Despite the widespread use of such drugs, many people often have a question about what vasodilators are. These drugs are able to somehow expand the lumen of blood vessels, facilitating the work of the heart and accelerating blood flow. Today, these drugs are very popular. This is due to the fact that drugs of this type act in various ways: they reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the vessels or eliminate their spasm.

What are vasodilators
All medicines in this group are divided into two categories: myotropic and central action. The first group includes drugs that affect smooth muscles: "Papaverine", "Chloratsizin", "Dibazol", "Diprofen", "Theobromine", "Eufillin". The second group of drugs affects mainly the central nervous system and venous vessels. This is the drug "Reserpine", sympatholytic, ganglioblocking and adrenolytic drugs. The use of several groups of drugs allows you to expand the range of their application in practice.
What are vasodilators for
The list of diseases for which these drugs are used is quite large. One of the most famous can be called angina pectoris. In this case, blood flow decreases in the vessels that supply the heart cells with nutrients and oxygen.

Because of this, the person experiences a pressing pain in the chest. In such cases, the drug "Nitroglycerin" is most often used. It belongs to the group of nitrates with a short duration of action. The expanding effect on the heart vessels is exerted by drugs such as Verapamil, Amidaron, Eufillin, and so on. Vasodilators such as Xanthinol nicotinate and Pentoxifylline are used to dilate the vessels of the peripheral circulatory system. There are also drugs for dilating the vessels of the head. The most popular among them are the medicines "Isosorbide dinitrate" and "Isosorbide mononitrate". They improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain. To achieve the fastest effect, vasodilating drops are used. Thanks to drugs like these, many life-threatening diseases can be avoided.
Folk remedies

In some cases, vasodilator herbs can be used. They soothe and relax the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, increasing their width. As a result, blood circulates faster and the workload on the heart is reduced. Herbs are used in many diseases of the heart, especially in hypertension. to the most popular andeffective "green medicines" include the following: chamomile, visnaga, hawthorn, tea bush, parsnips, bloater. Such vasodilators should be used with caution. First of all, you need to consult a doctor. Strictly follow the instructions and treatment plan. Despite the natural origin of medicinal herbs, they can easily cause harm to he alth. Misuse may result in negative consequences.