Belogent cream is one of the most common medicines prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases. Its undoubted advantage over similar drugs is that it solves several problems at once: on the one hand, it helps to get rid of discomfort, on the other hand, it relieves burning sensation and stops inflammation. Belogent has a pronounced antibacterial and antihistamine effect. It is a must have in the home first aid kit for those who suffer from skin problems. Shelf life is 4 years.
As indicated by the instructions for use, Belogent cream is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory, allergic diseases caused by complications after infections. Such therapy is most effective with the use of topical glucocorticosteroid drugs. They have the following effects:

- Relieve inflammation and prevent new lesions from appearing.
- Reduce pain.
- Relieve swelling and itching.
- Kill pathogenic bacteria. This confirms the instructions for use and reviews for Belogent cream.
The list of diseases that the drug can fight is quite impressive. These pathologies include:
- Allergies.
- Eczema.
- Diffuse neurodermatitis.
- Dermatitis of various etymologies (contact, atopic, seborrheic, infected).
- Phlebotoderma (from mosquito bites)
- Red flat and simple chronic lichen.
- Anogenital itching with hemorrhoids.
- Scabies.
- Streptoderma.
- Psoriasis.
- Impetigo (purulent skin lesions).
- Diaper rash (in bedridden patients). Indications in the instructions for use for the Belogent cream are detailed.
Age restrictions
There are no age restrictions on the use of the drug. It can be used in both adults and children, but not younger than one year. You can buy Belogent without a prescription, but it is still necessary to coordinate its use with your doctor.

For example, if you have acne, then the doctor most likely will not prescribe this ointment, since it is used very carefully on the face. It can cause rosacea, perioral dermatitis, and other problems. Therefore, self-treatment with Belogent is quite risky. Among other things, the use of ointmentcontraindicated in the presence of open wounds and unhealed abrasions. In such a situation, the doctor will select the most appropriate remedy.
Composition and release form
The active ingredients, according to the instructions for use of the Belogent cream, are gentamicin sulfate and betamethasone dipropionate. The latter is a hormonal substance. Its presence in the ointment makes it fast-acting, preventing recurrence of the disease, as well as side effects such as swelling, itching, inflammation and an allergic reaction of the skin.
The maximum effect can be achieved with the simultaneous use of betomethasone with gentamicin, which is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group. It has a wide spectrum of action and successfully kills even those microbes that are not affected by penicillin. This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to the Belogent cream. The composition of the product is indicated in the article.
Auxiliary substances are soft white and liquid paraffins, as well as phosphoric acid, cetosteryl alcohol, water and other substances.
According to the instructions for use, Belogent cream is produced by the Croatian pharmaceutical company Belupo. In pharmacies, you can find a different form (ointment and cream), as well as packaging of the drug from 15 to 40 grams. Ointment and cream differ not only in composition and purpose, but also in appearance. The cream is white, the ointment is translucent.
Difference between ointment and cream
Ointment is used to treat flaky, dry skin. It is not contraindicated in children. Many in this regard decide that the ointmentabsolutely safe, but it's not. Like any hormonal drug, Belogent requires careful use with the implementation of all prescribed recommendations. For example, it is strictly forbidden to treat trophic ulcers, burns or open wounds with this ointment.

Excessive amount of ointment applied to the face can leave dark or light spots. Do not allow the drug to get on the nasal mucosa or eyes, as this can cause inflammation, and in rare cases, cataracts and glaucoma. Do not use the drug in the field of dentistry. This is indicated by the instructions for the use of Belogent (cream).
Applying an ointment to treat inflammatory processes in closed areas of the skin (groin or armpits) can cause fungus. Therefore, for example, gynecology does not use this ointment.
According to the instructions for use, the Belogent cream, unlike the ointment, is used to treat weeping surfaces. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. The cream helps patients relieve itching and eliminate allergy symptoms. The main difference between cream and ointment is that the former is prescribed for patients with the acute type of the disease, and the latter for the acquired form.
It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which form of the drug is better, since each of them has its own tasks, methods of application and purpose.
As indicated by the instructions for using the Belogent cream (photo is presentedabove), the treated area of the skin must be cleaned, and then smeared with a small amount of the drug, gently distributing it over the surface of the damaged skin. Rub gently until completely absorbed.
You need to carry out this procedure twice a day. If the feet, elbows or palms are treated, then the number can be increased to four, since the skin is thicker in these areas. The course of treatment is not recommended to continue for more than a month. In the chronic form of the disease, Belogent is used more often, however, with interruptions, the duration of which should be determined by the doctor. It is also acceptable to use the remedy as a preventive measure to avoid possible relapses after recovery.

The medicine should be applied to the skin in a very thin layer. The weekly dosage of the drug should not exceed 45 grams. There is no need to bandage damaged areas after applying the product. If the damage is too strong and you cannot do without a bandage, then in no case should you use materials that do not allow air to pass through. This points to the cream "Belogent" instructions for use.
Contraindications will be discussed below.
It is generally not indicated for use in pregnant or breastfeeding women as it may harm the baby. If the situation has no alternative, then the drug is prescribed in the minimum dosage and for a short course. During lactation, the medicine should not be applied to the breast, especially before giving
Adverse reactions
"Belogent" rarely gives a side effect, especially if used strictly according to the instructions and doctor's prescription. Otherwise, however, states such as:
- Hives and other allergic skin rashes.
- Increased burning and itching.
- Increased dry skin.
- Loss of skin elasticity.
- Stretch marks (stretch marks on the skin).
- Disturbed pigmentation.
- Activation of body hair growth.
If you use a dressing ointment, you may experience symptoms such as:

- Streaks.
- Sweating.
- Atrophy and infection of the skin.
Possible also systemic side effects from prolonged use of the drug:
- Osteoporosis.
- Weight gain.
- Hypertension or hypotension.
- Stomach ulcer.
- Insomnia.
- Irregular menstruation.
- Nervous excitement.
- Hyperglycemia.
- Exacerbation of infections.
Use in childhood may result in:
- Stunting and weight gain.
- Increased intracranial pressure.
- Cushing's syndrome.
- Impairment in the work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
Such symptoms usually appear if the conditions for using the product have been violated, for example, it has been used longer than the prescribed period, the allowable volumes for application have been exceededon the skin, the ointment was applied under a sealed bandage. In case of any manifestations, you should stop the drug and consult a specialist.

Contraindications to the use of Belogent are:
- Open wounds and burns.
- Skin tuberculosis.
- Trophic ulcers.
- Rosacea.
- Skin cancer.
- Shingles.
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
You can not use the drug for the treatment of chickenpox and herpes, when skin problems occur due to syphilis, fungus, HIV, and also as a result of vaccination. This confirms the instructions for use for Belogent cream.
The cost of cream and ointment is about the same. On average, a tube of Belogent with a volume of 30 grams will cost 300 rubles. It is possible to find similar drugs at a lower price. But the replacement of one drug with another must be agreed with your doctor. So, the analogues of Belogent, made on the basis of the same active ingredient, are:
- "Akriderm". The cost is approximately 220 rubles per 15 grams.
- "Betaderm". About 200 rubles.
- Celederm. 80 rubles.
- "Celestoderm-B". It costs an average of 210 rubles.

The following drugs have a similar effect:
- Beloderm Express. Produced in the form of a spray. Suitable for acute dermatosis. Costsabout 400 rubles for 50 ml.
- "Sinaflan". Relieves itching and allergic reactions. The price is 55 rubles for one tube.
- "Belosalik". Available in the form of a spray lotion and is suitable for those who are contraindicated in hormone therapy. It costs more than 800 rubles for 100 ml.
For the most part, reviews of Belogent are positive. Patients note that this ointment is able to cope with skin diseases, even in the most advanced form. However, improper use will not give the expected effect. That is, if the diagnosis is not exactly established, you should not start using the drug. It is better to undergo an additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.
Quite often you can find reviews of parents of children under one year old, for the treatment of which Belogent is used. Of course, the instruction categorically forbids such experiments, but the feedback from mothers is invariably positive.