"Fluomizin" - reviews. "Fluomizin": how effective is the drug?

"Fluomizin" - reviews. "Fluomizin": how effective is the drug?
"Fluomizin" - reviews. "Fluomizin": how effective is the drug?

The drug "Fluomizin" belongs to the group of antiseptics and disinfectants. This medicine comes in the form of vaginal tablets (candles). Fluomizin reviews are good. The active substance of the drug is dequalinium chloride. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, therefore it is very well suited to combat many microorganisms of the gram-positive and gram-negative type, protozoa and fungi drug "Fluomizin". Candles reviews are mostly positive. The drug is very effective.

Reviews Fluomizin
Reviews Fluomizin

Spectrum of antimicrobial activity

Why does Fluomizin have such good reviews? The positive qualities of the drug are directly related to its active substance. Dequalinium chloride has antibacterial activity against pathogens potentially found in the vagina. The substance has a very wide spectrum of activity: streptococci of various types, including beta-hemolytic groups A, B, D; pseudomonas; klebsiella; golden staphylococcus aureus; peptostreptococci and listeria; gardnerella; fusobacteria; Proteus;serrations of various strains; bacteroids - it successfully fights all these pathogens. Dequalinium chloride is active against Candida yeast-like fungi and Trichomonas vaginalis. With the intravaginal method of application, the tablet of the medication dissolves in the liquid medium of the vagina. The active substance reaches concentrations in it from 2 to 4 thousand milligrams per liter. These values are well above the minimum concentration for all pathogens to which susceptibility has been found. This allows you to quickly and effectively suppress microbes. Therefore, Fluomizin has such good reviews.

Fluomizin candles reviews
Fluomizin candles reviews


The results of various studies indicate the very high effectiveness of the Fluomizin medication for the treatment of vaginal pathologies caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. Dequalinium chloride refers to surface-active substances (surfactants). It increases the permeability of bacterial cell membranes. Under its action, cellular enzymes of microorganisms lose their activity, which causes violations of the basic vital functions of bacteria. Ultimately, this leads to their death. The action of dequalinium chloride is limited to the vagina. Only a small dose of the substance penetrates through the integumentary epithelium of the mucous membranes into the general bloodstream. There it is metabolized and excreted through the intestines in an unbound form. The effectiveness of the drug is usually noticeable after 2-3 days. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fluomizin has such good reviews. When used, antimicrobial activityaccompanied by a decrease in swelling of the vaginal tissues and mucous membranes, as well as a decrease in the volume of secretions (leucorrhoea).

fluomizin during pregnancy reviews
fluomizin during pregnancy reviews


With almost any vaginal discharge of bacterial and fungal etiology, the medication "Fluomizin" (tablets) can be prescribed. Feedback on its effectiveness is usually positive. The drug is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • candida vaginitis;
  • Trichomonas vaginitis.

The medication is also prescribed for the rehabilitation of the vagina before childbirth and gynecological operations. In pharmacies, the medicine "Fluomizin" (candles) is freely dispensed. Reviews, price (relatively affordable), effectiveness and a wide range of actions make this medication very popular.


Fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy reviews
Fluomizin suppositories during pregnancy reviews

The instructions for this drug indicate that it is prohibited to use it in case of high sensitivity to the active substance, as well as to any of the auxiliary components. You can not use the drug for ulcerative lesions of the vaginal tissues and cervix. The drug "Fluomizin" is forbidden to be used by girls who have not yet reached puberty.

How to use

The recommended frequency of administration is one tablet or suppository intravaginally at bedtime for six days. The drug "Fluomizin" should be injected into the vagina as deeply as possible. It is better to do this while lying on your back. For the period of menstruation therapystop. Treatment is resumed after the end of menstruation. The duration of the course should be at least six days. Reducing the treatment time can cause re-infection (relapse), as well as the acquisition of pathogen resistance to the drug.

Medication "Fluomizin" during pregnancy: reviews and recommendations

This drug is allowed during pregnancy. The results of studies indicate that it does not adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, you can use the drug "Fluomizin" (candles) during pregnancy. Reviews about its safety are positive. However, there is no reliable information regarding the penetration of dequalinium chloride into breast milk. Therefore, during lactation, the drug can be used only after consulting a doctor. Vaginitis is often exacerbated during pregnancy due to a decrease in the level of immunity in a woman. This disease poses a great threat to the fetus. For the treatment of vaginitis in gynecology, the medication "Fluomizin" is prescribed. One of its advantages is fast relief. Symptoms of ailments disappear after a few days from the start of therapy. Therefore, recovery does not have to wait long. All this allows you to minimize the effect of the drug on the organisms of the mother and fetus. However, it should be understood that the disappearance of symptoms is not a guarantee of recovery. Therefore, the treatment course should always be completed, adhering to the scheme for using the drug prescribed by the doctor.

Fluomizin tablets reviews
Fluomizin tablets reviews

Side effects

According to reviews,which were obtained as a result of studies of the action of the drug, the following side effects are possible in patients: redness, itching and burning in the injection zone. However, these symptoms are often caused by a vaginal infection. During the period of use of the medication, local irritations of the mucous membranes, erosion, and vaginal bleeding were also noted. The cause of these symptoms may be various earlier lesions of the vagina. For example, due to a deficiency of the hormone estrogen or an inflammatory process. Rarely, fever has been reported.


Medication "Fluomizin" contains auxiliary components that do not completely dissolve in the vagina. Therefore, in some cases, the remains of vaginal tablets fall on the underwear. The effectiveness of the drug "Fluomizin" does not decrease from this. However, against the background of excessive dryness of the vagina, there is a possibility of a completely undissolved tablet being released. In this case, therapy is not effective. It does not adversely affect the mucous membranes of the vagina. However, in order to prevent the release of the whole tablet in case of excessive vaginal dryness, it is necessary to slightly moisten the pill with boiled water before insertion.

fluomizin candles review price
fluomizin candles review price

Additional information about the use of the drug

All information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not recommended to use it without prior consultation with a doctor. It should be understood that self-medication can be dangerous and cause harm.he alth. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy.
