Each parent sooner or later faces the need to instill drops in their baby's nose. And, as you know, children are not delighted with this procedure. Therefore, moms and dads definitely need to know which nose drops are best for a child, and how to drip them correctly. This is what we propose to talk about in this article.

How to correctly instill drops in the nose of children?
According to the erroneous opinion of many parents, as soon as a child has snot, the need for drops immediately arises. However, first of all, you need to learn how to clean your baby's nose from mucus in a timely and correct manner. For this procedure, the usual saline solution, which is sold in all pharmacies, is perfect. It needs to be slightly warmed up and dripped into the child's nose. After a couple of minutes, when the mucus softens, remove it with a special tool or ask the baby to blow his nose. After that, you can use nose drops.for a child. In addition to saline, you can use Aquamaris or its analogues, as well as non-carbonated mineral water, to clean the spout.

What are nasal drops for a child
In order to choose the right drug for your baby, of course, it is best to consult a doctor. If you want to make the choice yourself, then you need to at least know what categories nasal remedies are divided into according to the effect they have. So:
- Nose drops vasoconstrictor. Children, however, as well as adults, these drugs are not recommended to be used for longer than three days, as they are addictive. These funds differ depending on the active substance: it can be "Xylometazoline", "Oxymetazoline" and others.
- Moisturizing drops. These drugs are made on the basis of saline solutions. These drops can be safely called the most effective and safe, as they contribute to the restoration of the mucosa in a natural way. This group includes the following preparations: Aquamaris, Aquador and others.
- Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory nose drops for a child. Such drugs help fight profusely multiplying bacteria in the later stages of the common cold, when, due to the abundance of secretions, it becomes increasingly difficult to regularly and thoroughly remove them. The following medical products Protargol, Collargol and Pinosol have this effect.
- Antiallergic drops. Since allergies are very commonthe cause of a runny nose, it is desirable that this drug is always in your home first aid kit. This group of medicines includes Zyrtec, Nasonex and Allergodil drops.

What else do you need to know?
If you drip this or that drug to a child, but after three days there is no visible improvement, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, be sure to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. In addition, with all responsibility it is necessary to approach the choice of drops, especially when it comes to a newborn baby.