In today's world, many of us are exposed to virus attacks. The immune system is under attack all the time due to poor ecology, low-quality products and an unstable rhythm of life. Infections in children usually go away with a significant increase in body temperature, especially when it comes to seasonal viruses. They quickly adapt and move into new forms, so the child gets sick several times during the season. If the child nevertheless caught the virus, then it is necessary to choose the right antiviral agent.

Not everything that is offered in pharmacies fits the parameters of parents when choosing a medicine for a child. Therefore, finding an effective and safe remedy for treating viruses is sometimes not easy. There is, however, a group of drugs that are the best choice in this case.
To save a child from a viral infection and strengthen his immunity, candles "Viferon 1000000" are often prescribed. Instructions for use are included in each package. In this article, we will analyze in detail how safe this drug is, in what dosages it should be used and whether it has side effects.
Drug action
Suppositories "Viferon" for children consist of alpha-2b interferon, which is the active ingredient. Polysorbate, sodium ascorbate, tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid are included in suppositories as excipients. Alpha-2b interferon is created synthetically, it is called recombinant or genetically engineered. Candles are bullet-shaped white with a yellowish tint. A non-uniform color is acceptable. The diameter of the candle does not exceed 10 millimeters. There is a funnel on the longitudinal seam.
Suppositories have immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiproliferative effects. The effect of increasing immunity is associated with an increase in cell activity due to interferon and an increase in T-lymphocytes. Vitamin C and tocopherol acetate contained in suppositories greatly enhance the effect of interferon. That is, "Viferon" spurs the immune system to fight the virus, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
The use of candles "Viferon 1000000" normalizes the content of immunoglobulin E, restores the balance of its own interferon. The use of suppositories helps to reduce the dosage of antibiotics and hormones, as well as the duration of their intake. In the production of "Viferon" cocoa butter is used, and not synthetic emulsifiers, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions, and also facilitates the introductioncandles and promotes rapid dissolution.
According to the instructions for use, candles "Viferon 1000000" have a fairly wide range of applications:
- Normalize the production of their own interferon.
- Increase the production of immunoglobulin.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Stabilize cell membranes.
- Activate regenerative processes.
All of the above strengthens the child's immunity during the season of colds and flu, which allows you to recover and recover from illness faster.

Thus, rectal suppositories "Viferon 1000000" are indicated for use in the following infectious and viral diseases:
1. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), a severe form of influenza with a complication of a bacterial infection.
2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases in newborns of various etymologies (viral or bacterial meningitis, when the membranes of the spinal cord and brain become inflamed; sepsis, which is a bacterial infection of the blood; intrauterine infections such as enterovirus, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, herpes, urea- or mycoplasmosis; in complex therapy carried out to destroy the pathogen).
3. In complex therapy in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis in children and adults.
4. In the treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious and inflammatory nature (vaginal vaginosis, candidiasis,trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, etc.)
5. A skin infection of the herpes type, which has become chronic and prone to recurrence, or with a severe clinical course of the disease.
6. Chronic bacterial infections of any localization as a means of raising the activity of immunity. Instructions for the use of candles "Viferon 1000000" confirms this.
The product goes well with antibacterial and hormonal drugs. It allows you to significantly reduce their dosage, which reduces the risk of intoxication and side effects.
The main contraindication is the individual intolerance of the substances that make up the suppositories. Although this feature is quite rare. Otherwise, candles are absolutely safe for all age groups.

Side effects
The drug has practically no pronounced side effects. In quite rare cases, allergic reactions, rashes and itching, headache, weakness, chills, nausea and loss of appetite may occur. However, already three days after the abolition of the candles "Viferon 1000000", the symptoms disappear without a trace. In any case, when using suppositories, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.
Unlike interferon administered parenterally, suppositories help to avoid most side effects, since there are no antibodies in the intestines that neutralize the effect of the active substance. "Viferon", like other drugs of the interferon group, actsas an immunomodulator, therefore it is addictive. That is, after some time, the child's immunity adapts to the fact that interferon fights viruses for him and ceases to be defensive.
With caution
Caution should be used, according to the instructions for use, candles "Viferon 1000000" in the treatment of recurrence of herpes infection in the following cases:
- Atypical, common, generalized types of herpes.
- Atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, etc.
- Malignant neoplasms on the skin.
- When taking antidepressants and tranquilizers.
- Neutropenia.
- Thrombocytopenia.
- Autoimmune diseases.
Many parents are also interested in the question, is it possible for children to have candles "Viferon 1000000"? Let's figure it out.
Special Instructions
During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol. Before prescribing the drug, the patient must have a blood sample taken for analysis to calculate the leukocyte count, calcium, electrolytes and creatinine levels.

If a patient has myeloma, then regular checks of the kidneys for dysfunction are necessary. If the indicators begin to rise, then the dosage of the drug is reduced or the candles are canceled for a while.
Patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system may begin to suffer from arrhythmia and flu-like conditions, therefore, in combination with Viferon 1000000 suppositories, the minimum dose is prescribed according to the instructionsparacetamol.
Use and doses
Suppositories "Viferon" are administered rectally. The amount of active interferon in one candle depends on the dosage of the purchased drug (from 150 thousand to 3 million IU). The dose of the drug and the duration of the course are directly related to the nature of the disease:
1. During acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, influenza and bacterial infections (viruses, chlamydia, etc.), the drug is used as part of general therapy. The dose recommended by experts for adults and children over seven years of age is 500 thousand units twice a day with a twelve-hour break. A course of five days in severe cases can be extended to ten days. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for candles "Viferon 1000000". They are prescribed less frequently for adults.
2. For children under seven years of age, as well as premature (gestational age over 34 weeks) and newborns, the recommended daily dose is 300 thousand units, divided into two times, with a course duration of up to five days. The break between two courses should not be less than five days. For premature infants (gestation age less than 34 weeks), the drug is prescribed three times a day for 150 thousand units, that is, every 8 hours. Therapy can also be extended, and the break between courses should be five days. This is confirmed by the instructions for candles for children "Viferon 1000000".

3. For the treatment of pathologies of infectious and inflammatory etymology in newborns and premature infants, such as viral and bacterialmeningitis, sepsis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, suppositories "Viferon" are part of complex therapy. Newborns and premature babies (gestation age over 34 weeks) are given 150,000 units twice a day for five days. For premature babies over 34 weeks' gestation, the daily dosage will be 450,000 units divided into three applications every eight hours. The duration of treatment is also five days.
In various diseases, multiple repetition of the course is possible, for example, sepsis involves 2-3 courses of the drug, herpes infection - at least 2 courses, enterovirus - 1-2 courses, mycoplasmosis and candidiasis - 2-3 courses, and cytomegalovirus - 2-3 courses. The interval between courses remains unchanged and is five days. In advanced cases, it is possible to prolong therapy with Viferon 1000000 candles according to the instructions.
4. They are also used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of hepatitis B, C and D, which are of a chronic viral nature. It is also possible to use it for complications in the form of cirrhosis of the liver in combination with plasmapheresis and hemosorption, when chronic hepatitis is in the active phase. Adults are prescribed 3 million units twice a day with a twelve-hour break for up to 10 days. Immediately thereafter, three times a week every other day for up to one year. Laboratory studies and the effectiveness of the application in this case determine the duration of therapy with Viferon 1000000 suppositories.
Children under 6 months are prescribed up to 300 thousand units per day, up to a year - 500 thousand units. From one to seven years, it is recommended to use 3 million IU per square meter of a child's body area per day. In children older than seven years, this dosage is increased to 5 million units. In the first ten days, the drug is used twice a day every 12 hours, then the amount is reduced to three times a week, the course can be extended up to a year, due to the effectiveness of the drug.
The body surface area for calculating the daily dosage of "Viferon" is made by a nomogram specialist (the calculation is based on such parameters as height and weight), while the calculated parameter is multiplied by the amount of the drug used at a given age. The resulting figure must be divided by two to get a single dose of the drug. The indicator is rounded up to the dosage of candles.

Before hemosorption or plasmapheresis in the treatment of viral chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, children under seven years of age are recommended to use suppositories of 150 thousand IU twice a day for two weeks; children over seven years old - 500 thousand units. In general, Viferon 1000000 candles (the instructions for use confirm this) are suitable for children in most cases.
5. Pathologies in the urogenital tract caused by an infectious and inflammatory process, such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, condidiasis, human papillomavirus, mycoplasmosis, etc. are also treated with the use of Viferon suppositories along with other medicinal prescriptions. Adults are assigned 500 thousand rubles.units twice a day for up to 10 days, and the course can be extended according to clinical indications.
Starting from the 14th week of gestation, pregnant women are prescribed 500 thousand units twice a day with a twelve-hour break for 10 days, and then every month until delivery, 150 thousand units twice a day, a course of five days. In case of urgent need before childbirth, starting from the 38th week, it is allowed to use 500 thousand units twice a day for 10 days. How are Viferon 1000000 candles used during pregnancy?
6. In adults and pregnant women, the remedy is used in the treatment of recurrences of herpes on the skin and mucous membranes with an average and severe course of the disease. Adults are prescribed 1 million units twice a day for up to 10 days, in case of relapse, treatment is prolonged. Therapy should be started immediately when the first symptoms appear (burning, itching and redness).
Starting from the 14th week of gestation, pregnant women are prescribed 500 thousand units twice a day for up to 10 days, then three more times for 9 days. Before childbirth, prophylaxis should be carried out every 4 weeks, using suppositories with a dosage of 150 thousand units, twice a day for five days. In case of urgent need before childbirth, starting from the 38th week, it is allowed to use "Viferon" 500 thousand units twice a day for 10 days.
Applying candles is quite simple. The main thing to remember about personal hygiene is to wash your hands before and after the procedure. Candles "Viferon 1000000" (under what indications they are prescribed, we already know) melt quickly, so there is no need to warm them in your hands.

Dr. Komarovsky, popular today, does not classify Viferon as a drug with proven effectiveness. In his opinion, the child's body does not need this drug either as a treatment or as a preventive measure. However, he does not classify interferon suppositories as harmful to he alth. Komarovsky believes that the use of suppositories has a more calming effect on parents than on a child.
Many mothers support the opinion of Komarovsky and do not note the visible effect of using Viferon candles. Others, on the contrary, vying with each other about its positive impact on the child during SARS and influenza. Parents note how it has a positive effect at high temperatures, helps relieve inflammation. Some believe that it is this drug that speeds up the recovery of the child. A separate item in the reviews can be found the positive effect of suppositories on the child's immune system, which allows you not to get sick even in the cold and slushy season. A plus is also called the compactness of the drug and the possibility of its use even in the treatment of premature infants. Others consider the drug too expensive and prefer cheaper analogues. Therefore, the reviews about the candles "Viferon 1000000" are radically opposite.
Synthetic interferon, in addition to "Viferon", is also contained in generics such as "Genferon-Light", "Kipferon", as well as "Grippferon" (nasal drops) and "Anaferon". All these drugs are similar in their action, but they also have individualfeatures. For example, "Anaferon" is a homeopathic preparation and is available only in the form of lozenges. "Genferon" is similar in composition to "Viferon", however, there are differences in excipients. "Grippferon" is the most identical in composition and effectiveness, but is available only in the form of drops. All of the above drugs have their own contraindications, so only the attending physician can prescribe them. It is undesirable to change the candles "Viferon 1000000" IU to one of the analogues at your own discretion, as this can cause complications.
Doctors are mostly positive about the drug. Pediatricians especially note the high degree of tolerability of the drug, even in premature infants. The actual absence of side effects is also a plus. According to doctors, the use of Viferon suppositories in many cases makes it possible to avoid prescribing antibiotics.