Tablets "Pancreatin forte": instructions for use and reviews

Tablets "Pancreatin forte": instructions for use and reviews
Tablets "Pancreatin forte": instructions for use and reviews

Every person has experienced digestive disorders at least once. Everyone knows what an unpleasant feeling it is: nausea, pain, flatulence, intestinal upset. Many different drugs help with such symptoms, but Pancreatin Forte is considered the best. This is an enzyme remedy that normalizes digestion and improves the condition in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is considered safe, as it contains substances that are normally present in the human digestive tract, but which are not enough for various violations and errors in nutrition.

What is "pancreatin"

This is the name given to pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes important for digestion. Back in the 17th century, doctors determined that it was he who was involved in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But only 200 years later, scientists found out that without pancreatin, fats are not at all able to break down, unlike proteins and carbohydrates, which are digested under the influence of others.enzymes. It is because of this that in patients with impaired activity of the gastrointestinal tract, fatty foods are not absorbed at all. And scientists were able to isolate this substance from the pancreas extract of cows and pigs. At first, the digestive remedy was a very bitter powder. But it was ineffective, since the enzymes were broken down in the stomach, not reaching the intestines. And only modern tablets of small size, coated with a special shell, effectively perform their functions.

pancreatin forte
pancreatin forte

Characteristics of the drug

"Pancreatin Forte" is a round tablet coated with a coating that is soluble in the intestine. This is necessary so that the enzymes, once in the stomach, do not immediately collapse under the influence of its acidic environment. The drug contains enzymes necessary for digestion: amylase, lipase, trypsin and protease. They are released in the intestines and are involved in the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, the effect of the drug is felt half an hour after taking it.

On sale you can find another type of drug - "Pancreatin Forte 14000". Instructions for the use of this drug will be discussed below. The manufacturer adds the word “he alth” to the name, as this remedy is more suitable for preventive treatment and the removal of unpleasant symptoms in case of nutritional errors. This drug contains a lower concentration of enzymes, so it is recommended to start therapy with it. If it does not help, then they switch to Pancreatin Forte. For children, “He alth” is more suitable.

pancreatin forte instructions for use
pancreatin forte instructions for use

What is the difference between "Pancreatin" and "Pancreatin Forte"

On sale you can find several drugs with this name. All of them contain the active ingredient pancreatin, a mixture of digestive enzymes. Many people think that the prefix "forte" means that the drug is stronger and works better. In fact, the content of enzymes in them is the same. "Forte" - this means that the shell of the tablet is reinforced and will not dissolve in the stomach. Thanks to this, the enzymes will enter the intestines, begin to act there and, after work, will be excreted with feces. Therefore, it is believed that "Pancreatin Forte" is more effective and long lasting.

pancreatin forte instruction
pancreatin forte instruction

Drug action

"Pancreatin Forte" is an enzyme preparation that is needed in case of violation of the pancreas, when it produces few enzymes. This remedy also compensates for the activity of the liver with insufficient bile production. 30-40 minutes after ingestion, when the tablet enters the intestine and its shell dissolves, Pancreatin Forte begins to act. The instruction notes that it has the following effects on the body:

  • speeds up the digestion of food;
  • stimulates the production of enzymes by the pancreas and stomach;
  • promotes better breakdown of proteins to obtain amino acids;
  • improves the absorption of fats and starch, as well as the breakdown of plant fiber;
  • relieves stomach pain;
  • calms the activeactivity of the pancreas;
  • reduces intestinal gas;
  • relieves feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • improves absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Who needs to take enzyme supplements

"Pancreatin Forte", like other similar means, is needed for everyone who often has digestive disorders. It helps with inaccuracies in nutrition, overeating or in violation of the chewing function associated with dental diseases. Many drink it for heartburn, flatulence and bloating. Assign "Pancreatin Forte" to patients who are forced to be immobile for a long time, for example, after operations or injuries. It is also useful for he althy people when eating too fatty or unhe althy foods, with irregular meals or a sedentary lifestyle. But most often this remedy is prescribed for various chronic diseases of the digestive system. Many of the patients need to take it constantly. Often this remedy is also recommended for older people with pancreatic enzyme deficiency.

pancreatin forte 14000
pancreatin forte 14000

For what diseases is the drug useful

Although this remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, most often Pancreatin Forte is used as directed by a doctor. Instructions for use notes that it is most effective for such diseases:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic insufficiency after pancreatectomy or irradiation;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis with reduced secretory function;
  • gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • gastrocardiac syndrome.

The drug is also used to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for X-ray or ultrasound examination of the digestive organs.

pancreatin forte 14000 instructions
pancreatin forte 14000 instructions

"Pancreatin Forte": instructions for use

Pills should not be crushed or chewed when taken. They should only be swallowed whole with plenty of water. The dosage should be determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Usually, adults are not recommended to exceed the dosage of Pancreatin Forte 14,000 units of the lipase enzyme per kilogram of weight. This is 2-3 tablets of the drug three times a day after meals. But most often they drink 1 tablet 3 times a day. You can take this medicine once in violation of the digestive process. For prophylactic purposes, "Pancreatin Forte 14000" is recommended. The instruction notes that it effectively normalizes digestion. In difficult cases, in violation of the secretory function of the pancreas, the drug can be taken constantly, regularly consulting with a doctor.

Contraindications for taking

Although the drug is considered relatively safe, not everyone can use it. Enzymes, which are its main active ingredient, are isolated from the gastric juice and bile of pigs. Therefore, allergic reactions often occur on it. In addition, it contains lactose, so it is contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance. It is not recommended to use Pancreatin Forte in the following cases:

  • with acute pancreatitis;
  • with exacerbation of chronic pankteatitis;
  • for severe liver dysfunction;
  • for hepatitis;
  • gallstone disease;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • in children under 3;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual intolerance.
  • pancreatin forte reviews
    pancreatin forte reviews

Side effects

Usually, the drug is well tolerated, and after taking it, the condition only improves. But sometimes there can be side effects. Most often they appear with individual intolerance or improper intake, for example, with an overdose. The following phenomena may be observed:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lack of folic acid and iron.

Special instructions for taking the drug

This enzyme remedy greatly affects the absorption of not only food, but also various drugs. Therefore, if you need to take several drugs, you should consult your doctor. It is not recommended to drink antacids based on magnesium or calcium, as well as alcohol-containing solutions together with Pancreatin Forte, as they weaken the effect of the drug. Should beattentive and patients with diabetes, because enzymes worsen the hypoglycemic effect of certain drugs. But sulfonamides and antibiotics are better absorbed by enzymes.

People who are forced to drink this remedy for a long time, it is recommended to additionally take iron supplements, since pancreatic enzymes greatly complicate its absorption. Care should be taken with such drugs in patients with cystic fibrosis. Their dosage of the drug should be prescribed by a doctor, and it depends heavily on the quantity and quality of food taken.

Analogues of the drug

There are a lot of enzyme remedies used to improve digestion. For people with diseases of the stomach and pancreas, it is better to consult a doctor to recommend the right drug. According to the presence of enzymes and features of action, there are several drugs.

  • The most famous is Mezim Forte. The composition of these products is completely similar, only the manufacturer and the percentage of enzymes differ. Therefore, people react differently to these drugs. And often many people think about what to drink: Pancreatin or Mezim Forte. Which is better can only be determined after taking them.
  • The drug "Creon" is available in different dosages. It contains the same enzymes as Pancreatin, but is made in Germany and costs 6-7 times more than it. The convenience of this drug is that it is available in gelatin capsules, soluble in the intestine.
  • Medicines "Panzim" and "Panzinorm" are also German-made. They have more enzymatic activity. In addition to pancreatin, they contain bile and the mucous membrane of the stomach of cattle.
  • Festal and Enzistal are very similar in action. These are the products of Indian pharmacists. In addition to pancreatic enzymes, they contain ox bile.

These are the most famous drugs containing "pancreatin". In addition to them, several more drugs have the same composition and similar action: Normoenzym, Gastenorm, Mikrazim, Forestal, Pancrenorm, Solizim, Enzibene, Ermital and others.

pancreatin or mezim forte which is better
pancreatin or mezim forte which is better

Reviews on the use of "Pancreatin Forte"

Many people speak positively about this drug. They believe that in comparison with expensive imported analogues, Pancreatin Forte is no worse. Reviews about it note that it relieves pain in the abdomen with indigestion or overeating, and is effective in chronic gastritis and pancreatitis. Some people always have this drug in the medicine cabinet, taking it whenever they notice heaviness in the stomach and increased gas formation. Patients with stomach diseases also often choose Pancreatin Forte from all enzyme preparations. Many note that although it is inexpensive, it effectively helps digestion, quickly removing nausea and pain. Especially for those who have a he althy stomach and who have to take the drug occasionally, it is better to buy the cheaper Pancreatin Forte for 50 rubles than Mezim for 250 rubles. And according to consumer reviews, their action is exactly the same.
