maleate and phenylephrine effectively relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, cause vasoconstriction. Doctors prescribe an effective antihistamine drug during the treatment of colds, as well as allergic rhinitis.

This analogue of "Rinofluimucil" can be addictive. Therefore, it must also be used with caution.
If we compare these two drugs in terms of cost, then the selected analogue is not cheap, but is on the same level as Rinofluimucil. So, for Vibrocil drops the price is 250 rubles, for a gel - 270, for a spray - 280. They are often recommended for the treatment of a cold in young children.
When many people choose Vibrocil, the price does not play a decisive role: first of all, the effectiveness of the remedy, which has been proven in practice, is taken into account.
What is more effective:Rinofluimucil solution or Polydex drops?
Similar drugs are drugs that are similar either in composition, that is, completely identical, or in pharmacological properties. Since there are no drugs identical to the drops of "Rinofluimucil" in terms of content, many are trying to independently select medicines according to the second sign. But it is not always possible to do this without consulting a doctor.
Despite the many drugs listed above, many are interested in such an alleged analogue of "Rinofluimucil" as the drug "Polydex". But these are two different remedies for the common cold.

Polydex drops, firstly, differ in that they contain antibiotics, and secondly, they are an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent, while the drug "Rinofluimucil" is an antiviral drug that fights nasal congestion.
Drops of "Polydex" in the nose, the price of which is 250-300 rubles, are instilled with bacterial rhinitis. So it’s not worth it to treat rhinitis remedies with ease. The diagnosis must be determined by the doctor, since it is possible to fight this disease for a very long time and still not cure it, having achieved a chronic condition.
Drugs "Rinofluimucil" and "Isofra"
There are also a lot of analogues of the drug "Polydex". One of them is Isofra drops, which are considered identical to the drug Rinofluimucil. However, it is not. The drug "Isofra" is also an antibacterial agent and contains one antibiotic, which is active in its substance that affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

It does not cure viral infections, but can only lead to a decrease in immunity. Isofra drops cost 270 rubles.
When buying drugs for the common cold in a pharmacy, you should be interested in the pharmacological properties of these. And it is best not to self-medicate, especially children, but always consult an otolaryngologist, who will clearly determine by symptoms and inflammatory processes what kind of infection is attacking your body.
Rinofluimucil drops do not contain antibiotics, this is the biggest plus of this drug. Nowadays, these active substances have occupied a special niche of trust for many. But at the same time, they are often used for treatment unreasonably.
This medicine should not be used concomitantly with tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors and antihypertensives, cardiac glycosides and oxytocin.
Be careful about the choice of all medicines, and then your he alth will not fail you.