Substitutes and analogues of "Sanpraz". Reviews and comparison

Substitutes and analogues of "Sanpraz". Reviews and comparison
Substitutes and analogues of "Sanpraz". Reviews and comparison

The accelerated pace of life, regular stress and nervous strain in modern society have led to a marked increase in the incidence of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The danger of pathology is that erosion can reach the bottom of the muscle layer, provoking perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines. Untimely assistance, unqualified treatment can ultimately lead to death, which is why experts talk about the need for timely treatment. The range of medicines for this disease is diverse, allowing the doctor to optimally choose the medicine itself or its analogues: Sanpraz, Nolpaza, Omeprazole.

Sanpraz analogs
Sanpraz analogs

Factors of aggression for the digestive system

In the development of ulcerative erosion, an important factor is the aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system against the background of a decrease in its protective capabilities. Factors of aggression include:

  • increasehydrochloric acid;
  • infection of the mucous membrane with microorganisms;
  • disorders of gastrointestinal motility;
  • oxygen starvation of the gastric mucosa;
  • throwing the contents of the duodenum into the stomach.

Most often these factors work against the background of stressful situations, when infected with bacteria and when the mucous membrane is injured during diagnostic procedures.

The action of antisecretory drugs

The number one drugs in the treatment of erosive pathologies of the stomach are drugs aimed at reducing the secretion of gastric juice: sanpraz, analogues and substitutes for this antisecretory drug. Excessive production of hydrochloric acid disrupts the microflora of the mucous membrane, making it susceptible to bacteria.

Antisecretory inhibitor drugs go through several stages in their therapeutic pathway:

  • once in the stomach, transported to the small intestine;
  • dissolve in the intestines, enter the bloodstream;
  • with blood flow inhibited to the liver, then to the stomach;
  • accumulating, converted to tetracyclic sulfenamide;
  • block the proton pump, excluding it from the production and transport of hydrochloric acid;
  • reduces the volume of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, minimizing its effect on the mucous membranes.

In this way, antisecretory drugs minimize the negative impact on the gastric and intestinal mucosa of hydrochloric acid, and help accelerate the healing of erosion.

sanprazinstructions for use analogues
sanprazinstructions for use analogues

Variety of the basis of inhibitors

The basis for inhibitors that reduce secretory function are active substances of a certain direction of action. Therefore, on the modern pharmaceutical market there are a lot of inhibitor drugs themselves and their analogues.

  1. Pantoprazole-based drugs: "Sanpraz" and "Nolpaza", "Peptazol" and "Controllok".
  2. Means based on omeprazole: "Omez", "Promez", "Ortanol", "Omezol", "Gastrozol".
  3. Drugs based on lansoprazole: Lanzap, Helicol, Lanzoptol, Epicurus.
  4. Drugs based on rabeprazole: Zolispan, Pariet, Rabelok.

The popularity of drugs based on active substances is based on the fact that they act as sparingly on the mucous membrane as possible, minimizing the risk of side effects.

Sanpraz analogues and substitutes
Sanpraz analogues and substitutes

Preparations and analogues

Analogues of any drug doctors consider medicines with a similar active ingredient. Inhibitor drugs have many analogues, the most popular are analogues of sanpraz.


Active ingredient

Indications Contraindications
"Sanpraz" Pantoprazole

Peptic ulcer of stress etymology

Stomach and duodenal ulcer

Erosive gastritis

Reflux - esophagitis

Dysepsia of neurotic origin

Malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract


Hypersensitivity to pantoprazole

"Nolpaza" Pantoprazole

Stomach and duodenal ulcer

Erosive and ulcerative lesions while taking steroid drugs

Reflux esophagitis

Erosive gastritis

Dyspepsia of neurotic etiology

Under 18

Hypersensitivity to pantoprazole

"Omez" Omeprazole

Stomach and duodenal ulcer

Reflux esophagitis

Erosive and ulcerative lesions while taking steroid drugs

Stress ulcers



Lactation period

Hypersensitivity to drug components

Rules of treatment "Sanpraz"

Depending on the pathogenesis of the disease, the severity of symptoms, experts prescribe a certain dosage form of the drug "Sanpraz". Instructions for use (analogues are also selected by the doctor) stipulate the universal use of the drug:

  1. For the treatment of stomach ulcers, doctors prescribetablet form "Sanpraz 40 mg". How to take: 1-2 tablets (depending on the severity of symptoms) in the morning before meals, swallowed whole with plenty of liquid. After the onset of the remission period, the drug should be drunk in a prophylactic dose - ½ tablet per day for two months.
  2. A duodenal ulcer and erosive gastritis are treated in a similar way. Therapeutic course - no more than two weeks.
  3. Erosive pathologies caused by taking steroid drugs are treated with "Sanpraz". The tablets are taken orally on an empty stomach with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course of admission: the first two weeks, 2 tablets, the next month and a half - ½ tablets.
  4. Reflux esophagitis is treated in a similar way: 40-80 mg of the drug in bitches for two weeks.
Sanpraz reviews analogues
Sanpraz reviews analogues

Side effect of Sanpraz

The use of sanpraz, like any other drug, has the risk of side effects during treatment. Most often, they appear against the background of uncontrolled intake of the drug or incorrectly adjusted dosage.

  1. Pathologies of the nervous system are manifested in depressive states, causeless headaches, hallucinations and problems with orientation.
  2. Side effects from the hematopoietic system are manifested in violation of the formula of platelets and leukocytes.
  3. The gastrointestinal tract can respond to the intake of sanprazpain spasm, intestinal dysfunction, increased levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin in the blood.
  4. Local manifestations are diagnosed with symptoms of urticaria, skin itching, swelling of the larynx.
  5. Impaired thermoregulation of the body, manifested in an increase in body temperature.
sanpraz or omez
sanpraz or omez

Treatment with analogues of "Sanpraz"

Sometimes patients do not particularly trust imported drugs, considering them unreliable, provoking side effects. "Sapraz" refers to imported drugs, so doctors use full analogues of "Sanpraz", which include "Nolpaza", "Ultera", "Peptazol".

The advantage of Nolpaza is that this medicine is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies, compared to many other drugs, it has a mild and sparing effect. The following benefits of this medicine are considered:

  • low cost;
  • gentle and gentle action;
  • good portability;
  • minimum side effects.

Therapy with other inhibitors

Omez is considered to be a well-known drug-inhibitor for the treatment of ulcerative-erosive pathologies of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes the doctor is faced with a choice: "Sanpraz" or "Omez", despite the fact that the active substance of both drugs is identical.

The drugs "Sanpraz" and "Omez" have a lot in common:

  1. Both drugs haveantiulcer action.
  2. Same operating principle..
  3. Same amount of active ingredient.
  4. Coincidence of adverse events.

This allows patients to conclude the complete identity of these drugs, qualifying "Omez" in the group of complete analogues of "Sanpraz".

sanpraz tablets
sanpraz tablets

Miscellaneous similar medicines

Despite the fact that "Omez" and "Sanpraz" are considered analogues, there is a significant difference between these drugs that should be considered when choosing a drug.

Specialists refer to the differences:

  • different but identical active ingredient;
  • more delicate action of sanpraz, minimizing the risk of side effects;
  • a shorter period of taking sanpraz to achieve the desired therapeutic effect;
  • a higher degree of safety of sanpraz and a wider spectrum of action compared to omez;
  • frequency of taking sanpraz is less than omeza..

Omez has established itself as a relatively simple drug that is used primarily in the treatment of ulcers or gastritis. The modern "Sanpraz" has a wider range of effects on the pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, with complicated pathologies, it is recommended for the treatment of "Sanpraz" or "Nolpaza".

Patient testimonials

Most patients taking antisecretory agents for peptic ulcer symptomsstomach and intestines, speak positively about the drug "Sanpraz". Reviews (analogues are also considered for comparison) note the mild effect of the Sanpraz medicine.

According to reviews, "Sanpraz" and "Nolpaza":

  • differ in long-term prolonged action;
  • acts effectively even against the background of errors in the diet;
  • relieves heartburn and nausea.

Negative reviews are considered to be those that against the background of treatment with these drugs, the mental state of the patient worsens. Some note their psychological state as uncomfortable, lasting the entire period of taking "Sanpraz". Those who continued treatment despite discomfort note that depression accompanied them throughout the course of therapy.

sanpraz and nolpaza
sanpraz and nolpaza

Recommendations for choosing a drug

The medicines "Nolpaza" and "Sanpraz" are considered absolute and complete analogues. Doctors usually prescribe any of these drugs to patients, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Omez has long been considered no less effective. Those patients who are accustomed to this particular drug are not recommended to change the treatment regimen, despite the fact that omez has a more aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Specialists draw attention to the fact that the choice of a drug or its analogue should be entrusted to a qualified specialist, self-medication is dangerous and can lead tocomplicated course of the disease.
