Drops "Vibrocil" during pregnancy: contraindications and reviews

Drops "Vibrocil" during pregnancy: contraindications and reviews
Drops "Vibrocil" during pregnancy: contraindications and reviews

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother is especially reverent and attentive to her well-being. However, most pregnant women are prone to illness. This is due to a banal decrease in immune protection for the normal attachment and development of the fetal egg. Colds can be treated in a variety of ways. Currently, drug manufacturers offer tablets, pills, syrups and sprays that are allowed to be taken while expecting a baby. In this article we will talk about the drug "Vibrocil". You can use it during pregnancy or not, you will learn further. It is also worth mentioning the contraindications to the use of this medication. How to use the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy, reviews of women - all this will be described below.

vibrocil during pregnancy
vibrocil during pregnancy

Rhinitis in pregnant women and treatment with Vibrocil drops

It is worth saying a few words about the nature of the origin of the common cold before you find out what the instruction says about the Vibrocil preparation. During pregnancy, the nasopharynx of a womanundergoes some changes. The internal mucosa is rebuilt. All this is due to the active production of a hormone called progesterone.

Almost half of expectant mothers complain of nasal congestion and increased mucus discharge. At the same time, women feel great and do not have additional symptoms of a cold. All this is absolutely normal. In medicine, there is a concept called "rhinitis of pregnant women." This is what applies to expectant mothers with a protracted form of the common cold.

Snot can also be caused by a virus or bacterial infection. In this case, in addition to nasal congestion and mucus discharge, the woman experiences general malaise and a slight increase in body temperature.

A runny nose while waiting for a baby can be triggered by the development of an allergic reaction. Most often this happens during the change of one season to another.

It is worth noting that whatever the nature of the appearance of the common cold, it must be treated. Otherwise, this pathology can become chronic and cause some complications. All of the above symptoms of the disease will help eliminate the drug "Vibrocil". Will drops during pregnancy be harmless to mother and unborn baby? Let's try to understand this issue.

vibrocil during pregnancy 2nd trimester
vibrocil during pregnancy 2nd trimester

What does the manual say?

The annotation states that the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. It is forbidden to use all forms of this tool. Why is the manufacturer so categoricalprohibits the use of this medicine?

The composition of the drug includes two main substances: phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first remedy is an excellent vasoconstrictor medicine. After contact with the mucous membrane, phenylephrine is instantly absorbed and begins its work. After a few seconds, the patient feels relief of breathing and removal of congestion in the nasal passages. Dimetinden can also be called an antiallergic agent. It helps relieve itching, stop sneezing and mucus production.

vibrocil during pregnancy reviews
vibrocil during pregnancy reviews

The effect of these active substances on the fetus has not yet been fully studied. But one thing is proven for sure: the remedy is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. That is why the manufacturer is trying to protect expectant mothers from using this drug.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Why else is the drug "Vibrocil" contraindicated during pregnancy? This medicine has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Let's try to figure out what could be dangerous in this.

Drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy acts not only on the sinuses. Of course, the remedy facilitates breathing due to vasoconstriction. This is his main task. However, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and affects the vessels of the whole body. Due to the narrowing of the lumen for the movement of blood, blood pressure can rise. During the period of bearing a child, such an effect can turn out to be quite deplorable for a woman.

After a sharp increase in pressure and constrictionvessels of the placenta, there is a restriction of oxygen supply to the uterine cavity. As a result, the future baby may experience hypoxia of varying severity. With regular use of the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy, you can cause a delay in the development of the fetus or its death (in more severe situations).

vibrocil is possible during pregnancy
vibrocil is possible during pregnancy

Effect on kidney function

Why else can Vibrocil be dangerous during pregnancy? The 2nd trimester is characterized by an increased load on the excretory system. It is at this time that the uterus begins to actively grow. This puts pressure on the kidneys, bladders, and excretory ducts.

If you use Vibrocil drops, acute renal failure may occur due to increased pressure. It is already difficult for this body to cope with the increased load, and you only aggravate the situation by taking such a drug.

vibrocil during pregnancy 3rd trimester
vibrocil during pregnancy 3rd trimester

Respiratory system reaction

As you know, the medicine has anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive effects. If the expectant mother suffers from a constant runny nose, then after using this remedy, she will certainly feel better. However, when treatment is stopped, all symptoms will return again. That is why some women use Vibrocil drops during pregnancy (2nd trimester, 3rd and 1st). Such treatment can lead to a number of complications.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the manufacturer does not allow the use of the drug for more than one weekcontract. Otherwise, you can dry out the nasal mucosa and earn a chronic runny nose. If the expectant mother uses this type of drops throughout pregnancy, then this will most likely inevitably lead to negative consequences.

vibrocil instructions for pregnancy
vibrocil instructions for pregnancy

What do the doctors say?

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe Vibrocil drops during pregnancy. The 3rd trimester is the only time when doctors consider this remedy for treatment. Everything is explained quite simply. During the first and second periods of pregnancy, the baby is not yet sufficiently protected from the harmful effects and influence of external factors. In the third trimester, the formed placenta is already fully functioning, which acts as a filter and prevents unwanted compounds from entering the baby's body. In this regard, the active substance dimetindene does not penetrate into the circulatory system of the unborn child. However, with phenylephrine, things are somewhat different. Even in the third trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is not able to protect itself and the baby from the influence of this drug. That is why doctors, prescribing this remedy, weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the possible risks.

When is the drug prescribed during pregnancy?

In what cases do doctors allow the use of this medicine while expecting a baby? If the expectant mother suffers from a severe allergy that does not allow her to breathe normally, then the complications of the disease can be more serious than the risk from using the drug. Since the nasal passages are clogged, oxygen is notenters the body properly. All this causes severe hypoxia and fetal suffering.

It is in this case that doctors allow the use of the drug "Vibrocil" in the minimum dosage. When a woman has a common cold, doctors try to choose an alternative treatment.

vibrocil during pregnancy 1 trimester
vibrocil during pregnancy 1 trimester

Reviews about the drug

What do future mothers say about this remedy? Many women claim that they used the remedy during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription, and they had a completely he althy baby. It is worth noting that this is just a happy coincidence, and you should not follow their example. Here we can draw an analogy with the fact that many future mothers lead the wrong way of life (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs), and they give birth to seemingly he althy babies.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? When the drug "Vibrocil" is absolutely impossible to use, and in what cases is it allowed to take drops as prescribed by a doctor? In the following cases, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy:

  • 1 trimester;
  • hypertension in expectant mother;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the urinary tract, including ICD;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities, including hemorrhoids;
  • threatened abortion due to detachment of the ovum in the first trimester;
  • nasopharyngeal bacterial infection.
vibrocil drops during pregnancy
vibrocil drops during pregnancy

How to use the drug?

If you decide to use this remedy during pregnancy, then first you should consult a gynecologist and a therapist. Use the drug only as needed. After the introduction of the first drops into the nasal passages, you will feel instant relief. In this case, the effect of the substance lasts about 6-8 hours. During this period, you should not take the medicine again.

Also, when using the remedy during this period, it is worth giving preference to the children's dosage. This form of release will help to minimize the risk of complications and consequences.

Small summing up

Remember that being pregnant, you are responsible not only for your well-being, but also for the he alth of your unborn child. That is why you should not neglect the appointments of specialists and self-medicate. Contact your doctor in time and use only approved drugs to get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion. Stay he althy and don't get sick!
