Against the background of colds, a wet cough often appears, which is designed to remove pathogens from the body. You should not fight it yourself, because its suppression contributes to the deterioration of the condition. But it is possible and necessary to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. To do this, doctors usually prescribe syrups for a wet cough. The preparations contribute to the liquefaction and more efficient discharge of sputum. Which of the many drugs presented in the pharmacy to choose, only a doctor can tell. There is a list of the most effective remedies that will be discussed in this article.

Why choose syrup
Syrup for wet cough is the most popular and sought after form of the drug. Such a medicine is convenient to take, it is effective and safe. Among the benefits of syrups, patients and doctors highlight the following factors:
- pleasant taste and aroma;
- medication is easy to dose (each package is supplied with a measuring syringe, spoon or cup);
- preparation is ready to take, no need for pre-dissolution or mixing;
- with an inflamed throat, the remedy acts gently, eliminates irritation of the mucous membranes and envelops.
Syrup promotes a quick recovery, because it liquefies and removes accumulated sputum from the bronchi. However, these drugs are only part of a comprehensive treatment. Syrups have a minimum of contraindications, do not often provoke allergies and are well absorbed. There are safe medicines for newborns, as well as pregnant patients and breastfeeding women.
Doctors warn that when taking any syrup with a wet cough, you need to drink a lot and often plain warm water.

List of wet cough syrups
In case of catarrhal pathologies accompanied by a wet cough, syrups are used based on synthetically created components, as well as completely natural ones. Such substances are able to activate the process of liquefaction of sputum, its active expectoration. Among the most effective, safe and popular drugs are the following:
- Gerbion;
- Fluditec;
- "Lazolvan";
- Codelac Broncho;
- "Prospan";
- "ACC";
- "Bromhexine";
- Doctor Mom;
- Ambroxol;
- "Ambrobene";
- Licorice syrup.
Let's consider each oflisted drugs in more detail.

Gerbion based on medicinal herbs
Gerbion is produced on the basis of natural medicinal herbs. The instructions for use for children syrup contains the following information:
- 2 to 5 year olds can take half a teaspoon of syrup twice a day;
- patients from six to twelve years of age can take one teaspoon of medicine, also twice a day;
- teens 12 years of age and older and adults can take up to one and a half teaspoons of syrup in the morning and evening;
- treatment duration is seven days.
Specialists say that the syrup has:
- antiseptic;
- mucolytic;
- expectorant action.
The advantage of the drug is the ability to eliminate bronchospasm, so the remedy is often prescribed for children with laryngitis.
However, Gerbion has multiple contraindications. Instructions for use for children syrup provides the following data:
- it is forbidden to use "Gerbion" based on primrose if the child has had croup or acute obstructive laryngitis;
- children under two years of age are contraindicated;
- drug not allowed in case of fructose intolerance.
Also contraindications are:
- women's pregnancy and lactation;
- diabetes;
- asthma;
- malabsorption syndromegalactose;
- insufficient activity of sucrose enzymes.
"Gerbion" based on plantain with a wet productive cough is not prescribed. Such a component will only aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, it is so important not to self-medicate, but to trust the doctor.

"Prospan" based on plant extracts
Prospan is produced on the basis of extracts from fennel seeds, plush, anise and mint. Wet cough syrup is quite effective, has a bronchospasmolytic and expectorant effect. A medicine is prescribed for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, in the case when thick and viscous mucus is poorly separated.
According to the instructions, the dosage of the drug is as follows:
- children from one to six years old are given 2.5 ml of syrup, observing a gap of 8 hours;
- patients over six years of age can drink 5 ml of syrup three times a day;
- adults are prescribed 7.5 ml of syrup, observing a gap of 8 hours.
Prospan is a safe and mild medicine often prescribed to children. Among the contraindications is age up to one year. Adults are prohibited from using the drug for alcohol dependence.

"ACC" to eliminate viscous sputum
Wet cough syrup for children should have a mild and enveloping effect, but at the same time be quite effective. A mucolytic drug based on acetylcysteine meets similar requirements. As a result, ACCpromotes sputum discharge in the following diseases:
- tracheitis;
- bronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- cystic fibrosis;
- lung abscess.
Regardless of the form of the drug, 1 ml of the drug contains 20 mg of active ingredient. The dosage of the syrup is as follows:
- children from two to five years old are recommended 5 ml of medicine, which they drink twice a day;
- for patients aged six to fourteen, the doctor may prescribe up to 5 ml of the drug, which must be drunk three times a day, or 10 ml twice a day;
- Adolescents over fourteen years of age and adults may be given up to 10 ml of syrup twice a day.
Syrup for a wet cough "ACC" should be drunk after a meal. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days. However, the doctor in the presence of severe diseases of the pulmonary system can extend therapy up to two weeks. Among the contraindications for admission are the following diseases and symptoms:
- blood found in sputum;
- pulmonary bleeding;
- exacerbation of ulcers;
- children under two years of age;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding.
Also, the instructions contain data on the presence of sodium in the medicine. Therefore, when prescribing a low-s alt diet, this information should be taken into account.

"Bromhexine": a well-known and effective tool
"Bromhexine" - wet cough syrup, inexpensive and effective. The medicine is made on the basis of bromhexine. In 5 ml of the drugcontains 4 mg of the active ingredient. Doctors often prescribe syrup when inflammation of the bronchi or lungs is established, as a result of which viscous sputum is formed.
The main indications are the following diseases:
- pneumonia;
- bronchial asthma;
- emphysema;
- tuberculosis;
- tracheobronchitis;
- obstructive bronchitis.
According to the instructions, the dosage of the medicine is as follows:
- Children from two to six years old are prescribed half a teaspoon, twice a day;
- Children from six to eight years old are prescribed 1-2 teaspoons to be taken in the morning and evening;
- teens over ten years old can drink two teaspoons 2-3 times a day;
- adults are prescribed three to four teaspoons 3-4 times a day.
Duration of therapy is 5-6 days. Among the contraindications are:
- baby age up to two years;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- exacerbation of the ulcer;
- sugar intolerance.
"Bromhexine" is forbidden to use only in the first half of pregnancy. In the second and third semesters, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe a medicine in the minimum dosage to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation.
Ambroxol: expectorant syrup
Ambroxol cough syrup is prescribed for various respiratory diseases, the characteristic symptom of which is viscous sputum and purulent secretion in the lungs. The instructions for use indicate the followinginfo:
- children under two years of age are prescribed 2.5 ml of syrup in the morning and at bedtime;
- children from two to six years old are also recommended 2.5 ml of syrup, but already three times a day;
- patients six to twelve years of age are prescribed 5 ml of the drug, and a gap of at least twelve hours between doses must be observed;
- teenagers from twelve years of age and adults can drink 10 ml of syrup three times a day (this treatment lasts the first three days during an exacerbation of the disease, then the dosage is halved).
"Ambroxol" is produced on the basis of ambroxol hydrochloride. The active ingredient effectively dilutes viscous sputum and removes it from the lowest parts of the lungs. The duration of treatment can be 2 weeks.
Among the contraindications are the following symptoms and diseases:
- ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- fructose allergy;
- pregnancy (first semester);
- dry hysterical cough.
"Fluditec" against the inflammatory process
Fluditec wet cough syrup for children is quite in demand. The drug has a mucolytic effect and quickly eliminates the symptoms of acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory system. In addition, "Flyuditek" is prescribed for otitis and inflammation of the nasopharynx, because it helps to remove this process.
The drug is produced on the basis of carbocysteine. Syrup for adults contains 50 mg of the active ingredient in 1 ml. The preparation for children contains 20 mg of activesubstances in 1 ml of syrup.
The instructions for using the drug are as follows:
- children from two to five years old are prescribed syrup twice a day, 5 ml each;
- children from five to fifteen years old are also recommended to drink 5 ml of the product, but already three times a day;
- teens and adults can take 15 ml of syrup three times a day.
The medication should be taken one hour before the main meal or two hours after the meal. Standard therapy lasts a week, but can be extended up to ten days. Among the contraindications are:
- cystitis;
- ulcer;
- glomerulonephritis;
- first trimester of pregnancy.

Popular "Lazolvan"
Parents often wonder what syrup to give their child with a wet cough. Quite often, doctors and experienced mothers recommend Lazolvan. Ambroxol acts as an active ingredient, which activates the secretion of bronchial secretions and promotes its discharge. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of coughing attacks is significantly reduced. The medicine helps with lung diseases that occur in a chronic or acute form, with bronchial diseases and respiratory distress syndrome.
The dosage of the drug is as follows:
- babies under two years of age are prescribed two and a half ml of syrup once for twelve hours;
- Children two to six years of age are recommended to consume 2.5 ml every eight hours;
- patients from seven to twelve years old are prescribed 5 mldrug 2-3 times a day;
- Adolescents over twelve years old and adults can take 10 ml three times a day.
Duration of treatment should not exceed five days. The therapeutic effect of the drug does not depend on food intake. Among the contraindications are:
- liver and kidney failure;
- lactation;
- first trimester of pregnancy.
"Codelac Broncho" syrup: instructions for use
"Codelac Broncho" is made on the basis of extracts of thyme and the chemical component of ambroxol. It has an expectorant and mucolytic effect, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process of the bronchopulmonary system.
"Codelac Broncho" (syrup) instructions for use has the following:
- patients under six years of age are prescribed 0.5 teaspoon of sweet medicine three times a day;
- Children from six to twelve are prescribed one teaspoon of the beneficial medicine three times a day;
- teens over twelve years of age and adults are advised to drink two teaspoons of the syrup six hours apart.
It is necessary to combine the intake of syrup with food. In this case, it is recommended to drink it with plenty of liquid. The standard course of therapy is five days. Among the contraindications are:
- children under two years of age;
- lactation;
- pregnancy.
In the presence of bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney failure, strict control is necessarydoctor.
Doctor Mom based on herbal ingredients
Contains extracts of medicinal plants and levomenthol drug "Doctor Mom". Wet cough syrup is often given to children to relieve coughs.
The drug has:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antiseptic;
- expectorant;
- antibacterial;
- antipyretic effect.
At the same time, the syrup helps to eliminate and relieve swelling on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. According to reviews, against the background of taking, the quality and duration of sleep of a sick child improves.
Instructions for use are as follows:
- children from three to five years old are prescribed 2.5 ml of medicine;
- five to fourteen years old can consume 5 ml of syrup;
- adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age are allowed to take syrup up to 10 ml.
- the remedy must be consumed three times a day, before the main meal;
- duration of treatment course can be 2-3 weeks.
Among the contraindications are:
- children under three years of age;
- pregnancy;
- lactation.
It should be noted that the syrup contains a large amount of herbal ingredients that can provoke skin rashes and other allergic reactions.
Popular "Ambrobene"
Expectorant and mucolytic effect has "Ambrobene". 100 ml of the product contains 0.3 g of ambroxol. The drug is prescribed for diseases characterized bydifficult passage of mucus.
Instructions for use contains the following information:
- Children under two years of age should drink 2.5 ml of sweet medicine twice a day;
- babies two to six years of age are usually prescribed 2.5 ml of medication three times a day;
- patients from six to twelve years old are recommended to drink 5 ml of medicine 2-3 times a day;
- Adolescents over twelve years of age and adults are prescribed 10 ml of syrup three times a day during an exacerbation of the disease, then the dosage is halved.
Drink the medicine after a meal. The duration of therapy is five days. However, the doctor may extend the course of treatment.
Among the contraindications are:
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- fructose intolerance;
- absorption of sucrose.
Licorice syrup
Licorice syrup for wet cough is often prescribed for both children and adults. The product is made on the basis of natural licorice extract, has a specific aroma and taste. The medicine helps to eliminate the inflammatory processes of the bronchopulmonary system.
Has a medicine with the following actions:
- antiviral;
- antispasmodic;
- expectorant;
- immunostimulatory.
Instructions for use:
- babies under two years old need to measure the drops according to their age, in months;
- children from two to twelve years old, the doctor can prescribe up to 2.5 ml of medication;
- teens over twelve can drink 5ml syrup;
- adults are prescribed 10 ml of funds.
The drug must be drunk once within eight hours. Due to the fact that it has a characteristic sweetish taste, it is allowed to dilute it in a small amount of water. Contraindications include exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis
Which syrup helps with a wet cough can only be determined by a doctor based on a patient examination and an accurate diagnosis. Each of the drugs on the list has a different composition. At the same time, the main components affect the patient's body in different ways and, in addition to the therapeutic effect, can cause side symptoms.