The drug "Oftolik" is available in the form of a clear solution, colorless or with a yellow tint. The drug is used in ophthalmology. The composition of the drug contains polyvinyl alcohol, povidone. Additional components: water, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride.

Description, mechanism of action
Means "Oftolik" (eye drops) instruction characterizes as a keratoprotector. The drug provides protection of the cornea with reduced production of tear fluid or with high evaporation of the tear film. Povidone and polyvinyl alcohol help reduce redness and irritation of the eyes. By coating the surface, the compounds reduce stress and prevent tears from tearing. Polyvinyl alcohol has properties similar to the mucin produced by the conjunctival glands. The component helps to moisturize and soften the surface of the eyes. Due to the activity of the component, the stability of the film is increased. After instillation, low systemic absorption is noted.
The drug "Oftolik" (eye drops) instruction recommends for use whendry eye syndrome to eliminate the discomfort, burning sensation, irritation that accompanies this condition. The drug is indicated as a substitute for tears with reduced secretion. The drug is recommended for conditions requiring hydration or softening of the cornea.

Means "Oftolik" (eye drops). Instruction. Price
Recommended (unless otherwise prescribed by an ophthalmologist) 1-2 drops in both eyes. The frequency of instillations is three or four per day, in accordance with the severity of manifestations. Before instillation, wash your hands. Shake the vial and remove the cap. During instillation, the pipette tip should not come into contact with the surface of the eye or skin (to avoid infection). For a more complete distribution of the solution, you should tilt your head back, pull the lower eyelid, make a drip. The bottle must be turned upside down. After use, the drug is closed tightly with a lid. The cost of medicine in pharmacies starts from 200 rubles.

Side effects of the drug "Oftolik" (eye drops). Reviews
According to many patients, after applying the solution, the condition of the eyes improves significantly. The drug is fast acting and effective. In addition, the tool has a minimum of side effects and contraindications. When using the drug "Oftolik" (eye drops), the instruction warns about this, the development of allergic reactions is possible. As a rule, they occur when the components of the agent are intolerant. If pain increases, vision worsens, symptoms of a pathological condition persist for more than three days, or manifestations that are absent in the annotation occur, you should consult a doctor.
The medicine is not allowed for use in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The expediency of therapy for pregnant and lactating women is determined by the ophthalmologist in accordance with the indications and tolerability.