We get rid of the cold: instant powder to the rescue

We get rid of the cold: instant powder to the rescue
We get rid of the cold: instant powder to the rescue

The cold always creeps up unexpectedly and insidiously. A person subject to frequent acute respiratory infections is well aware of how the onset of the disease manifests itself: weakness, sore throat, runny nose, chills, fever. What to do? Especially if you need to go to work tomorrow, and the "sick leave" is not included in your plans.

Let's try to figure out how to deal with the signs of an impending illness with the help of fast-acting cold remedies.

The powder used in such cases is a kind of "ambulance". Taken on time, it will help relieve debilitating symptoms and keep you productive for a while. But we must not forget that it does not treat the cause of the disease! This should be done later by a doctor.

cold powder
cold powder

What to do if you get sick

Before you decide to take cold powder, listen to how you feel. You should not lower the temperature if it has not reached the limit of 38 ° C - this way you will deprive your body ofopportunities to productively deal with an insidious disease.

Besides, be sure to free yourself at least a couple of days to maintain bed rest, unloading the already hard working heart and blood vessels and maintaining strength to fight the disease.

How cold remedies work

what is the best cold powder
what is the best cold powder

Let's just clarify that the diagnosis of "cold" in medicine does not exist. And the occurrence of diseases that an ordinary person considers colds is explained by the fact that the patient has a weakened immune system that cannot cope with the attack of viruses or bacteria on the body. They, in turn, lead to the above symptoms.

Which powder for colds is better, it is rather difficult to understand, since in pharmacies these funds are presented in large quantities. These are complex drugs that contain active ingredients that allow you to influence the main symptoms of the disease, which, of course, has a more pronounced effect than that of single-component drugs. They include:

  • anticongestants - drugs that eliminate nasal congestion and improve nasal breathing, such as "Mezaton" or "Phenylephrine";
  • antihistamines (they help get rid of allergic manifestations: sneezing, tearing, itching);
  • analgesics.

Cold powders: names

cold powders
cold powders

The main combined preparations used for colds include powders "Theraflu", "Rinza",Fervex, Antigrippin, Antiflu, Coldrex, etc.

They contain phenylephrine as an anticongestant, which has vasodilating properties and thereby reduces swelling in the nose, as well as the amount of mucus secreted. In addition, these drugs include paracetamol, which acts as an anesthetic and antipyretic, and ascorbic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores the body's defenses.

And Rinza, for example, also contains caffeine. It, strengthening the walls of the vessels of the brain, helps to relieve the state of dizziness, weakness and drowsiness inherent in colds.

When and how to take Vicks cold powder

Vicks cold powder
Vicks cold powder

Consider, using the example of a powder for the preparation of a therapeutic solution "Vicks", the features of taking the entire group of these funds.

Vicks contains paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride and ascorbic acid. It is used, like the remedies listed above, to improve the condition with symptoms of acute respiratory infections, if for some reason the patient cannot seek medical help.

The action of the drug is aimed at lowering the temperature, alleviating joint and headache pain, sore throat and restoring nasal breathing.

The components included in both this powder and its analogues are well absorbed in the small intestine and after 20 minutes, as a rule, the maximum concentration of active substances in the blood is observed, which allows you to quickly feel the positive effect.

Butit is not recommended to use all these drugs for more than three days as an antipyretic and for more than five days as an anesthetic. In addition, do not take more than four sachets of any of the listed medicines per day.

Overdose of cold powders can cause agitation, allergies, dry mouth, urination problems, and a decrease in platelet count, which in turn can cause bleeding and even the development of drug-induced hepatitis.

Rules for taking cold powders

cold powders
cold powders

Of course, if you want to get rid of a cold for a while, a powder dissolved in warm water will help you out, but you must follow the mandatory rules for taking:

  • all express remedies for colds are prohibited for children, except for special children's forms, as well as the drug "Fervex", which is allowed from the age of six;
  • Powders are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • extreme caution should be observed for people with chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • please note that taking cold powders for a long time is unacceptable;
  • If symptoms persist after three days of taking the drug, see a doctor;
  • do not use these drugs at night as they stimulate the nervous system;
  • It is categorically contraindicated to take these drugs with alcohol, as well as sedatives, even such "harmless" ones as valerian.

Necessary measuresprecautions

Of course, having fallen ill, I want to get rid of all manifestations of the disease as soon as possible. But it should be remembered that the habit, as soon as you feel unwell, to take powder from a cold and assume that everything possible has been done, may turn out to be frivolous. You are in grave danger!

If you do not consult a doctor, then as a dubious "gift" from any of the widely advertised cold remedies, you can get poisoning or a complication of a chronic disease. It must be remembered that beautiful packaging and a sweet, pleasant-tasting drink are, first of all, medicine. And it can be overdosed or taken in an unacceptable combination. All this is correctly taken into account only by a specialist.

Don't self-medicate and stay he althy!
