Nose drops: a review of drugs, indications for use, reviews

Nose drops: a review of drugs, indications for use, reviews
Nose drops: a review of drugs, indications for use, reviews

Nasal congestion or, conversely, a severe runny nose - these symptoms are common. Drops in the nose immediately come to the rescue. The course of the disease, its progression or complete elimination will depend on the correctly selected drops. To do this, it’s better to figure out what nose drops are, when it’s better to do just saline solutions, and when complex ones.

Why does a runny nose appear

Inflammation of the lining of the nose (rhinitis) occurs for a reason. There are external factors affecting the mucosa. And these factors are strong, otherwise the immune system would have coped in an instant. And the mucous membrane cannot perform its functions, hence the inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs.

human disease
human disease


This is one of the causes of a runny nose. The most common. The virus penetrates the nasal mucosa and infects mucosal cells there, starting to multiply. Symptoms of the disease appear, depending on the type of virus, they can be either severe or mild. Such a disease is acceptedcall it an acute respiratory viral infection.


This is the second cause of a runny nose. Bacteria are much larger than viruses. Moreover, viruses need a cell, they cannot develop separately from it, and bacteria are separate living organisms that can provide for themselves, for which they need food and certain conditions. The nose is a very favorable environment for this, which is why bacteria cause bacterial rhinitis.

Such a runny nose can pass as a separate disease. Often, with ARVI, a runny nose begins and then a throat, cough, and so on join. If a runny nose is caused by a bacterium, then it remains a separate disease, without other symptoms attached to it.

Viral-bacterial cause

It happens that the initial cause of a runny nose was a virus, but then, as a result of a weakened immune system or other reasons, a bacterial infection joins. Bacteria live inside a person, but during the normal functioning of the immune system, everything is in symbiosis, and no one interferes with anyone, but if there is a failure, then the immune system does not work properly, and the bacteria begin to multiply, provoking an infection.

Cold reason

If the human body is overcooled, then thermoregulation and blood circulation are disturbed, the body's protective properties are directed to maintaining the desired temperature (known to everyone as 36.6 °). And while the body is busy providing heat, the bacteria living in the nasopharynx begin to multiply intensively again.


Allergy as a causethe occurrence of the common cold is also highly known. Irritants affect the nasal mucosa, and an allergic rhinitis occurs. One person may not have allergies at all (and as a result of an allergic rhinitis), but there are cases when the disease occurs due to flowering in the spring, due to poplar fluff in the summer, or due to paint during repair work. The cause of the disease is not fully known, why some react to stimuli, while others do not. But the fact that it is allergies that can cause rhinitis is a known fact.

Several types of drugs

We will look at five types of medicines. The first is vasoconstrictor drops in the nose from a cold. The second is saline. The third is oil drops in the nose. We will also analyze combined preparations and complex drops.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Rhinitis - the name comes from the Greek language and means inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Often, vasoconstrictor drops are used to treat it. Such remedies are common for the treatment of rhinitis in both adults and children. For young children, nasal drops from a cold are suitable. For adults or children over six years of age, it is preferable to use these drugs, but already in the form of sprays.

Getting into the nose, the drops act on the mucosa by narrowing the blood vessels, and as a result, the swelling of the nose subsides, and the person returns to his normal and habitual breathing. Of course, this is a temporary result, but what a tangible one.

Nasal mucus under the influence of vasoconstrictor drops is formed more slowly and becomes less liquid due towhich restores ease of breathing and relieves congestion.

Any nasal drops should be prescribed by a doctor, this article is not a guide for action, it is informative.

Nasal drops
Nasal drops

It is important to understand that vasoconstrictor drops in the nose from a cold give a short-term result and should be used in special courses. You can not use such drops for a long time, as addiction may develop, and breathing without drops will no longer be possible.

Active ingredient

In the pharmacy, the buyer has a huge selection of drugs with all sorts of names. It is important to understand that there is such a thing as an active substance. It happens that the same active ingredient is in different bottles under completely different names. But this does not play a role, because the meaning is clear: we select funds according to the main component. So, what kind of nose drops to choose from nasal congestion? The list of drugs is presented below, based on the active substance of the medicines.

Short-acting drugs

Exposure time 4-6 hours. There are three groups of such drugs, different in active substance:

  • Naphazoline. In a pharmacy based on it, you can find drops: "Nafazolin", "Nafazol-Homofarm", "Naftizin", "Sanorin".
  • Phenylephrine. On sale can be found as "Nazol Baby" and "Nazol Kids".
  • Tetrizoline. Trade names: Tizin and Burnil.

Intermediate drugs

The exposure time of such drugs is 8-10 hours. This includes two groups:

  • Xylometazoline. Based on this active substance, you can find many inexpensive drugs in the pharmacy: Galazolin, Dlyanos, Influrin, Xylen, Otrivin, Xymelin, Rinonorm, Rinostop, Farmazolin.
  • Tramazolin. In the pharmacy you can find it as "Lazolnazal plus", "Rinospray".
Nasal drops
Nasal drops

Long-acting drugs

The active substance is oxymetazoline, the duration of this substance is more than 12 hours. In the pharmacy can be found under the following trade names:

  • "Afrin";
  • "Nazivin";
  • Knoxprey;
  • "Nazol";
  • "Sanorinchik";
  • Fervex Spray;
  • Leconil.

Absolutely all of the above remedies have a vasoconstrictive effect, act quickly and relieve swelling, and also reduce the amount of mucus and facilitate breathing. This is not a complete list of nasal drops for nasal congestion, but it is now becoming clearer that drugs should be chosen based on the active substance.

Recommendations for use

The following are tips on when to use these medicines:

  1. If nasal breathing is disturbed against the background of an acute respiratory infection, then this is an indication for the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Mouth breathing increases the possible violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, the fluidity and viscosity of sputum changes. And as a result, complications arise.
  2. At high temperatures, when the room is dry and hot, and in addition to this, nasal congestion is observed. These factorsaffect the greater likelihood of complications, in which case the use of vasoconstrictor drugs is justified.
  3. During sleep, in the supine position, the mucus in the nasal passages has the ability to accumulate. And therefore it is better to use effective nose drops in advance.
  4. With otitis media or sinusitis, the use of vasoconstrictor drops is justified, as the drugs restore the obstruction of the nasal sinuses and ear canals.
  5. It is recommended to use nasal drops from congestion from the list as needed. If the nose is stuffy, then you need to use the drug, and if the nose breathes, then it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictors once again. An exception is the instillation of the nose during an illness before going to bed at night.
  6. Vasoconstrictive drugs should be used for 3 to 5 days. Seven days is the maximum time for using drops or sprays. If after a week of using vasoconstrictor drugs there is no nasal breathing, then you need to seek medical help.
  7. Phenylephrine has minimal side effects. It has already been noted above that in the pharmacy preparations based on it can be found under the name "Nazol Baby" and "Nazol Kids". Unlike all other drugs, phenylephrine does not affect the heart rate, and therefore, nasal drops are prescribed on its basis for children. For babies under two years old, it is better to use drugs based on phenylephrine.

Saline preparations

saline solution
saline solution

Often there are situations that children do not know how to blow their nose, but sucking snotaspirator on gives the desired result. Mucus accumulates in the back of the nasal cavity, and the easiest way to eliminate it is to apply saline drops. Almost all drops or sprays on sale, which have a different name and differ in price (from cheap and affordable to expensive and seemingly effective), have the same active substance - sodium chloride. In a pharmacy, you can buy it as a saline solution. S alt nasal drops for children are the best and safest remedy for the treatment of the common cold.

Children under one year drip from one to three drops every fifteen minutes, children after a year drip three to five drops. Such a drug can practically not cause harm, and it can be dripped without fear, unlike vasoconstrictor drops. Pharmacies sell a large number of saline solutions, in the form of drops and sprays.

Treatment of children
Treatment of children

Very convenient to take ready-made saline solutions with you on the road.

Saline preparations moisten the mucus in the nose, make the phlegm thin, after which it can be easily removed by blowing the nose or sucking with an aspirator.

snot aspirator
snot aspirator

List of moisturizing saline preparations:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • "Dolphin";
  • "But-s alt";
  • "Salin";
  • Marimer;
  • Humer.

The pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, and new drugs are being produced that, in fact, have s alt water in their composition, which can clean, moisturize and prevent mucus from drying out.


Oils for colds
Oils for colds

In the treatment of rhinitis, in most cases in children, oil drops are often used. The oil creates a thin protective film on the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx, and thus the mucous membrane does not dry out. If the house is hot, dry, or at high temperatures, it is recommended to use oil drops.

It is best to use these before bed.

It is advisable to apply drops three times a day, one or two drops in each nasal passage.

If there are no special oils at hand, then olive oil, petroleum jelly, and vitamin E and A in liquid form are suitable for these purposes.

Nose oils list

These drugs are commercially available:

  • "Chlorophillipt 2%";
  • "Pinosol";
  • Menthol;
  • "Eucasept";
  • Vitaon;
  • "Pinovit";
  • olive oil;
  • peach oil;
  • sea buckthorn oil.

If after the use of s alt and oil preparations the nose does not want to breathe, then it is already necessary to use vasoconstrictors, which were described above.

Combination drugs

The pharmaceutical market does not stand still, and more and more new medicines are produced and appear on the shelves of pharmacies. And now on sale you can find drugs such as a mixture of oil solutions and vasoconstrictor drugs.

Combined preparation in the form of a mixture of vasoconstrictors and oil products can be found under the trade name:

  • "Nazol Advance" in the form of a spray.
  • "Nazol Kids" in the form of a spray.
  • "Dr. Theiss Nasal Spray".
  • "Evkazolin" in the form of a spray.

Combined drug in the form of a mixture of vasoconstrictor and antiallergic components:

  • "Vibrocil" in the form of drops, spray and gel.
  • "Sanorin-Analergin" in the form of drops.

And the third combined example of a combination of a vasoconstrictor drug and an agent that affects the viscosity of sputum is presented in the pharmacy as "Rinofluimuscil". In the treatment of sinusitis, these nasal drops are very effective.

In addition to these combination drugs, doctors have many other proven recipes. After all, before a lot of medicines could not be bought, namely, made in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription. Often, people had positive feedback about the nasal drops prepared by the pharmacist. But progress does not stand still, and now many options for drops can be bought at the pharmacy.

Immunomodulating drugs

In 95% of cases, it is the virus that causes a runny nose, and there are drops that can fight viruses. Thus, they increase immunity and are immunomodulatory drugs:

  1. Drops in the nose "Grippferon". An antiviral, anti-inflammatory drug with immunomodulatory properties. The main active substance of these nasal drops is interferon alfa-2b. The drug can be used to prevent acute respiratory viral infections during exacerbations, it is also used for treatment. Can be used even by small children. It is commercially available in bottles of five and ten milliliters and is soldin the form of nasal drops. "Grippferon" nose drops have positive reviews.
  2. "Ingaron". It contains interferon gamma. The drug is effective at any stage of the disease.
  3. Nose drops "Interferon". Under this name, in a pharmacy you can buy powder in ampoules, which is diluted with boiled water. Such drops are dripped every two hours, five drops in each nostril for three days. For the purpose of prevention, interferon is administered five drops twice a day. Ready-made drops with interferon in a pharmacy can be bought under the trade names: "Nazoferon", "Laferon Nasal". In the form of sprays, there is also the drug "Genferon Light" based on interferon.
  4. "Euphorbium compositum" - refers to homeopathic remedies that help in the treatment and prevention of the common cold.
  5. Drops in the nose "Derinat". Another drug that has positive reviews among mothers. Possessing anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Nose drops "Derinat" contain the active substance sodium deoxyribonucleinate. The drug activates the immune system.

Antibiotic nose drops

Sometimes situations arise when the use of antibacterial drugs is justified. Such drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotic nose drops are recommended when diagnosed with bacterial rhinitis.

Such drugs exist, but they are available in the form of sprays:

  • Isofra;
  • Polydex.

Drops in the nose for sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The treatment of the disease mustconduct a doctor, and self-medication in this case is not recommended.

To get rid of sinusitis, complex therapy is used, often including antibiotics, nasal drops, nasal lavage, in some cases a puncture to ensure the outflow of pus.

An otolaryngologist will help cure any runny nose, the main thing is not to be afraid to contact him and follow his recommendations on which nose drops to use for nasal congestion. The list of drugs is presented in this article for informational purposes only. Before using this or that remedy, you should coordinate its use with your doctor.
