In our article we will tell you which painkillers for bone fractures are most effective, as well as the rules for taking these drugs, contraindications and possible side effects. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only. The treatment regimen and drug therapy for people who have received a serious injury with a fracture should be prescribed by a doctor.
First steps after injury
Don't start drinking painkillers immediately after a fracture! An ambulance must be called immediately. Arriving doctors will help to quickly stop an attack of acute pain and take the patient to the emergency room. The doctor will examine and determine the extent of damage based on the x-ray.
If the fact of violation of the integrity of the bone is confirmed, the patient will be put in a cast to fix the limb and prescribed medications, including painkillers, for subsequent treatment.

Why do we need painkillers for fracturesdrugs?
Even a small crack in a bone can cause severe excruciating pain to a person, not to mention a fracture. Those who have suffered a fracture-related injury at least once in their lives know that only an effective pain reliever can significantly reduce the degree of suffering. In addition to helping the patient to overcome pain, analgesics solve the following tasks:
- prevent fainting and traumatic shock;
- quickly stop the inflammatory process;
- help restore motor functions;
- facilitate breathing and heart;
- help speed up recovery processes in the damaged area.
If pain is not eliminated, the risk of complications increases. A person suffering from pain experiences continuous tension and powerful emotional stress, and this slows down recovery. Strong painkillers for fractures are a must in a comprehensive treatment program.

Varieties of pain relief
If a person has been diagnosed with a broken bone, then depending on the severity of the situation, traumatologists can resort to one of the following pain relief options:
- The use of general anesthesia. This happens in the most severe cases: fractures of the spine, hip bones and joints, and also if the violation of the integrity of the bone is combined with other serious injuries and there is a need for surgical intervention.
- Introduction into the patient's bodynon-narcotic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic (NSAID). These drugs are widely prescribed as pain relievers for broken legs, arms, or ribs.
- The use of painkillers, which include drugs. It is practiced in difficult cases, for example, when a muscle tissue is torn by a broken bone, as well as to remove the patient from a state of shock.
The most affordable analgesics - NSAIDs - are available in various forms: tablets, ointments, injection ampoules, gels. They are freely available at most pharmacies.

Painkiller injections
In the first hours and days after a fracture, the pain is usually very strong. To remove it as soon as possible, injections are used. An anesthetic injected into the body with an injection begins to act within 5-10 minutes, unlike tablets, the effect of which occurs much later.
One of the most powerful drugs of the new generation, produced in ampoules, is Ketorol. Injections are most often done intramuscularly, less often intravenously. The time of action of the drug is from 6 to 10 hours. Minus injections with "Ketorol": they can not be injected for more than 3-4 days in a row. But for the first, most painful days, this is quite enough. Then you can switch to taking pills.
The disadvantage of this method of getting rid of pain is also the fact that in case of bone fractures, not every patient can make painkillers on their own at home, butit is simply impossible for a person with a broken arm or leg to go to the clinic every time. Family members are also often unable to help their suffering relative, lacking the skills and experience to carry out such procedures.

Painkillers for fractures
Let's take a closer look at the most popular and easy-to-use painkillers that are effective for bone fractures. These are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, available in the form of tablets. Their effect is based on the relief of pain with simultaneous suppression of the inflammatory process in the musculoskeletal tissues.
List of the best new generation NSAIDs:
- "Xefocam". A very effective remedy that can be taken for a long time (necessarily under the supervision of a doctor). Additional release form: solution for injections.
- "Movalis". It has a strong long-term analgesic + anti-inflammatory effect. To get rid of pain, just take one tablet a day. It is produced not only in the form of pills, but also in ampoules (for injections) and rectal suppositories.
- "Celecoxib". Excellent pain relief and suitable for long-term use. At the same time, the negative impact on the digestive tract is minimal. Release form: gelatin capsules with medicinal powder inside.
- "Nimesulide". All the advantages inherent in the above means apply toto this painkiller. Only available in pill form.

Rules for taking pain pills
To get the maximum benefit from these drugs and minimize harm, you must follow these rules:
- Do not take NSAIDs with alcohol.
- Painkillers should only be taken after meals and never on an empty stomach.
- Carefully read the instructions, study the contraindications and correctly calculate the dose of the drug.
Applying ointment
Painkillers for a broken arm or leg in the form of ointments are very effective in the recovery period after the plaster is removed. The fact is that even after successful bone fusion, the limb can swell and hurt for a long time. In pharmacies, the choice of such drugs is very large. Here is a small list of the most effective of them:
- Gel "Diclofenac" is one of the most popular external remedies for fractures. It is famous for its triple effect: relieves pain, relieves swelling, treats inflammation.
- Nurofen ointment is a fast-acting remedy that perfectly relieves pain. Causes allergic reactions in some people.
- Ointment "Ketonal" is an excellent analgesic, suitable for long-term use, does not have a pathological effect on the structures of living tissues.
Can be used already in the first days after injury as an anesthetic for broken ribs. In this case, the plaster will not be a hindrance, because it is not applied to the areachest.

What are the contraindications to the use of painkillers?
Unfortunately, the use of analgesics is not possible in some situations. Here is a list of such cases:
- Drug allergy or individual intolerance to any drugs.
- Some blood diseases.
- Severe diseases of the kidneys and liver.
- Recent heart attack.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation period.
These contraindications can be considered relative, since the strict prohibition applies only to self-medication of patients with painkillers. An experienced doctor, even in the most difficult situations, will be able to choose the right analgesic that will help a suffering person without harming him.

Possible side effects of pain medications
Sometimes, trying to get rid of pain, a person begins to swallow handfuls of painkillers. With fractures, most often physical discomfort accompanies people for a long time. At the same time, the recommended duration of courses for taking most strong analgesics is short, since they have the ability to have a number of negative effects on our body. Before taking NSAIDs uncontrollably, you should familiarize yourself with the following list of their side effects:
- They affect blood clotting, increase the risk of blood clots. This is especially true if the patient has atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, varicosevein expansion. Result: increased risk of thrombosis, stroke, heart attack.
- Contribute to the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum 12. The reason for this is the blocking of the COX-1 enzyme, as a result of which the protective gastric mucosa becomes thinner, and the production of hydrochloric acid in it increases, which leads to damage to the internal walls of the organ. The danger of the described process is that a peptic ulcer can be asymptomatic and manifest itself suddenly with severe bleeding or severe pain, indicating a perforation of the stomach. It may endanger a person's life.
- Cause constipation, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting. The causes of all these symptoms are described above.
- Negatively affect the kidneys, impairing blood flow in this vital organ. Because of this, fluid is retained in the body, swelling appears, and jumps in blood pressure can be observed.
No matter how great the suffering from the pain of a broken bone, you do not need to take risks and violate the rules for taking pain medications indicated in the instructions.
In case of fractures, modern painkillers can significantly reduce pain or even remove it completely, but the consequences of an injury can affect the rest of your life. Try to be careful, take care of yourself!