A first aid kit is a first-aid kit in your home

A first aid kit is a first-aid kit in your home
A first aid kit is a first-aid kit in your home

A first aid kit is an essential item in every home. It is indispensable in cases where medical assistance is needed immediately or if it is not possible to contact a medical institution.

home first aid kit
home first aid kit

A first-aid kit for the home should have a permanent place so that in case of emergency you do not waste time looking for it. It would be more correct to allocate for her a small box in the closet or a separate cardboard box. In any case, you need to keep in mind that medicines do not tolerate light, heat, and some of them must be stored in the refrigerator.

If there are small children in the family, then the first-aid kit should be out of reach for them. Be aware of the numerous cases of children being poisoned by medicines left in accessible places.

Don't stock up on medicines in large quantities. Carefully monitor the expiration dates, because an expired medicine will not only not have the proper therapeutic effect, but can be harmful. Drugs with erased labels, on which it is impossible to read the name and expiration date, replace with new analogues.

So, your home first aid kit should contain the following items:

first aid kit for a child
first aid kit for a child

- To lower the temperature. Suitable domestic drugsacetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, as well as foreign analogues (drugs "Aspirin-upsa", "Panadol", "Efferalgan").

- To relieve headaches and toothaches. The drugs "Spazmalgon", "Trigan" cope well with this. The drug "No-shpa" will relieve abdominal cramps and hepatic colic.

- From heart pains. Medicines validol, corvalol in drops or tablets, as well as a foreign analogue of the drug valocordin.

- From intestinal disorders. Adsorbent preparations activated carbon, "Smecta" will absorb toxins. Means "Enterodez" will restore the water-s alt balance of the body.

- To improve digestion. Mezim-forte and Festal preparations will quickly cope with the consequences of overeating, eating dry food.

- For heartburn and stomach pain. You can purchase any antacids that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach (drugs "Maalox", "Gastal", "Phosphalugel").

- To relieve allergy symptoms. Medicines "Zodak", "Cetrin", "Claritin" will relieve itching, swelling, rhinitis and redness caused by allergies. In addition, they do not cause drowsiness.

- For a sore throat. You can choose drugs in the form of tablets "Pharingosept", "Neo-Angin", "Strepsils". Among anti-inflammatory aerosols, the most effective are Ingalipt, Kameton, Geksoral, Bioparox.

- From a cold. The drug "Pinosol" from the extract of herbs does not irritate and does not dry out the nasal mucosa due to the oil base. The popular drug "Galazolin" is available in different forms - in the form of drops, spray and gel.

- Fromburns. Aerosol preparations "Panthenol", "Olazol" will instantly relieve pain and swelling.

- For the treatment of wounds. The hydrogen peroxide will stop the bleeding. Solutions of iodine and brilliant green will disinfect the wound.

first aid kit for home
first aid kit for home

- Dressings. Bandages sterile, non-sterile of different widths. Cotton wool, patches, cotton swabs.

- Thermometer, heating pad, tweezers, pipette, tonometer - apparatus for measuring pressure.

- A drug you take on a regular basis due to a chronic illness. Don't forget to buy it at the pharmacy on time and in sufficient quantity.

In addition, you should have a separate first-aid kit for the child in your house. We especially recommend it to families with children of preschool age. It is compiled taking into account medicines for children, in which the concentration of the drug is less than in adult preparations. This will avoid unwanted confusion between adult and pediatric medicines.

You must remember that a competent home first aid kit in some cases can save a life. But does not rule out further treatment in a medical institution.
