A huge number of people suffer from various diseases of the gallbladder, which cause them a lot of inconvenience and severe discomfort. Some of them can only be eliminated surgically, but most ailments are calmly treated with the help of certain drugs. For the gallbladder, the pharmaceutical market offers a very huge range of medicines that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.
Symptoms of gallbladder disease
First of all, let's figure out in which cases you should think about the fact that you have problems with the gallbladder. And evidence of their presence may be symptoms such as:
- yellowish skin color;
- pain in the right hypochondrium, which can be both acute and aching;
- discomfort in the right hypochondrium after exercise, shaking while driving or eating spicy food;
- decreaseappetite, nausea and vomiting of bile;
- sleep disturbance and fatigue;
- appearance of spider veins on the skin.

If you see at least a few of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you the right medicine for the gallbladder and liver. The main thing is not to delay the visit to a specialist, because the speed of complete recovery depends on the timeliness of the start of treatment.
Choice of drugs
For example, you find out that you have a minor problem or even a serious disease of the gallbladder. What medicines to drink in this case?
- First of all, you should not self-medicate and buy advertised drugs or medicines that have helped your friends or loved ones, as each case is individual.
- You need to do an analysis of bile and provide it to the doctor, as well as tell about all concomitant diseases. So he will be able to prescribe the right treatment, based on the available indications and contraindications for any medications.
- The doctor selects drugs that have a high degree of penetration into the bile, which will allow them to act faster and better.
- The pharmacodynamics of the chosen drug should be directed not only to the gallbladder, but also to other abdominal organs, which will speed up a full recovery.
- The drug should be prescribed taking into account that it does not destroy the liver and does not cause allergies associated withintolerance to certain components.
Types of drugs
Next, let's look at the available varieties of gallbladder medications to know what exactly a doctor can prescribe. So, there are four types of drugs that specialists prescribe to patients who come to them with complaints.

- Hepatoprotectors are plant-based, in particular, with the presence of silymarin contained in milk thistle (used for liver damage and gallstone disease), and animal origin, developed from hydrolyzed liver of pigs or cattle (taken to get rid of toxins and restore normal microflora in the body).
- Medications are available in the form of choleretics based on bile and giocholic acids (used to enhance the outflow of bile, prevent the formation of stones and minimize cholesterol precipitation). The group of cholekinetics is intended to increase the tone of this organ ("Sorbitol", "Magnesium Sulfate").
- Anti-infectives are prescribed to fight viral hepatitis (human lymphoblastoid and recombinant interferons).
- Antimicrobials are antibiotics used to treat inflammation of the gallbladder and its ducts.
Very often, various ailments are accompanied by bouts of pain, which are sometimes so strong that they threaten endogenous shock and endanger a person's life. It is for such cases that you should remember which medicines for the gallbladder can relieve acute symptoms in order to alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor. And analgesics, the main active ingredient of which is paracetamol, can help with this. The most effective drugs among them are Cefekon, Acetaminophen and Efferalgan. The only thing is that such medicines should not be given to pregnant women and people suffering from liver or kidney failure, which is a contraindication to taking them.

If a patient has a spasm that radiates with pain in the right hypochondrium and is accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, this indicates that problems have begun with the outflow of bile and an increase in its pressure on the organ. In this case, increased salivation is observed. In this case, you need to urgently take a medicine for the gallbladder, which will relieve this unpleasant symptom. These drugs are antispasmodics, which are divided into two types:
- Selective - "Aprofen", "Spazmolitin" and "Mebeverine hydrochloride", which eliminate spasm and pain in the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs.
- Wide spectrum - "No-shpa", "Galidor" and "Bendazol". Medicines relieve pain of any organs in the body.
The only thing is that these drugs have contraindications in the form of increased intraocular pressure or work that requires rapid physical ormental reaction. Taking these medications may cause the patient to become lethargic.
It happens that doctors find inflammation caused by viruses or bacteria, which can lead to congestion or thinning of the mucous surface of the gallbladder. What medicines to take in this case? Specialists treat such symptoms exclusively with antibiotics, which are developed from living organisms and isolated using biosynthesis, as a result of which they can suppress the activity of bacteria. The course of treatment with such drugs is usually about ten days, after which the inflammation should stop.
The most effective antibiotics are Cefazolin, Erythromycin, Azithromycin. Separately, it is worth highlighting "Furazolidone", which completely destroys pathogens. The only thing is that after the use of antibiotics, some patients may develop allergic reactions or develop dysbacteriosis. After all, along with pathogens, drugs destroy beneficial bacteria, which has a bad effect on the intestinal microflora. To prevent negative consequences, doctors prescribe probiotics at the same time.
Drugs that dissolve gallstones

If a patient has stones in the gallbladder, the diameter of which is not more than 15 mm, and their number occupies no more than 50% of the organ, preventing it from contracting normally, then special therapy is indicated for him. It aims to dissolveunwanted entities. The duration of such treatment is about six months, but it is almost painless. And of the drugs in this case, the drugs "Ursofalk", "Ursochol" and "Ursosan" are recommended, which are based on bile ursodeoxycholic acid. The doctor may prescribe other medicines, for example, Henosan, Henosol, Henofalk. They are based on bile chenodeoxycholic acid.
True, taking them, you should stop taking hormonal drugs, drugs that remove excess cholesterol, and those that reduce the acidity of the stomach. Contraindications to taking these medications are the following conditions: pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver disease and inflammation in the gallbladder and its ducts.
Secretion stimulation drugs
Bile production occurs in the liver. If bile stagnates in the body, this can lead to very disastrous consequences. It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. Gallbladder and liver medicines are expected to increase the secretion of a bitter specific fluid. They belong to the group of choleretics.
- The drug "Allohol" should be taken for a month, one tablet three times a day. It includes components such as garlic and nettle, so the medicine has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
- The medicine "Holenzim" mostly consists of components of animal origin,it contains digestive enzymes, thanks to which it not only fulfills its main role, but also improves digestion.
- Tanacechol tablets stimulate the secretion and normalize its biochemical composition. Since it is a herbal medicine, it has few side effects.

Drugs to enhance the outflow of bile
If the bitter secretion is poorly excreted from the body, this can lead to the formation of stones, therefore, with such symptoms, doctors prescribe drugs for the gallbladder, which improve the removal of fluid through the ducts. The most effective among them are:
- The drug "Duspatalin", the main active ingredient of which is mebeverine (contraindicated in children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating mothers).
- Drug "Odeston" (active component - hymecron). However, the drug has a number of contraindications: ulcerative colitis, biliary tract obstruction, Crohn's disease, hemophilia and peptic ulcer disease.
- Flamin herbal remedy, which is made from immortelle herb.
What medications are taken after gallbladder removal?
It happens that the patient goes to the doctor too late and his gallbladder is removed. In this case, he should urgently establish the process of digestion, completely abandon junk food and normalize the production of secretions by the body. And just for this, patients need totake medications after removal of the gallbladder, which contribute to the production of biological bitter fluid. These include "Oxafenamide" and "Ursosan". The medicine should be taken three times a day, one tablet. True, they have some limitations: stomach and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice and hepatosis.

Other drugs for gallbladder problems
Sometimes cholecystitis can be caused not only by digestive problems, but also by organ dysfunction, which can later lead to the development of colitis, pancretitis and various types of gastritis. Therefore, in such cases, it is impossible to postpone taking medications. With cholecystitis of the gallbladder, drugs are prescribed that contain enzymes of animal and plant origin. Trypsin, Pancreatin or Pepsin are best suited in such cases.
If a patient has biliary dyskinesia, which causes problems with fluid excretion, then doctors recommend taking Mezim Forte tablets, which not only normalize digestion, but also increase the secretion of gastric juice, which provokes the production of bile. In addition, in such cases, you can take the drugs "Gepabene", "Ursosan" or "Cynarix".

Concomitant Therapy
Now you know how the gallbladder is treated. Medicines may be completelypowerless if their reception is uncontrolled. First of all, you should definitely start eating right, trying to eat at least three times a day and not include anything fatty and spicy in your diet, as well as give up alcohol and fast food. And it is best to find out from the doctor what diet should be followed and eat according to the recommended menu. It is also very important to start leading a he althy lifestyle, doing more sports and walking more often in the fresh air.
It will also be useful to treat concomitant diseases and chronic ailments, because they often cause problems with the gallbladder, so only complex treatment will be the key to good he alth.