Vaccinations "Grippol": reviews, prices. Vaccine "Grippol": is it worth it to get vaccinated?

Vaccinations "Grippol": reviews, prices. Vaccine "Grippol": is it worth it to get vaccinated?
Vaccinations "Grippol": reviews, prices. Vaccine "Grippol": is it worth it to get vaccinated?

The life of a modern person is very different from what it used to be. The fact is that in past centuries, medicine was not as developed as it is today. As a result, there was a high mortality rate. Moreover, people died even from such a disease as the flu. Therefore, modern scientists have developed a special vaccine that can protect a person from such an ailment. True, not everyone understands everything about the composition and effect of vaccination. Therefore, in our review, we will consider reviews of the influenza vaccine "Grippol Plus" and "Grippol".

Influenza vaccinations. Reviews
Influenza vaccinations. Reviews

New drug formulations are constantly being developed because the virus mutates and a vaccine that helped last year may be useless today. Below will be given information about the vaccine "Grippol Plus" (suspension). Instructions for use, reviews and description of side effects will help to draw the right conclusions regarding the use of the drug.

What is the essence of modern vaccinations?

All vaccinations are designed to help the body develop its own immunity. This will givethe ability to resist various pathogens in the future. A weakened virus of a disease is injected into the body. The goal is to develop protection. A he althy body must physiologically begin to fight a foreign virus for it, which in the future will make a person immune to the disease.


This is a disease known to everyone. Both adults and children suffer from it. The flu is accompanied by high fever, cough, and possibly a runny nose. As a rule, a person feels weak at the same time.

You can often hear that the flu is a dry disease in which there can be no runny nose. But experience shows the opposite. The influenza virus can manifest itself differently every year, leaving behind severe complications.

Another danger of the disease is its annual mutation. There has also been an increase in deaths in recent years. Complications can affect the legs, ears, head, and so on. We are all so accustomed to the word flu that we accept it as a common thing. However, this serious disease often develops into an epidemic.

Influenza vaccination for children. Reviews
Influenza vaccination for children. Reviews

Treating the flu is difficult and costly. Medicines are expensive. All this encourages people to get vaccinated. Medicine does not stand still, and for several years now the population of our country has been vaccinated against the flu. The vaccine "Grippol" on a voluntary basis is introduced into the body of children and adults. But for several years, disputes have not subsided about whether this drug gives a result, helps or, conversely, harms.

Grippol isone of the most difficult to date vaccinations. The thing is, people react differently to it. This, in turn, gives rise to both negative and positive reviews about the influenza vaccine "Grippol Plus" and "Grippol".

How does the drug work?

The principle of action is the same as that of all other vaccines. A weak influenza virus is introduced into the body, which should cause a certain reaction. Namely, to develop immunity to the virus, to overcome it. This, in turn, should warn a person against the threat of disease in a real epidemic.

influenza vaccine reviews influenza plus
influenza vaccine reviews influenza plus

But the reaction is different for everyone. Many people have allergies. This is due to the fact that chicken protein is present at the heart of the vaccine. It causes an allergic reaction.

Indications for the use of the "Grippol" vaccine

The drug is designed to vaccinate the population over the age of three years. The indications for use focus on those people who are at greater risk of getting the flu than everyone else.

  • We are talking about the following categories of citizens:
  • children of preschool and school age;
  • adults over 60;
  • people who often get ARVI, have a weakened immune system, as well as diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • smokers with weakened lungs exposed to chronic illness with pneumonia;
  • people with anemia and frequent allergies (the latter does not include an allergic reaction to chickenprotein);
  • people with kidney disease, as well as those with diabetes, metabolic disorders, asthma.
  • flupol patient reviews
    flupol patient reviews

Vaccination should be given to those who work in hospitals, educational institutions, police, military service. It is also recommended for trade and service workers.

Contraindications for the "Grippol" vaccine

You cannot be vaccinated in the following cases:

  • if a person is allergic to chicken protein or had a negative experience with previous flu shots;
  • with SARS;
  • during the development of an acute intestinal infection;
  • in a feverish condition.

In all but the first case, the vaccine can be given after the person has recovered.

Grippol vaccine. Should I get vaccinated?

We cannot convince you of the need for vaccination or, conversely, dissuade you. After all, as mentioned above, each person reacts to the vaccine in his own way. But it’s not worth making hasty conclusions that you don’t need to be vaccinated because you already had a negative experience. After all, the vaccine is improved every year, making new adjustments.

flu vaccine is it worth getting vaccinated
flu vaccine is it worth getting vaccinated

In order to make a decision, you can first read the various opinions of people who have been vaccinated with "Grippol". Reviews about the consequences of vaccination are not so bad. In order to form your own opinion about this remedy, you can useour article.

Can pregnant and lactating women be vaccinated?

According to the studies, it becomes clear that "Grippol" does not pose a threat to the life of the child and does not have a toxic effect on him. But it is necessary to be vaccinated only at the discretion of the doctor. Also, pregnant women can only be vaccinated in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

No contraindications for breastfeeding.

Vaccination price

"Grippol" costs about 120 rubles for 0.5 ml. It is provided free of charge to all those at risk. If you urgently need a vaccine, you can purchase it at the pharmacy yourself.

When is the vaccine given and where?

Planned vaccination of citizens is carried out in autumn and winter. It can also be given with other routine vaccinations other than BCG.

Grippol Plus is put in the thigh for children, in the shoulder for adults.

What are others saying?

Is the "Grippol" vaccine useful? Patient reviews often differ on this issue. Many people are looking forward to the start of vaccination, as they are sure that Grippol will save their family from the possibility of contracting the flu, as well as complications and unnecessary spending on medicines. As we said above, opinions about vaccination are very different. Each of them is based on personal experience. You need to draw the final conclusions yourself.

Pros of vaccination

Are Grippol vaccines safe? Consumer reviews suggest that side effects from the vaccine can be confused with the vaccine itself.disease. The fact is that the reaction can be the same as when infected with the flu. For many people this is not a problem. They think it's better to endure a side effect than to get sick.

grippol plus suspension: instructions for use reviews
grippol plus suspension: instructions for use reviews

Positive feedback on the "Grippol" vaccine:

  • vaccine is provided free of charge to people at risk;
  • affordable price at the pharmacy for self-purchase;
  • after being vaccinated during the epidemic, there was no infection with the flu;
  • manufactured in accordance with all international quality and safety standards;
  • easily available for purchase;
  • there are several types of vaccines, which makes it possible to vaccinate even if the previous experience was negative;
  • many people note an improvement in the general condition of the body, increased immunity;
  • vaccination is voluntary.

Inoculation "Grippol". Negative feedback

There are a lot of opinions about the negative impact of the vaccine. Many people flatly refuse to be vaccinated. As a rule, this is due to past negative experiences. There is a lot of controversy regarding the "Grippol" vaccination. Reviews are usually not only positive. People attribute to the negative aspects of vaccination:

  • possible adverse reactions that are very similar in symptoms to the disease itself;
  • more severe illness if infected;
  • nausea, burning in the nasopharynx;
  • not vaccinatedno effect - the person contracted both the flu and SARS;
  • allergy;
  • does not help with reduced immunity;
  • general opinion of doctors about the effectiveness of the vaccine;
  • does not protect against other colds.

As you can see, how many people, so many opinions about the "Grippol" vaccine. Reviews only confirm the above.

It is also worth considering how "Grippol" affects the body of children. There are also a lot of opinions here, which are very different from each other.

Influenza vaccinations. Reviews
Influenza vaccinations. Reviews

Children's vaccine

How useful is the "Grippol" vaccine for children? Reviews in this case are more often positive than negative. It is worth noting that children and adults are given different vaccines. In the first case, it is "Grippol", and in the second - "Grippol Plus". For children, the vaccine is more gentle, does not contain preservatives. Below we will talk about the arguments in the direction of the positive and negative effects of the drug on the child's body.

Employees of kindergartens believe that the "Grippol" vaccination for children will be of great help during the epidemic. Reviews in this case are also different, there is no consensus.

What do parents say?

Vaccination benefits:

  • is done free of charge;
  • helps your child not get the flu;
  • in the cold season, the child does not get colds;
  • done in school and kindergarten;
  • increases immunity;
  • sold at an affordable price and freely available in casenecessary;
  • good portability;
  • if you did get the flu, you recovered faster than usual.
flu vaccine plus in kindergarten
flu vaccine plus in kindergarten

Negative opinion:

  • severe side effects;
  • allergy;
  • high fever, nausea, nasal swelling;
  • low efficiency;
  • did not give any protection, the child got sick after every vaccine;
  • did not protect against colds;
  • controversial opinion of pediatricians about the effect of the drug.

The "Grippol Plus" vaccine is mainly made in kindergarten. Parents can either agree or refuse it.

So, we have told you everything about the preparations "Grippol" and "Grippol Plus" for children. You will draw your own conclusions about their effectiveness. Those who are not afraid of the "Grippol" vaccination leave mostly positive reviews. However, there are also people who are categorically against such vaccination. And that is their right.
