Beta1-blockers are used to eliminate high blood pressure and various heart diseases. One of these medicines is the drug "Betak". Instructions for use characterizes it as a drug that exhibits cardioselective, antihypertensive and sympathomimetic effects.
General characteristics
This remedy is considered a synthetic beta1-blocker. Produced by the Cypriot plant "Medocemi LTD" in tablet form with a white or almost white shell coating.

Medication "Betak" instructions for use description of the drug contains the following character: they have a rounded shape with biconvex surfaces, there is a dividing strip in the form of risks. If you break any pill, then its inner contents will be white or almost white.
For the Betak drug, the instructions for use describe the consumer packaging as follows: in oneThe pack contains three blisters. 10 tablets are packaged in each contour cell plate.
In the drug, the main role is assigned to the active ingredient betaxolol in the form of a hydrochloride s alt. The dosage of each tablet is 0.020 g.
For the Betak agent, the instructions for use describe the composition of inactive ingredients without indicating their quantity. Tablets are formed by sodium starchy glycolate, milk sugar, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, titanium oxide, hydroxymethylpropylcellulose and polyethylene glycol grade 400.
Mechanism of action
For the drug "Betak" instructions for use confirm cardioselective beta1-adrenergic blocking activity without internal sympathomimetic influence. Tablets exhibit poor membrane stabilizing efficacy.

Antihypertensive activity is due to actions that reduce cardiac output and reduce sympathetic stimulation in peripheral vessels.
The selectivity of the drug's effect on β1-adrenoreceptor formations cannot be called unconditional, since high doses of betaxolol can affect β2-adrenergic receptor formations that are located in the bronchi and blood vessels.
The blocking effect of the drug, taking into account the pharmacodynamic characteristics, is associated with a decrease in heart rate at rest and during exercise. It happens due to inhibition.β-adrenergic formations in the sinus nodes, which slows down their automatism.
It also reduces myocardial output in the active and passive state of the body, which is caused by competitive antagonism of catecholamines in nerve endings of the peripheral and adrenergic type.
The drug reduces systolic and diastolic pressure in the arteries at rest and during exercise, removes the orthostatic reflex increase in the frequency of heart contractions. This effect of the drug reduces the load on the myocardium.
Beta-blocker has antihypertensive activity by the following mechanism:
- decreased cardiac output;
- eliminates spasm in the arteries along the periphery due to the central action, which limits the sympathetic impulse to the vascular walls during inhibition of renin activity.
Prolonged use of the drug does not reduce its hypotensive effect. If you take a single dose of betaxolol 0.005 or 0.04 g, then the decrease in pressure will appear only after 3 or 4 hours.
For Betak, the instructions for use indicate that the introduction of a dosage of 0.005 g will cause an antihypertensive effect, the intensity of which will be two times lower than when using the whole tablet.
Maximum hypotensive activity of any concentration of betaxolol occurs after 7-14 days.
Therapeutic dosages of the drug do not cause a pronounced cardiodepressive effect, do not affect glucose metabolism, do not increase the retention of sodium cations andfluid in tissues.
What is used for
Betak preparation instructions for use indications include the following:
- high blood pressure;
- ischemic disease of the myocardial muscle, infarct process in the myocardium;
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The drug is prescribed when there are changes in the work of the heart, which are expressed by acceleration of the sinus rhythm, supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, untimely depolarization of the myocardium, arrhythmia associated with mitral valve prolapse, excessive production of thyroid hormones.
How to use
For the drug "Betak" instructions for the use of the dose are written depending on the patient's condition. The entire daily dosage is drunk in one use. Food does not affect the absorption of the drug. The tablet should be taken with clean water.
Increased blood pressure is treated with a daily initial dose of 0.005 to 0.010 g. After 7 or 14 days, if necessary, the amount of medication is increased to 0.020 g.
Who should not apply
Not everyone is allowed to use the Betak tool instructions for use. Contraindications are associated with excessive sensitivity to the ingredients, as well as betaxolol hydrochloride.
It is not prescribed to patients who have chronic heart failure, sinoatrial and atrioventricular block in the second and third degree, bradycardia, arterialhypotension, asthmatic bronchial attacks, spontaneous angina pectoris.
Medications "Betak" tablets instructions for use also do not recommend drinking with cardiogenic shock, angiotrophoneurosis of the terminal vessels, enlargement of the myocardial muscle, asthenic ophthalmoplegia, endarteritis obliterans, emphysema lesions of the lung tissue, chronic obstructive bronchitis, diabetes mellitus.
Obvious changes in the activity of the kidneys and psoriasis rashes are a contraindication for therapy.
Adverse reactions
The undesirable consequences of Betak are instructions for use such as slow heartbeat, atrioventricular block, heart muscle failure, orthostatic hypotension, poor peripheral circulation, often cold hands and feet, paresthesia. This disrupts the work of the vascular system and the heart.

Bronchial spasm, rashes, urticaria, psoriasis, dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye may cause adverse reactions of the respiratory and visual organs, skin.
The drug can provoke drowsiness, asthenic condition, depressive disorders, excessive fatigue, confusion, signs of hallucinations, an attack of dizziness and headache.
Undesirable processes in the digestive system are associated with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stool retention, cholestasis.
Other manifestations of the action of the drug may be a decrease in leukocyte and platelet cellsblood, as well as a decrease in potency.
Features of treatment
Acceptance of any medication may be accompanied by certain nuances that depend on the pharmacotherapeutic group, composition and dosage of the drug used.
Betak medicines instructions for use provide special instructions for each non-standard case requiring attention.
So at the very first stage of therapy, insufficient work of the heart muscle may appear in people prone to this deviation.
Taking Betak tablets masks the symptoms of a hypoglycemic state, the main of which is heart rhythm disturbance. This knowledge should be taken into account by patients with elevated sugar levels. They require regular monitoring of blood glucose levels.

When using Betak medicine (tablets), the instructions for use recommend paying attention to the control of the heart rate. In the event of a bradycardiac sinus rhythm disorder, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or stop treatment with this drug.
Requires careful use of the drug in patients with pheochromocytoma formation.
The combination of drugs with inhalation anesthesia causes inhibition of the myocardial muscle and a decrease in blood pressure. Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants show a longer effect when exposed to Betak tablets.
If it is necessary to carry out a planned intervention of a surgicalnature, then the drug is canceled two days before the event, so that the pills do not affect general anesthesia.
Stop treatment with Betak medication, the instructions for use advise not immediately, but gradually, with a decrease in dosage over 7 or 14 days, in order to avoid the body's reaction to drug withdrawal. Every three days, the amount of the drug is reduced by 0.005 g.
Pills should not be taken with drugs that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
The antihypertensive effect of the drug is reduced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and estrogen drugs, which retain sodium ions and water, and also inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin compounds inside the kidneys.
The simultaneous use of diltiazem, amiodarone and verapamil with Betak tablets leads to an increase in the inhibitory effect of betaxolol hydrochloride on the contractility of the myocardial muscle and its conductivity.

The combination of the drug with cardiac glycoside drugs contributes to the development of atrioventricular type block.
Combination with other antihypertensive agents increases the hypotensive activity of Betak tablets.
Cocaine reduces the therapeutic efficacy of betaxolol when administered simultaneously.
The combination of Betak tablets with adrenomimetics or xanthines causes a mutual weakening of their activity.
Phenotiazines and betaxolol hydrochloride, when interacting, increase theirblood levels.
Betak prevents the elimination of drugs containing lidocaine or theophylline.
Sulfasalazine increases the serum concentration of betaxolol hydrochloride.
No information available on the use of the drug in pediatric patients.
Caution is required in the use of tablets by people driving a motor vehicle, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
Similar products
Beta1-adrenergic blocking medicines include the medicine "Betak" instructions for use. Analogues also belong to this pharmacotherapeutic class. Their active ingredient is betaxolol hydrochloride.
The French analogue is the drug "Lokren", produced by the company "Sanofi Winthrop Industry" in tablet form coated with a white film. Their shape is round with biconvex surfaces, on which there is a dividing line and an extruded designation “KE 20”.
Exists in a single dose of 0.02 g of betaxolol hydrochloride. The auxiliary components of the drug include milk sugar, microcrystalline cellulose, type A sodium carboxymethyl starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.
Hypromellose, polyethylene glycol grade 400, titanium dioxide can be found in the composition of the film coating.
The drug is sold in cardboard packs with two blisters of 14 tablets.
Used to treat high blood pressure, it is also combined with other drugs for hypertension.

The drug can be used to prevent exacerbation of angina pectoris in a stressful form.
A similar drug in Russia is Betaxolol, which is produced by the Moscow Endocrine Plant in the form of white film-coated tablets. They have a round shape with biconvex surfaces. The active ingredient is betaxolol hydrochloride in the amount of 0.020 g. The auxiliary components include milk sugar, sodium starch glycolate, dehydrated aerosil, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose. The film coating is formed by polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide, talc, macrogol brand 3350, opadraem-2 white.
This remedy is used systemically for high blood pressure.
There is also the medicine "Betaxolol" in the form of eye drops, which are applied topically for chronic open-angle glaucoma, with high intraocular pressure, when restoring vision after laser trabeculoplasty.
Patient feedback
About the Betak tool, instructions for use include reviews of undesirable consequences in the "Adverse reactions" section. These manifestations may not always occur when using the medication.
From many patients you can hear positive feedback about the beta1-blocker Betak, which perfectly treats arterial hypertension and angina pectoris. Basically, tablets are taken together with other antihypertensive drugs forcomplex therapy that enhance their effectiveness.
After a course of application, blood pressure returns to normal, which greatly improves the patient's well-being.
There are also reviews about the drug, which indicate the ineffectiveness of treatment with this remedy.