"Ksefokam Rapid": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Ksefokam Rapid": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews
"Ksefokam Rapid": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ksefokam Rapid tablets, produced by the Danish pharmaceutical company Takeda Pharma and the German company Nycomed, belong to the class of non-steroidal ones, designed to stop inflammatory processes. On average, pharmacies ask for 300 rubles or more for one package.

What's on sale?

Xefocam Rapid is available in the form of tablets. The active substance is the core of the capsule, and the outer shell is made in the form of a thin film, which simplifies the intake of the drug. Each copy is convex on both sides, round. The shade varies: there are both completely white tablets and light yellow ones. Manufacturers unpack tablets in blisters for 6-10 copies. On the pharmacy shelves there are cardboard boxes containing Ksefokam Rapid tablets, instructions. The exact number of servings of the drug must be indicated on the outside of the package. The name of the drug, the manufacturer that released it, as well as the active substance on which the drug is based, its content in one tablet are also written here.

Xefocam Rapid 8 mg
Xefocam Rapid 8 mg

In each tablet of the drug"Ksefokam Rapid" contains the active ingredient lornoxicam in the amount of 0.008 g. Additionally, the manufacturer used the following auxiliary compounds:

  • calcium stearate, hydrogen phosphate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • cellulose;
  • hyprolosis;
  • hypromellose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talc;
  • propylene glycol.

Before using the full list of ingredients, it is especially important for people suffering from allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to any substances used in the pharmaceutical industry. This will reduce the risk of a negative response of the body to the prescribed therapy. All possible allergic reactions must be reported to the prescribing physician. It is important to tell him about previous cases of allergies caused by any drugs, even if they did not belong to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, "Ksefokam Rapid" is available in the form of a substance for injection.


Clinical trials have proven that the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain. Lornoxicam, on which Xefocam Rapid tablets are based, has a particularly complex effect on the body. The compound is able to inhibit the first and second types of COX isoenzymes, therefore, it controls the activity of prostaglandin production in the body, thereby alleviating the patient's condition by stopping local manifestations of inflammation.

In the instructions forthe use of Xefokam Rapid tablets, the manufacturer draws attention to the inhibition of the release of oxygen free radicals from certain types of leukocytes. The advantage of tablets is in the analgesic effect, which does not have mechanisms common with narcotic substances. Studies have shown that pills and injections do not provoke addiction, and the refusal of them does not cause withdrawal syndrome. The drug does not have a negative effect on the respiratory system, does not show effects on the central nervous system similar to those characteristic of opiates.


The main component of Xefocam Rapid tablets is absorbed shortly after ingestion. Processes are predominantly localized in the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration in the circulatory system is usually observed after one hour, sometimes two hours after the tablets are taken in food. If you use the tablets during a meal, the maximum performance is reduced by almost a third, and the time period required to achieve them increases to 2.3 hours. A decrease in the quality of the absorption process by 20%.

Lornoxicam shows bioavailability parameters close to 100% (in some patients - 90% and slightly higher). The instructions for use of Xefocam Rapid tablets indicate the absence of the effect of the first passage of hepatic structures.

xefokam rapid tablets instructions
xefokam rapid tablets instructions

Half-life takes three to four hours. Lornoxicam enters the blood plasma in two forms: the original, hydroxylated metabolite. The metabolite has nopronounced pharmacological activity. The ability to enter into strong bonds with plasma proteins is estimated at 99% and does not depend on the concentration of the active compound.

The study of the processes occurring when taking Xefokam Rapid 8 mg tablets shows that the metabolism covers the entire dose taken, the resulting product does not show pharmacological activity. About a third of the total amount is excreted by the kidneys, the path of elimination of the rest of the volume is the liver. Transformation processes proceed with cytochrome. If the genetic polymorphism causes a slow metabolism, there is no accumulation of the active compound in the plasma component of the blood. The substance does not have an inductive effect on liver enzymes. Even prolonged use of Xefocam Rapid tablets (according to the instructions for use!) in compliance with dosages does not lead to a cumulative effect.

When using the drug and antacids, the kinetics of lornoxicam does not change. In old age, clearance is on average one third lower than in younger patients. There were no changes in kinetics in conditions of impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver.

When will it help?

In the reviews and instructions of "Xefocam Rapid" it is indicated that the drug is used for injuries, as well as after operations, if there is a strong pain syndrome. Those who took the tablets noted that the remedy has a pronounced and rapid effect, therefore it really effectively alleviates the condition of patients after the first use. True, patients also noticed that they were taking the drug under control.the doctors. Individuals who have self-medicated at home using pills or injections are more likely to complain about the side effects of this medication than to acknowledge its benefits.

Many in the responses confirm that the price of the drug is adequate, fully justified by its quality. Reviews, instructions for use "Xefocam Rapid" confirm that the tool alleviates the condition of persons suffering:

  • algodysmenorrhea;
  • lumboischialgia.

The doctor can prescribe this medication if osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed. The pills will not eliminate the main source of problems, but the symptoms of the disease will be greatly facilitated.

Instruction "Ksefokam Rapid" is recommended for use strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Self-administration of a drug containing lornoxicam is categorically contraindicated, since it is characterized by side effects. In addition, the drug may not be used in certain cases.

Xefocam Rapid difference from Xefocam
Xefocam Rapid difference from Xefocam

Contraindications: what does the instructions for use say?

The description of Xefocam Rapid by the manufacturer includes a list of cases in which tablets are strictly prohibited. The following cases and conditions belong to absolute contraindications:

  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulcer (acute phase, history of recurrence);
  • cerebral hemorrhages (confirmed, suspected);
  • failure of functioning of the liver, heart, kidneys in severe form;
  • thrombocytopenia (severe);
  • hypovolemia;
  • intolerance to ingredients used in production.

The use of "Xefocam Rapid" is not allowed by pregnant and lactating mothers, underage patients.

The manufacturer draws attention to the impossibility of taking pills if intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the past is established.

In addition to absolute contraindications, there are relative contraindications mentioned in the instructions for use of Xefocam Rapid. The price of an inattentive attitude towards the patient in such conditions is pronounced side effects while taking the medication, therefore the remedy is prescribed only if it is possible to control important vital signs of the body. Relative contraindications:

  • past gastric, intestinal ulcers, bleeding;
  • blood coagulation problems;
  • liver disease;
  • failure of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • recently rescheduled surgery, especially large scale;
  • spinal and epidural anesthesia;
  • combination with diuretics;
  • combination with drugs potentially harmful to the kidneys;
  • weight up to 50 kg;
  • age over 65.

Accuracy requires a long course (a month or more).

Usage rules

As the patients who took the drug assure, with proper use, Xefocam Rapid 8 mg (about 300 rubles per package and more) fully justifies its price. True, to getFor best results, follow all manufacturer's recommendations. In particular, tablets are consumed with plenty of water. The specific dosage format is selected by the doctor, focusing on the patient's condition, the body's response to lornoxicam.

On average, as the reviews show, "Ksefokam Rapid" shows a pronounced effect when taking one tablet a day. Much less often, the patient's condition requires taking two tablets. More than this amount should not be used.

The manufacturer draws attention: for the elderly with normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, Xefokam Rapid is used in the same volume as in the treatment of young, middle-aged people. No special dosage adjustment required.

If the insufficiency of the liver, kidneys is established, smaller amounts of the drug are used in food, while following the recommendations of the instructions for use. Reviews of "Xefocam Rapid" confirm that the drug shows a pronounced effect even at a reduced dose, if the patient's condition forces such restrictions.

xefokam rapid 8 mg price
xefokam rapid 8 mg price

Negative Consequences

About 300 rubles - this is the current price for Xefokam Rapid 8 mg tablets. The price, as noted by those who took the drug, is justified, especially considering the effectiveness of the drug, although it was not without side effects of use. The manufacturer lists all possible negative reactions of the body in the instructions. The doctor will also pay attention to them, prescribing a medication. The doctor will immediately explain whatit is the negative responses that require special attention, how to behave if adverse symptoms are bothering you, under what conditions you will have to stop taking the remedy.

On average, as statistics show, side effects occur quite rarely, only in a small number of patients, so doctors believe that the quality fully justifies the price. The instruction "Xefocam Rapid" contains a mention of the possibility of development against the background of the use of tablets:

  • throat infection;
  • increased bleeding time;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocyte-, leukopenia;
  • ecchymosis;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • disorders of the functioning of the digestive system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • oppressed states;
  • weight loss;
  • confusion;
  • excitement, nervousness;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • conjunctivitis.

Sometimes patients note that they are making noise in their ears, the speed and frequency of the heartbeat is lost, they are disturbed by disturbances in the perception of sound, visual images. Against the background of Xefocam Rapid, swelling, bruising, hot flashes and lowering of pressure, runny nose and bronchospasm, as well as dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting and stool disorders are possible. Some patients under the influence of the drug begin to cough or experience stomatitis, melena. When examining the liver, it is possible to increase the activity of individual substances.

Extremely rarely, patients on the background of the use of pills encountered a violation of the liver function, dermatitisand purple. There is a risk of hair loss, allergic responses, epidermal necrolysis, myalgia and muscle spasm. Quite rarely, cases of asthenia, swelling of the face were observed. There is a risk of arthralgia, an increase in the concentration of creatinine, urea in the circulatory system.

Too much

In any form of release (tablets or injections), the described drug can cause severe consequences if used in doses exceeding those recommended by experts. The instructions for use of Xefocam Rapid (injections, tablets) indicate that an overdose can manifest itself as ataxia, convulsions, coma, vomiting and nausea, impaired liver and kidney function. Possible failures of blood coagulation.

If an overdose is established, it is necessary to immediately cancel the drug in any form, provide the patient with first aid. If the remedy is used in the form of tablets, gastric lavage, the use of activated charcoal are indicated. Symptomatic therapy is underway. The means for this are chosen by the doctor, assessing the patient's condition, the severity of the manifestations, their individual characteristics.

Nuances of therapy

The main difference between "Xefocam Rapid" and "Xefocam" is the scope of the drug. The composition considered in the material is designed for short-term use, it is produced in one version of the dosage of the active compound - 8 mg. "Ksefokam" is commercially available in two formats - 4 mg and 8 mg, can be prescribed for headaches or discomfort during menstruation. "Xefocam Rapid" is not indicated for admission during such periods.

Unacceptable to combinethe agent in question and alcohol. Lornoxicam and alcohol are categorically not combined, the risk of severe side effects increases.

To reduce the likelihood of an ulcerogenic effect, you can combine synthetic substances similar to prostaglandins, omeprazole, H2 receptor blockers.

xefokam rapid price of 8 mg tablets price
xefokam rapid price of 8 mg tablets price

If an analysis is scheduled for the detection of 17-ketosteroids, Xefocam Rapid must be canceled two days before the event.

If in the past the patient has had bleeding, ulcerative processes in the stomach or intestines, it is necessary to regularly check these organs for recurrence. If an ulcer is detected, bleeding, the medication is canceled, measures are taken to improve the patient's condition.

If renal failure is mild, the patient must be checked quarterly to monitor the functionality of the organ. With moderate deviations from the norm, tests are done every month or every two months. If the indicators worsen, Xefocam Rapid is canceled.

Application features

If bleeding disorders, liver problems are established, it is necessary to regularly check the functions of organs, do tests, evaluating laboratory parameters.

If "Ksefokam Rapid" is indicated for a long course (from a month or more), it is important to constantly check the quality of the circulatory system, kidneys, as well as the activity of liver enzymes.

If the patient has undergone a major operation, suffers from heart failure, uses diuretics andthe drug in question either combines tablets with substances potentially dangerous to the kidneys, studies should be done to clarify the functioning of the kidneys.

If epidural or spinal cord anesthesia is given, under the influence of the tablets in question, the likelihood of a corresponding hematoma increases.

The manufacturer recommends that when using Xefocam Rapid tablets, refrain from work that requires increased concentration and accuracy of movements, including driving. Any potentially dangerous activities during the course of therapy are contraindicated.

There is no confirmed information about the possibility of the effect of the active compound of the drug on the body of a woman carrying a child and the embryo. There have been no studies to determine the safety of the drug when used by nursing mothers. In case of pregnancy, lactation, it is reasonable to refuse the use of the drug. If necessary, use painkillers choose analogues of "Xefocam Rapid", allowed for an "interesting" position.

There is no information on the possible efficacy and safety of the drug in question in persons under the age of majority. The manufacturer indicates the inadmissibility of its use by patients under 18 years of age.

Special occasion

If severe renal failure is established, the use of the described drug is prohibited. If the functionality is impaired slightly or moderately, implicitly, you can use the drug, regularly checking the vitalimportant indicators. If the patient's condition worsens, the pills are canceled.

xefokam rapid instructions for use tablets
xefokam rapid instructions for use tablets

If severe liver failure is detected, "Ksefokam Rapid" is contraindicated. If a disease of this organ is established, the remedy can be used, but only if it is possible to control the patient's condition. In particular, tablets are taken for cirrhosis of the liver, if changes in the patient's condition can be monitored.

For the elderly "Ksefokam Rapid" is allowed, but use requires caution. At the appointment, the doctor will explain by what signs you can notice the negative impact of the pills, when you need to urgently refuse them.

What to replace: analogues

The price of "Xefocam Rapid" varies. The minimum price tag at the time of publication of the material is approximately 300 rubles, but at this price you can only buy a package containing a minimum of tablets. Release options containing several dozen capsules in one box will cost much more. This forces many patients interested in saving to look for alternative options. Based on the active ingredient and instructions, substitutes for Xefocam Rapid tablets can be drugs:

  • Zornika.
  • Melox.
  • "Lem".

The choice of replacement must be agreed with the doctor, since there is no absolute analogue of Xefocam Rapid in our country.

xefokam rapid instructions for use injections
xefokam rapid instructions for use injections

What are patients saying?

Treated withtablets "Ksefokam Rapid" persons note the high effectiveness of the drug. Many agree that the medicine fully justifies its price. The main disadvantage that people who use the drug pay attention to is a strong toxic effect that does not allow using the drug for a long time.

"Ksefokam Rapid" is effective for mild to moderate pain, acts quickly. Patients recognize its effectiveness and pay particular attention to its non-habituation.

Another shortcoming noticed by some patients is the lack of absolute analogues. If at a certain point in time in the locality in the pharmacies "Ksefokam Rapid" is not on sale, it is difficult to find a replacement for the product.

Mutual influence

At the doctor's appointment, the patient must warn the doctor about all the medicines he uses in his daily life. The doctor will take into account which drugs can interact with the active component of the Ksefokam Rapid tablets, and will adjust the course, taking into account this information. Data on possible mutual influence are also mentioned in the instructions included by the manufacturer in the package with the medicine. In particular, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the combination of the tablets in question, anticoagulants and substances that inhibit platelet aggregation can cause bleeding that is longer than usual. With the simultaneous use of sulfonylurea reaction products, there is a possibility of an increase in the hypoglycemic effect of these compounds against the background of lornoxicam.

If lornoxicam enters the body at the same timewith other anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents, the likelihood of side effects inherent in all groups used increases. When combined with cimetidine, the concentration of the active component of the drug in question in the plasma component of the blood increases.

Reducing the amount of lornoxicam in the circulatory system is possible with simultaneous intake of food with an anti-inflammatory drug:

  • phenylbutazone;
  • ethanol;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • phenytoin;
  • barbiturates;
  • rifampicin.

Inhibiting microsomal oxidation substances may increase the side effects of lornoxicam.

The following consequences of the combination of Xefokam Rapid tablets and medicines are known:

  • methotrexate, cyclosporine in blood serum are present in higher concentrations;
  • decreased clearance of digoxin in the kidneys;
  • the concentration of lithium is increasing, which means the toxic effect of the compound on the patient's body;
  • the effectiveness of loop diuretics decreases;
  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are less effective.

This is interesting

Lornoxicam belongs to the class of anti-inflammatory drug compounds from the oxicam category. It has an analgesic effect, at the same time the substance stops inflammation and brings down the heat. Lornoxicam differs from other oxicams in its strong effect on foci of inflammation, as it inhibits the production of prostaglandins in the body. In our countryincluded in the list of essential drugs since 2009.
